View Full Version : Cheech's  Allniter - Grassies Galore

31-12-2005, 04:46 PM
Myself, Craig { Cheech} and Mark left whyte island ramp about 5pm friday for an overnight trip to mud to explore the shallows.
Well according to bom the wind blew from the n/e most of the night,
but the weird thing was there seemed to be more like a northerly or north westerly chop all night. :-?
So ended up spending more time moving back and forth around the southern end than actually fishing.
After a few drinkies ::) ::) [smiley=dizzy.gif] [smiley=dizzy.gif]
and bugger all in the esky we all had a power nap in the calm shallows.
Woke up and snuck back to where we wanted to fish and slowly but surely produced a feed. :D
Got outfished by the two deckies, bloody show offs - might have to find some other ones ;D
In my desperation to even the scoreboard,
i lost at least 3 good squire , due to my granny knots, pulled hooks, and bad luck. :P
which would have put the deckies back in their place for sure ;D
total tally 10 grassies, 4 squire and some moses.
Good to finally ave a fish and a few laughs with ya Cheech.
Next trip - headin south for some bigger models.
over and out
regards darren

31-12-2005, 04:51 PM
Cheech with an entertaining run which peeled off line and headed for the hills ,

31-12-2005, 06:52 PM
Geday allnighter ,
Even if the deckies beat you , it looks like you all ended up with a good feed ;)

Searaider 2

31-12-2005, 07:08 PM
well done where were you fishing?

31-12-2005, 07:31 PM
Sure was unusual conditions with the wave direction and wind being at different directions all night. It should have been way smoother where we were fishing.

:o By the time of that photo I think my left arm was about to pack it in. Had battled and lost about 200m of line by that stage, and then it started to speed up as it got into deeper water. Love that zing... Darren certainly put us on the money. I have never had as many unstopables, and there seemed to be something happenning at every spot. Not too shabby number of keepers, plus sharks, huge catfish, rays, laughs and good company.

Was certainly an entertaining trip. Fishing super light in shallow water is one of my favorites, so was great to go for a trip with a seasoned shallows expert (he has the mozzie bites to prove it). And a return invite... you bet. Looking forward to it.

(ps: before anyone asks, that flattie was a bartail.)


01-01-2006, 02:14 PM
Hope you blokes are leaving some fish for me. And don't forget, for every fish you catch in my spot, a xxxx gold should be hand delivered.

Seems only fair ! ::) :-? ;)

apart from that, just goes to prove ya don't have to drive a million miles to produce a good feed.

W/D Darren & Craig & Mark.


01-01-2006, 03:01 PM
Nice catch Darren & crew,
Mate you better get down here soon because the squire have been going off on the plastics. ;D
Fish up to 55cm have found there way into the esky.
Cheers Brent :)

01-01-2006, 06:46 PM
glad u had some laughs mate,
just one favour please, keep those handheld gps marks under your pillow ;D
sneaky bugga ;D

How are ya phil,
all your spots are now barron of fish ;D

Only 55cm eh ?
the BIG ones must be late this year..... ;D
only jokin mate - good stuff, i thought you would go well there
plenty of time left yet

01-01-2006, 08:09 PM
Well done Allniter and crew, Brent was the lucky one today I came home empty handed but still had some very good runs and 2 fish which where just on 35cm i retunred them to get bigger.

I cannot wait for the weather to get better and cooler so i cn plan a mud trip.

01-01-2006, 11:22 PM
Nice work fellas! Sounds like you all had a top night! The results certainly speak for themselves!!! ;D

01-01-2006, 11:30 PM
Nice catch guys. What were you guys fishing with? Baits or plastics?

02-01-2006, 10:01 AM
we used a variety of bait,
still gotta get a bit more mullet gut off the boat yet :P
we did have a short try with fake fishies the next morning which resulted in one 5" rubber bitten in half - but no hookup.

02-01-2006, 10:40 AM
Ahh good mate. Bait seems to be the way to go of a night time.

03-01-2006, 11:06 AM
Hey Guys,
Nice effort, wish I could have joined you, next time eh ;). Cheech, always got get an action shot on an unstoppable, suppose we all got time to get the pic… ::) :P.
Nice looking sweeties, went out yesterday am with Uncle to Green and got a nice feed, love fishing the shallows.
Hey Darren, you got watch Cheech with that gps, it’s grafted to his head. :D ;D :D ;D ;)

03-01-2006, 09:17 PM
GPS marks?? What do I need those for when you are half a cast from the shore.

I thought you were entering MY marks into YOUR gps. ;)

Chong, you would have been in your element. You and your Mullet gut. Mark referred to it as a big lump of joy. Sound familiar?

03-01-2006, 09:57 PM
See , now you're giving away too much info " half a cast from shore"
does half cast refer to my tanned complexion ? ;D ;D L.O.L.
Mark certainly has a way with words doesn't he.....
mullet gut - "ball of pus"
fireline - "pus line"
gold - " pus beer "
baby octopus - "'pussy"
etc. etc. ;D
Chong, we'll have to tee up a charter with Cheech....
I've heard about that famous home brew rum [smiley=dizzy.gif] [smiley=dizzy.gif]
you would have fit right in with us " tipsy" fishers

04-01-2006, 12:44 PM
Sounds like a plan, nothing quite like the taste of a home brew rum made with mullet gut fingers :P mmmmmmm. Cheech, I told you that stuff is great and nothing like a good bit of mullet puss with a squid enticer to get those squire chewing ;). Will have to make a date, 2 boats, 4 fishers, ??? rum :P plus 5kg of fresh gut, sounds like heaven, I’m ready when u r. :D ;)