View Full Version : Longtail
16-02-2006, 08:48 PM
Snuck out for a quick solo fish and to test the engine's recent repairs this avo. The plan was to head outside of Point Lookout but with the engine still sneezing and the SP not looking it's best for mid falling tide I decided to stay in the bay. With only heavier overhead gear onboard the search for the LTs began. An hour later and the baits were deployed and 20 minutes later they were both taken at excactly the same time. My 1st thought was tangled lines until they ran different directions. The 50lb outfit was left in the holder and soon pulled the hooks (where were you John ;)). Meanwhile I was working the other rod. About 30minutes later the culprit was landed. Solo gaffing while using long rods has it's difficulties (especially with my gaff skills ;D).
Last year we used to have sessions landing 4-5 of the bigger models each but with my sore back being a year older I'm sure these fellas are going to show me who is the boss this year :-/. The LTs were still around but I decided to call it a short day and head back.
At carlovers someone was nice enough to cut the corner and run over two of my rods (one just had an eye replaced last week) >:(. After firm words and an appology I learnt my lesson to not trust that all people drive with their eyes open.
Cheers, Jay
16-02-2006, 08:49 PM
16-02-2006, 08:50 PM
Rods >:(
16-02-2006, 08:52 PM
One more ;)
16-02-2006, 09:10 PM
Nice LT in some way I bet you were glad to here that Ping on the other line, as you would have got in one hell of a tangle under the boat if it stayed conected.
16-02-2006, 09:21 PM
nice fish Jay, one is enough of a workout when flying solo hey!!
17-02-2006, 02:45 AM
nice LT jay,i bet you were real impressed when your rods got ran over
cheers tim [smiley=beer.gif]
17-02-2006, 12:12 PM
Nice work Jay! Very nice looking fish!
Was that caught in the area John & I were when we saw you?
By the way - Your solo photo's are getting much better!
17-02-2006, 01:10 PM
hi jay
nice lt there
pity about the rods
cheers pete
17-02-2006, 05:24 PM
About 5km north along the dropoffs Dan. Got John coming out for a run tomorrow. You never know.....we might actually boat one ;D.
17-02-2006, 05:26 PM
dan, he aint grinning at a faceless camera, there is a mamma behind that I guarantee you ;D
17-02-2006, 06:36 PM
;D...It was actually Dan's mamma this time so I wasn't going to say anything ;D.
17-02-2006, 06:58 PM
Jeez Jay
Gettin' around with everyones Mammas ;D
Nice LT there mate.Be spewin' about the rods though.
The crew from Peel are heading over to Blakeslys next friday you should drop over.
Cheers Dazza
17-02-2006, 09:26 PM
Nice LT, i'm ready Jay, when we going? :o ;D
17-02-2006, 10:40 PM
:oWholly crap :o.....Mammma's have been spammed ::) :P. Must have been that mod that is not spoken about ;D ;). I guess I'll just have to roll over to all your sisters now :-X ;).
Cheers, Jay
18-02-2006, 11:16 AM
nice LT there jay , you coming over to blakesleys next w/end??
20-02-2006, 10:59 AM
mamma mumma
it must be nasty what your doing jay if you cant talk about it ;D
20-02-2006, 09:26 PM
Jay you still stirring the Mods? lol ;)
Well done mate, you wouldnt have been solo if you had of rang me.
Whats wrong with the donk, you got it fixed yet?
Tight Lines
20-02-2006, 09:55 PM
Yeah...all good now. Just my error of not tightening a fuel hose up tight enough so it was taking a touch of air. I'll remember you for next time Adrian. Can you PM me your ph# as I lost my phone book.
Anyone else I promised a trip to please also do so. Some I remember is Youngfisho, Daleprice, Billo.....and any others. I don't get out too often at times but solo sucks with LTs.
Cheers, Jay
20-02-2006, 10:51 PM
I would lie if i said you promised me, so ok, im going to lie.
I will swap my sister for a day out. :o ;D ;D
20-02-2006, 11:12 PM
PM me your details and your sisters Throw in your mamma and I'll let you take all the hits on the day ;D.
Cheers, Jay
20-02-2006, 11:15 PM
When are we going fishing Jay?? see if we can really break in that boat of yours :o ;D
20-02-2006, 11:22 PM
Hhahah Jay consider it done ;D Besides you will be to busy with my sister and mamma. ;D ;D
21-02-2006, 05:05 PM
Jay I dont have a sister, but will my mamma in law do lol
PM sent
Tight Lines
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