View Full Version : 12 Days at Hummock Hill Is

08-01-2006, 12:32 PM
Returned home yesterday afternoon after 12 days and nights at Hummock Hill. Just Sue and I and the dog. Beautiful spot and had the whole island to ourselves for most of the time. The bloody northerly's did not let up at all so unfortunately not much to report about fish catches. Hey, does anyone know if northerly's also shut the mudcrabs down?? We had 4 pots which were checked and rebaited at least every 24 hrs and we only managed to score three bucks. No females at all. I found it to be very strange as we were in the thick of muddie country. We enjoyed a very relaxing time, good food, cool nights, and cold xxxx. Our families on the mainland met us at the ramp every 4 days with fresh ice and supplies. Cleaning up day today, boat and camping gear etc. Incidentally, some of you might remember I was having trouble with the lift on the engine, well I contacted our insurer and it looks as though we might end up with a whole new trim and tilt!! Should know more next week.

Cheers to all for a beaut 2006


08-01-2006, 12:40 PM
Dave i have found that the northerlys doesn't shut the crabs down just the fish

cheers pete..

08-01-2006, 01:29 PM
Welcome back Dave. Dunno about the crabs and northerlies. I have noticed that this year they have shut down in spots that were previously very productive. It isn't that they're fished out as they have shown up later. The Pine is a prime example. It has generally produced poorly the last 6 weeks or so and now it is firing again.


08-01-2006, 09:53 PM
It really is interesting about the crabs. One day on the island Sue called out to me to come and see something washed up on the beach. 'Something' turned out to be a tiger shark about 10 ft long. It had been finned and tailed but no other marks were obvious. It had only been dead for probably a day, maybe two, as the eyes were still intact and only slightly faded. I cut the jaws out of it and towed it out into deeper water on the run out tide. Can't help wondering if someone is supplying a black market in CQ???


09-01-2006, 07:35 AM

I've been at Turkey Beach for 2 1/2 weeks and all I've been able to catch is sharks, a few good Bream, whiting, sharks, stingrays, shovel nose sharks and more sharks.

I've been waiting to get out the front to Ethel Rocks but every time I poke my head out of Rodds harbour I get hammered by the northerly swell have to turn around(my 15 foot boat seems small out there). Looks like I won't get out there this trip.


09-01-2006, 03:23 PM
The crabs were quiet in Fitzroy over the Christmas week too. Reports from friends up there on the weekend are some very good catches. Not sure if the Northerlies are directly to blame but the lack of rain and the very high water temps caused by the Northerlies aren't the ideal conditions.


10-01-2006, 09:36 PM
It just seems too coincidental that the coast is experiencing winds with a northerly influence and the muddies have shut down. Maybe it is attributable to the water temp. I'm going to try the Fitzroy again as soon as the lift is fixed on the outboard.
