View Full Version : Goldy Jews & Kings 18.02.06

20-02-2006, 02:31 PM
Went for a Jewie fish on Saturday morning. Headed out to my bait grounds and filled the bait tank with Live Yakka’s and Slimy Mackerel within half an hour.

Pulled up at the spot and began drifting. First drift I lost a nice fish pulling the hooks after the first run. Inspection of the bait showed several Jew teeth marks. Next drift we got a nice lizard and a Tailor. A steady flow of Tailor then followed best going 2.5-3kg. Next hit was a better fish on light spin gear with a small metal lure and it run hard and fast. A bit of boat work and some thumbs on spool saw it come to boat and revel itself as a good Kingfish over 75cm.

Next drift produced a nice Jew at about 5kg then the old man the hooked up next producing a better Jew at about 6kg. The bite then slowed with only one more smaller Jew and another Kingfish over the next hour or so making its way into the esky. We then called it a morning after running out of live baits and was back home before 10am.

Photo is the catch minus a Jew, Flathead and some Tailor that my mate took as his share of the catch.

More photo's to come.

20-02-2006, 02:41 PM
nice haul Leigh. Were the tailor taking livies as well?

20-02-2006, 02:53 PM
Yeh all but the Kingy was on Live bait. There were some schools of Tailor, Tuna and Dart feeding on bait just along the beach but there were heaps of boats around them so just concentrated on live baiting.

20-02-2006, 03:12 PM
Well done Leigh, youve got those jews wired.

Last time I drifted over the reef, I had 1.5oz of sinker and the line was running out at 45 degrees. It was more like foatlining than bottom bashing. What was I doing wrong? Do I need more lead? How much do you use?

Appreciate your advice,

20-02-2006, 03:30 PM
Generally use 3-4oz lead to keep the bait close to the bottom. Lighter current can get away with 2oz.

I am fishing over shallow reef and drifting through deep holes in the seaway. It takes a little bit of time to work how drift properly and you also loose a bit of gear to snags but the results are worth it.

21-02-2006, 01:17 AM
Nice one Leigh

Good feed there, but whaddya think of those King'd from the seaway?? I never keep them now, after the first few I tried had that Mushy Flesh thing going on and tasted like powder-potato's!!

21-02-2006, 02:39 AM
Grat haul Leaigh,

Those kingies go like a rocket! I usually fillet my kingies cube them and make them into a curry... absolutely beautiful!!!

21-02-2006, 05:33 AM
well done mate those soapies look healthy

21-02-2006, 08:02 AM
they look pretty dead to me ;D
You planning on having the entire royal family over for dinner?
No way I would be keeping that many fish these days, ah well, guess some people just don't care.
Good on ya m8, nice fish.

21-02-2006, 08:04 AM
Franco, Bleed them straight up and into the ice slurry. I prefer my Kingfish either Sushimi or grilled on the BBQ. I had a plate full of Sushimi and the rest went on BBQ for the family. They tasted great both ways. I have not had one with the parasite that makes them mushy from the seaway. I have had them from the 50's with it though. Dollies get it sometimes to.

21-02-2006, 08:39 AM
Nice capture mate, you sure know your stuff!
One question, what was the tide doing?

21-02-2006, 09:38 AM
That's a nice catch of fish there - the jew look beautiful

21-02-2006, 10:25 AM
Your drifting IN the seaway itself? I thought your be on 15-20 fathoms reef? I know theres jewies in the seaway, Id just never thought of drifting with livies and that much lead. Thanks for the tips.


21-02-2006, 12:03 PM
great fish mate.

your pretty consistent with those jews!!!

21-02-2006, 12:40 PM
some nice fish there Leigh

cheers tim :)

21-02-2006, 01:33 PM
Toppy - The tide was the first of the run in on Saturday. Doesn't really matter though you can catch them at all stages of the tide you just have to work out which part of the drift they are siting in.

Gogecko - Some times the current races through the Seaway at 3-4knots The lead is not that big as a 10ball will get to the bottom on those days. When the tides are smaller you can get away with the lighter lead. Trick is that you need the heavier lead to get straight to the bottom where the fish sit and be able to feel the lead otherwise you loose way to much gear on snags or just don't get to where the fish are.

23-02-2006, 08:08 AM
Finally a photo of one of the Kingfish

23-02-2006, 08:09 AM
And one of the Jew