26-01-2006, 03:35 PM
Ater having a late night doing a called out not much sleep I put in at the Shallow Wello at 3:30 am conditions resonable
Then decided to head over to Moreton Island Again near the Sandhills
I threw out the crab pots same place again and come up trumps again there ;) ( see my last report where I got them) Gave some the crabs to my neighours,
Chase the whiting at the sandhills the Grinners where thick in numbers
I caught just as many as them as whiting :o
Turn out to be a good morning
Great trip back riding over Eastly wind swell all the way back to Wellington Point back at lunch time
Then decided to head over to Moreton Island Again near the Sandhills
I threw out the crab pots same place again and come up trumps again there ;) ( see my last report where I got them) Gave some the crabs to my neighours,
Chase the whiting at the sandhills the Grinners where thick in numbers
I caught just as many as them as whiting :o
Turn out to be a good morning
Great trip back riding over Eastly wind swell all the way back to Wellington Point back at lunch time