View Full Version : Cabbage tree. 20/21 dec

21-12-2005, 10:26 PM
Hi all!
Fished Cabbage Tree Ck. overnight in the tinnie for zip but a couple of catties!
I had livies out all night without a nudge!
Got the catties trying for flathead, fun but definately best dealt with outside the boat! (and left there :-) )

22-12-2005, 01:55 AM
Hi Jason im the fella you gave advice to on that dreadfull night of no fish so for that I thank you, I only wish I,d seen you earlier as I already hit something solid that caused problems later that night, after retrieving our pots we decided to head for the yellow beacon outside but the swell beat that idea out of us and we ended up at the last red beacon and same as you we got nothing but a sting ray and a cat fish, I had a live mullet on that swam away at the end of the night .When the swells were about half a meter we decided enough was enough and headed back in. Bugger, broken shear pin and the tide had just changed direction to running out ,I carry a spare but they are much eaiser to fit while on land,so it was an eventful but disapointing in the fishing and crabbing side of the night .I'll give it a go again and hope for a better outcome.

22-12-2005, 10:00 AM
Hey Snasman!
That's the first time I've actually fished cabbage tree. I came down at low tide the day before and walked as much of it as i could to make sure I knew about the shallow spots!
Those rocks in front of the old building nealry got me.. I didn't expect them to be as covered as they were at high! They were barely visible and I would have hit them had I not seen them earlier that day....

An addition to my last post - I caught a pikey eel that night too... ugly buggers... He's happily swimming back in the creek and probably looking for the next poor ausfishers bait!

Anyhow, until my next post...

22-12-2005, 10:19 AM
gday jason,

yeah unfortunately that system aint producing much at the moment - rarely does! how far upstream were you when you got the pikey? great to be out there anyway mate!


22-12-2005, 10:50 AM
Hi Cuzza.
Mate, I fished no more than visual distance from the ramp at the co-op.
just a little upstream from the old building.
I've read alot of your posts on here, and thanks for the advice you've given me!
I'd love to pick your brains over a few beers at some stage! Do you have a regular water hole on the peninsula?

Unfortunately, my boat is a little small to allow me to do the fishing I really want to do.. I'm looking at buying something between $10000 and $13000 that will get me over to moreton (and back..!) on all but the worst days.
Any help here would be greatly appreciated!
Perhaps a post for the boating board!

When you heading out again mate? I'm thinking of taking some pots up cabbage tree tonight!

22-12-2005, 05:10 PM
gday jason,

im hitting cuzza's tonight but i'm dead keen any other time mate! i'll pick your brains too, lol! lemme know whenever youre free and we'll hook up mate.


22-12-2005, 11:26 PM
hey jason, here is a idea, how about a pollycraft boat, i have one myself and had it for the last 2 years, i got it brand new with a brand new merc 40hp 2 stroke tiller steer, all for around 11,000
then a spent about another 1000 or so putting depth sounder and lights in the boat. its great value for a brand new boat, 4.5m long and well, mines hit enough rocks to suggest its true when they say they are very hard to break. a thought anyway.

24-12-2005, 09:23 PM
Thanks for that...
As I said i don't know much about poly boats.
How is the ride and handling in swell?

23-12-2006, 10:42 AM
Mate I'm on holidays, so anytime between now and the 3rd jan
I doubt you'll get much from picking my brains! If you're lucky there'll still be a couple of dry old peanuts rolling around! :-)
