View Full Version : Wellow Green and Peel report 9-12-2005

09-12-2005, 01:28 PM
I wanted to take another day off work to go fishing ;D I was at Wello boat ramp and 4:30am
The weather report looked ok for wellow only with about 8kt NW wind. I left the ramp and had a small amount of Donk trouble /: easy fix choke was on because the pin had become lose.
I got to spot X around 5am at wellow with nothing at all biteing not even a Grinner >:( . The Weather was on the improve so I headed to Green I caught my first Bream on ZOOMS baby bass. and 3x 31 cm Sweetlips which where all returned. I got board so I move to Peel to drift over the house boat and it was dead too. The good news is that the weather was better then what BOM was reporting as well it was not that hot. Well it beats working even if i did not get a Squire.

09-12-2005, 03:07 PM
Yep a crap days fishing still beats a great day at work ;D

09-12-2005, 03:35 PM
NOTE NOTE !!!!! I forgot the mention there was alot of rubish on top of the water in the bay from storms last night like trees, logs and wood So please be careful out there this weekend.

09-12-2005, 05:39 PM
[smiley=dankk2.gif] for report steven 78
I have been tossing up I thinkI give the bay miss Tomorrow take my chances over the South Passage instead and a least caught some fish and had fun [smiley=thumbup.gif]
I will be wary when crossing the bay for storm debris

09-12-2005, 11:22 PM
Hi Steven, Pity about no squire today but hey you had some fun with the sweetlip.............too much fresh water after the storm............Hope by Sunday the water has settled down and the squire are on the chew.
Cheers Brent ;)

10-12-2005, 07:00 AM
Brent there was some schoolies near Green Island as well.
I know you will do very well as the tides and weather will be on your side.
Good Luck. Just watch out for the rubish and logs. I had a tree branch around my prop which slowed me down a bit.
What a weekend to play golf :-[ I wish I was out in the bay.

10-12-2005, 07:14 AM
Tough life Steve, fishin on Friday golf on the weekend....
Have a good time at Coolum mate. ;)

11-12-2005, 10:26 AM
gday, people.

Went out 10/12 at about 5:00 pm , sea breeze in full force, fished the wello reef with bait, just continually getting snagged, at about 7:00pm when the tide chaged, s..t hit the fan, waves coming in one way, current the other way, ahhhhhhhhh i was so angry, rigs getting snagged, anchor not holding, the next few hr, i punched , kicked , and screemed, all to no avail, i relaised it would be better to give it a miss, so went home empty handed.

ahhhh times like that are so frustrating, fishing should be relaxing.