View Full Version : Green Island. Morning of 25/12/2005

25-12-2005, 07:20 AM
Thanks guys and more to come;)

25-12-2005, 10:08 AM
G'day Well, 2am chrissy mornin saw me up and by 3:20 I was at the ramp. Had checked the bureau and it was anything from the north in the 10-15 knott range with 1M of swell. Launched @ wello about 3:30 and headed out through the leads and then realised how lumpy it was. I only have a 12' horizon tinny matched with a 9.9 2st merc ut i put it thru its paces. Droped the 3 pots up past the leads and then headed into the swell and up to green. Got there after a longer than usual trip because of the conditions and with only one other boat there before dawn all was well. Anchored up in 5.8M of water and i was surprised @ how dirty it seemed for a high tide. Anyway, burleyd up as usual and threw the floater out. Tore some "secret bait" off of the block and threw out the bottom rod. Throughout the mornin only managed a coupla decent runs, on wich baits were dropped. And 2 really bizzare cut offs, as if someone was down there with scissors snipping the 25lb trace @ the hook. During the morning after sunrise, I got a big run on the floater. Now this setup is a 6' 8kg wilson super snapper rod, shimano btr6500 spooled with 8kg platypus pink down to a small black swivel, pink n blue squid skirt, 00 sinker all on a meter or so of 50lb mono leader and a flight of 4 4/0 gamagatsu gangsters stuck through a w/a pilly. All this is suspended by a small water bomb. Well the baitrunner drag went off and after not being able to get ANY line back i came to the conclusion it was a shark. Bronzie is my guess, about the 4-5' range. After this machiene just kept going and going and going and going east, i decided to head east and chase it. Pulled anchor and did just that. I tracked it down after about 220M and how do i know this? GPS. The shark went deep i about 9M of water and after all that it was a bust off. Seems as the teeth had its job done. Went back and fihed some more to no avail and then circumnavigated green, headed south picked up the 3 pots wich the new one had 4 understze male sandies in it. All went back. All went well back to the ramp and back home by about 9am. All in all a good mornin but had a chat to a bloke at the ramp as he was headin out but that story will be in another forum page. I tow the 12' with a beige '82 dual cab hilux and ausfish stickers for the tinny are in the mail... if u see me out n about come over and say g'day. By the way, back out wednesday arvo/night.

25-12-2005, 10:16 AM
Great report mate, pitty you couldnt get a christmas feed, things can only go better for wednesday!

25-12-2005, 10:41 AM
top report , tells a story , about as close as i will be to getting out over the xmas break

25-12-2005, 06:59 PM
And 2 really bizzare cut offs, as if someone was down there with scissors snipping the 25lb trace @ the hook.

There has been consistent reports of schoolies in the area taking floaters. They will bite through 120lb mono without a quiver of the rod tip. Try a short length of 80lb single strand next snip off ;).
Good luck on Wed Dave. Hopefully I'll get on the water then.
Cheers, Jay

25-12-2005, 07:08 PM
Good report Dave. But what is a water bomb?

25-12-2005, 07:15 PM
grenade ?

26-12-2005, 05:09 PM
Fishinmishin, I'd agree with the schoolies. Mongrels hey. The cut offs were happening on my bottom rod, not the floater but they can still be down there.

Cheech, as for the waterbomb. These are also called water balloons. Just minature baloons as kids we used to fill em with water and pelt our mates/brothers with them. Makes a great balloon to suspend a bait because of their compact soze and very cheap ($3 for 100 or so usually). kmart in the party sectoins will have them, as will some newsagents and similar places.