View Full Version : Lots of Crabs for all-

18-01-2006, 12:45 PM
Well with the weather and tides not coming to the party it was off to the creek to get a feed of crabs. With the 6 inches of rain we just recieved I expected them to be around.

Now Ive always been a stell crab pot man all my life but at chrissy I bought 4 big round orange ones for 50 bucks so I thought I would give em a go. Plus I was dying to try my new wife friendly dilly design as well.

Anyway went down the first day and put the pots in (on a monday -always crab better on a monday). Ran the dillys at the same time and ended up with 4 nice bucks biggest went 19cm across. Pic shows the crabs and dilly design

18-01-2006, 12:47 PM
Heres a pic of the biggest bloddy awful looking crab baranacles al over him, algae, I almost never at him

18-01-2006, 12:49 PM
Anyway went back down the next day and pulled the pots and found emthick with crabs. Ended up almost with the bag limit between me and the missus and almost minus one finger. Big jenny got me on the finger and went right through, blood everywhere.

Heres a pic of one ofone of the pots

18-01-2006, 12:50 PM
Another pic all I can say about those pots are they are awesome and will be buying another 4 just l;ike em

18-01-2006, 12:53 PM
Sorry the top ones the same pic different angle well anywayI wont post two many pics of full pots. Anyway fed me neighbours and my father in law and his neighbour who was pretty sad because they had just lost there dog. 2 crabs and 6 beers later we got a smile back on his face.

Heres a pic of the biggest 2

18-01-2006, 12:57 PM
Thats a damm nice catch mate. Well done :)

Where abouts in Oz were catching them?

18-01-2006, 01:14 PM
North Queensland about 200km south of Townsville

18-01-2006, 04:05 PM
LALALALALA not listening or looking. >:(
Do Not ever post this sort of thing here again or Nth Qld will be invaded by us southerners from Brisbane and possibly beyond. :D
Who needs a job with crab catches like that! I could live on muddies all year round after a couple of weeks of daily catches like that. ::)
Bugger it I am packing the car now and heading up..any one want a lift? 2 spare seats possibly ;)

18-01-2006, 04:51 PM
LALALALALA not listening or looking. >:(
Do Not ever post this sort of thing here again or Nth Qld will be invaded by us southerners from Brisbane and possibly beyond. :D
Who needs a job with crab catches like that! I could live on muddies all year round after a couple of weeks of daily catches like that. ::)
Bugger it I am packing the car now and heading up..any one want a lift? 2 spare seats possibly ;)

Count me in :D I even got some good pots 8-)

18-01-2006, 08:26 PM
top score.

were they full after being recently flushed out?

19-01-2006, 08:35 AM
"2 crabs and 6 beers later we got a smile back on his face."

Nothing like a few crabs and some beer to relax to. Up at Noosa over the xmas new years we had a few days where the weed had washed all through the river, making the fishing quite ordinary. For a laugh one night I threw out a few 5 dollar dillies and managed to catch 2 nice sized bucks- sure they savaged my dillies but I soon forgot about the bad days fishing.

19-01-2006, 09:01 AM
Nice work Devo - I did the same off Ormiston on Saturday evening and I went to collect them on Sunday morning but, alas, some thieving turd must have needed them more than me.

19-01-2006, 09:25 AM
Now THAT'S hunting and gathering Nth Qld style [smiley=2thumbsup.gif]
Top effort mate and good to see you spread the love to your neighbour.
Damo(The mullet)

21-01-2006, 09:21 AM
Thanks boys, yeah they were full to, though my cholestral dosnt look to good at the moment

21-01-2006, 02:04 PM
Is that in the local creeks all the way down in bowen devocean???

21-01-2006, 04:17 PM
Any piccies of the crab hanging off your finger?
Maybe a closeup of your face?


22-01-2006, 02:20 AM
Top report Devocean - those pots are brilliant , I have some myself.

Did the Jenny pay for her mistake by visiting Pinchy ?

23-01-2006, 05:19 PM
Bloody finger is till sore and never got good revenge because she sailed out of the boat pretty quickly as I was doing the big round arms trying to get her off.

Missus face was a classic white as a ghost bloody hurt though. This was a local Bowen creek but very secret spot in the creek only crabbing in about 3 foot of watewr on top of the tide.

24-01-2006, 08:55 PM
Good crabs devo am going crabing some time had good rain here to chase them out of there holes next few days will put up report


25-01-2006, 12:45 AM
Yeah, I know how those big muddies can hurt when they get a good hold of you. I have a scar on my finger where I needed a couple of stiches and got a crushed nail from getting the finger crunched by a big billy. Ya can't afford to get careless with 'em.

There's some nice crabs there mate. Good on ya.


26-01-2006, 06:02 PM
Well trying to get down again this weekend though the 6 inches of rain we have just recieved is not good. Will probably need a tank to get the boat in hate being washed out especially when you know the crabs are around