View Full Version : Late Report - 5/12/05 - Schultz Canal

09-12-2005, 10:48 AM
Well, had a crew up from Sydney for a holiday, and one of the girls wanted to go for a quick fish on Monday. So took her down to Schultz Canal (It's very close to my house!) for a quick plastics run. She was using my Catera rod with 6lb Fireline, and 10lb mono leader.

Showed her the basics of using the plastics, and she got the casting down ok. Nothing for a while, then a tiny bump. Then nothin for a while after that. The rest of us sat back in the sun drinking beer! ;D

Anyway - Finally she says "I think I've got something", and the rod doubles over and braid gets pulled from the reel! :o Lift the rod, wind on the way down, lift the rod, wind on the way down. Take it easy, let it run... Saw a quick flash of pale cream as it rolled near the bank - Could be a little flatty... Takes another run.... Finally get it to the bank where I can see it.... Friggin CATTIE!!!

She's a mad cat lover, so for her, this was the best thing she could've caught! ::) So I offered for her to grab the slime coated line... NO WAY was she doing that! Typical...

So I told her to keep the rod still while I lifted it out of the water to release it... Instead she lifts the rod tip sky high as it comes onto the bank and start slopping around... BANG! :o 1 snapped rod tip! :'(

So all we caught was a stinkin cattie, the rod broke, and most people got sunburnt! Plus I was driving so could only have 1 beer!!! Oh well, she was stoked. I am now thinking of cutting the rod down short and using it with a cheap reel for a bait jig. Also means I have a good excuse to go buy a better rod for bay plastics! ;D

09-12-2005, 10:57 AM
She was so happy about this....

I was ready to kick it back into the water! ;) (Just kidding! I wouldn't do that!)

09-12-2005, 11:00 AM
::) ::)
you need to move closer to some better fishing spots ;)
R U sure you didnt mean to snap that rod, been x-mas and all :D
Have to catch up for C&C charter soon.

09-12-2005, 11:01 AM
lol i've had both my spinning rods brake in the last week, but it just gives you an excuse to go out and buy a better one lol well sounds like she had fun so thats good. the bait jig idea is awsome might do that to mine

Joel ;D

09-12-2005, 11:07 AM
Why would I want to deal with all that traffic though mate? ;) This way, I have a few local spots that catch me good fish (This was not one of them), and hardly any cars ;D

Defiantely another CCD Trip soon!

Yeah she definately had fun... That's what the trip was about, so it's all good. Apparently that was the biggest fish she's ever caught, so there's two points to me! (She's one of the missus' best friends.... Good books for me!!!)

Although I saw one of the Mad Keen shirts in a catalogue last night that said "Game fishing is going fishing with the guys on her birthday".... Well Monday was the Missus' bday, but she was working, and it was her friend that asked, so I got away with it!!! ;D

09-12-2005, 11:30 AM
Hey Dan,

You can get the top section replaced for $60.

Mossop's replaced mine under warranty. Good job for you, since I broke it waiting at the ramp for a degenerate inebriate :-)

We'll need to catch up over the holidays - you around?


09-12-2005, 12:12 PM
Ha ha ha! I still managed a few fish for such a "degenerate inebriate"!!! ;)

I figure that for $99 roughly I can buy a brand new rod, so not too worried about replacing just the top half. Besides, it will make a top bait jig rod! ;D

Definately catch up mate! I'll be down at Coffs over Xmas, but back in Brizzy after that. I may head north for a few days at some stage, but not sure if the $$$ will allow it...

09-12-2005, 05:39 PM
Oh No Dan, you've been reduced to vermination :'(
Next thing it will be midnight trips up the Pine to go look for bigger catties ;D

Definitely time I got the boat back in the water so that we can have another fish

10-12-2005, 11:12 AM
She was so happy about this....
I was ready to kick it back into the water! ;) (Just kidding! I wouldn't do that!)

I saw a chap kick a cattie on the Hornibrook (hays inlet side) only to get spiked.
Wet myself laughing. The funniest part was his girlie squeel. What goes round comes round eh?

10-12-2005, 02:01 PM
gday dan,

bloody catties ay? prime time for em. you been nailing anything decent around the northside lately?
