View Full Version : Fishing Maroochy Landbased?!

15-02-2006, 02:47 PM
Hey guys went up to the maroochy today, fished just outside the caravan parks in cotton tree. Didnt get anything but im not bothered by that as i wasnt very prepared in the first place. I was fishing with prawns in the current! It looks like it has great potential for whiting and flatties etc.. lots of big bait schools in close im sure they would get a hiding from trevally every now and then? Anyways if anybody could give me extra info on locations, baits, lures, species and techniques I would really appreciate it :) going up again sat and really wana have a crack thanks a heap, cheers

Joel 8-)

15-02-2006, 04:50 PM
Try bream style soft plastics just walking around the canals, you'd be surprised whats in there.

15-02-2006, 04:53 PM
I was there a while back and had most success fishing at the mouth of the river...and around chambers island.
I reckon there are plenty of flathead around chambers so soft plastics should be great around there.

Fishing at the mouth on the rocks side (pincoushin) best bait for us was pilchards and garfish, there are some big bream and flathead around there.
Hope this helps

15-02-2006, 04:55 PM
thanks rainbowrunner, have some gulp 3' minnows i'll give them i try! have you pulled anything extraordinary outa there or just the usual? and what do you think about trev's i would love to have a crack at them cheers

Joel :D

16-02-2006, 02:27 PM
Hey guys,
I used to live ina high-rise years ago, Banyandah Towers. We used to go snorkling around the island in the middle of the mouth and I can remember large schools of bream and a lot of flatties around then. The best area would be the north shore near Novetel. Try along the banks and look for the deepest water you can find. SP's will drag up bream mainly here and possibly a few flatties.
Good luck and I want a report back, as I might try my luck too one day. ;D

17-02-2006, 09:17 AM
mate, banyandah towers is a great spot! last winter i caught plenty of bream round 40cm, even got a 46cm one too...

17-02-2006, 09:28 AM
There is a sandbar the sticks out from Chambers Island (near the buildings) which is a good spot to flick a soft plastic - flatties seem to like hanging off that on the outgoing tide. Otherwise try over on the north shore - there is a sand boat ramp at the end of Nojoor Rd and you can walk the banks in both directions, good whiting to be had there. I have also fished the boat ramp at the end of stoney wharf road in Bli Bli and nailed some good flathead and the odd Jack on plastics. The entrance to Cornmeal creek (opposite the Wine Bar Restaurant) also holds some Bream and Flatties
You could also fish the Cod Hole (underneath the Motorway Bridge) as it holds some decent fish - night is probably best there.

Good Luck and let us know how you get on


17-02-2006, 12:55 PM
try sunshine plaza also. bream on hot chips, and some big jacks lurking in there. also the mouth of petrie ck for flatties on low, and up petrie and eudlo for jacks. good luck mate.


17-02-2006, 01:11 PM
I used to go up to Petrie creek at night when I lived in Marrochy. I'd try and catch something at the first bridge on the back road to Nambour. You would park there and as the lights fell on the water the surface activity you saw would rival any baitshchool masacre out in the bay! I was young and didn't know alot about the area in those days and am still wondering just what it was. I got a few good muddies up there too. That would be one spot I'd try for jacks these days too as I am sure they'd be there.

18-02-2006, 02:09 PM
Thanks heaps fella's, going up tommorow will tell you all how i go ;D

Cheers 8-)

18-02-2006, 02:18 PM
Hey Jacksta,

not too sure about maroochy but have had sucess on trevally in most places using berkley 3" droppies in watermelon and blue pearl just with a quick retrieve keeping the plastic near the surface!1 This has worked the best for us when you can see bait up on the surface so sounds like your in with a good chance!!! Good Luck!