View Full Version : Jacobs Well - Logan prawning
27-02-2006, 07:44 AM
Although still early in the season, the combination of rain, run out tide and a few early reports was enough to convince me to go for a look. Worked from Jacobs to Rudy Maas for no luck and ended up around the Lagoons in the Logan. Managed to find a few but they were very scattered - one or two every other cast. Tried a few spots further up river for similar results.
Turned for home and luckily for me the wind had shifted easterly so I didn't have to bash into the southerly on the way home. When I came into Rudy Maas there were about 5 boats casting around the moored boats. I started watching my sounder and saw a few markings that could have been prawns so I had a cast. 5 prawns - best cast of the day. This kept me around for a while and I managed to get 2 or 3 most casts, but I was fairly knackered by this stage. After a while they thinned out a bit so I gave it away.
Ended up with just under a kilo - enough for a feed for my wife and I. Certainly nothingto barg about but reasonable for February
To be more specific all the prawns in the Logan came from around 2 metres or less, whereas I was casting in 6 metres around Rudy Maas. Also the tide had just changed to run in when I got the Rudy Maas.
Could this be a better season that last year?
27-02-2006, 07:46 AM
Yummy! 8-)
27-02-2006, 08:08 AM
Nice one Marty, Its report like this that remind me its not just a half dozen throws & your done. The sore mussles that go with chucking the net for hours on end are all part of it.
I,m please you managed a feed, nothing beats fresh prawns!
27-02-2006, 09:08 AM
Hi all can you see the prawns on the sounder and if so what sort of shape do they take I prawn the Pine River and have a sounder but have not noticed any thing on the sounder when i have been getting prawns
27-02-2006, 09:24 AM
I was down the logan very early saturday morning -not much to tell all the way north to eprapha(never remember how to spell it) creek Pulled the boat out and went a little north to another creek that producers early. ended up with 4kgs. still hard work but got a feed
Put a nice hole in my net on a rock bar, so off i go to Bob for another net me thinks
27-02-2006, 10:03 AM
Nice one marty, at least you got a kilo for your troubles. You know youve had a workout after 4 hrs with a castnet.
27-02-2006, 10:49 AM
4kgs put's my effort to shame - nice work MichaelG.
I said to my mate if we don't get a decent run of prawns this year I will definitley drag the boat further north - can't stand another year of watching guys bag out from the pine while we get nothing.
And yes Toppy, the muscles are sore and the boat was a mess - took a good hour to clean (I forgot to take the container to drop the net into after each cast!)
27-02-2006, 05:04 PM
Hi Marty,
Nice work on the prawns, you sick of jack fishing already ;) ;D . They are certianly hard work but there is nothing like the taste of a prawn you caught yourself thats for shore
27-02-2006, 05:54 PM
I never get sick of Jack fishing, but sick of fishing for them for no result. I think we were spoiled with our catch rates over January and are expectations are too high now ;D
On the weekend I had two "shows" on the sounder and only in the deeper water. When they were off the bottom they look like a cloud moving across the sounder. When on the bottom they were either three or four pixels high building blocks, or three or four pixel wide thicker lines on the bottom. This is the first time I have really seen them on a sounder.
Nice feed Marty, I waited by the front gate all afternoon for a share of the booty but had to settle for Macca's :'( :'( :'(
Just showed Germana this thread and she said "well you had better get out there and get some". love it when I get made to go out :o ;D ;D.
You up for a try this Sunday, I may even put off the boat reno for a week if you are keen, although I had better put in the bilge pump before we go ::)
See you at work tomorrow.
27-02-2006, 09:11 PM
nice work marty,
4hrs of netting is a fair innings.
2 or 3 a cast is just enough to keep you hungry.........
cheers dale
27-02-2006, 09:16 PM
I came out and back into Horizon Shores on Sunday. On the way out there were a few small boats - some only rowing so must have been locals - casting between the moored boats and the island on the east side just North of Rudy Maas . When I came back ay about 5.00 there were boats still there and I saw one net shot that must have had a kilo of prawns in it . They were real close to the moored boats .
27-02-2006, 11:49 PM
That is exactly were I was, although I was gone by 5pm. I had a feeling they would still be running after I left. As the boast thinned out, the prawns probably schooled up better allowing those better results.
John - you finally found a seafod the missus likes to eat ;D
Just to clarify - 4 hours was probably more driving and looking than casting. I sit at a desk during the day so there is no way I could throw for 4 hours straight. In fact, I am really feeling it in the back and shoulders today!
Keep your posts coming - they give us gold coasters something to strive for. That Pine river sure seems like a great prawning spot - when does the prawn run usually stop in the Pine (we usually get them till early May down here)?
27-03-2007, 09:30 PM
I have been wanting to try Prawning for a couple of years now but have never known where to go.
Today I finally got a tip as a good friend of mine caught some on the weekend.
Off I went this afternoon down to the river, and low and behold got my first lot of prawns. Only a dozen in just over 1 hour. A couple of very nice sized tigers amoungst them.
Will probably spend the each week now for the next month or so to see if I can do better. Am told that around the full moon is best.
Any good tips on some shore based locations?
28-03-2007, 01:34 AM
Over the years the prawns seemed to have thinned out a lot. I remember when Scalem and I hit that area first time the prawns (and the yellow coats) were absolutely everywhere. But now we seem to work harder and harder for less. Hopefully it will be different this year. Would love to see a good feed of them for a change. Starting to think the best thing to do is get together and put in $20 each and buy $40 (normally what we would use in fuel at least) of fresh prawns from the local seafood shop. Guarranteed a good feed at least and stay a hell of a lot cleaner in the process. ;)
Creek Vermin
28-03-2007, 04:49 PM
Come on poodroo. Theres nothing like being amongst it gettin dirty, drinking cans covered in muddy water and sorting through bullrouts and leatherjackets. Bring it on!
28-03-2007, 07:33 PM
Good on ya mate to put in the effort.I got 2.5 kilos at marks rock before another 20 boat showed up .Also around the 6th and 7th green marker.Just coming back when i saw birds diving like crazy and coming up with a prawn in their beak.
28-03-2007, 07:39 PM
Come on poodroo. Theres nothing like being amongst it gettin dirty, drinking cans covered in muddy water and sorting through bullrouts and leatherjackets. Bring it on!
Lol Creek Vermin. Yeah I have to agree that it gets me every year. As soon as we hear the prawns are coming in we are always out there doing it. It is good fun. Might even buy myself a new net this year. I got diddled the last time I purchased a new net. It was on special supposedly so I took advantage of the saving and went to use it for the first time and it was so poorly made that I immediately started to lose all the weights off the bottom rope. Not impressed I tell you. This time I will be sussing the quality out a bit more closely.
29-03-2007, 08:24 AM
I got 2.5 kilos at marks rock before another 20 boat showed up .Also around the 6th and 7th green marker
Ahhhhh I don't want to hear that story. 2.5kilos!
I tried again last night and said to myself that I had to get at least the same amount as the previous night. I tried and tried and ended up coming up 3 short.
Not even a dozen.
Gave up in the end and went home.
I think I need a proper prawn casting net. I think I am losing a lot as I can feel them in the net and then once I get the net out of the water.................Nothing!
A few holes in the net now. Problem is, once I buy a new net it will probably get tashed in no time and there goes a $100 prawn cast net down the drain.
Got a couple with really long nippers. Can anybody Cast (pun intended) any light on that type?
Also got a couple with what looked like they were carrying eggs. Put those ones back though.
Is is supposed to get better closer to the full moon?
30-03-2007, 07:19 AM
Tried again yesterday further down from Carbrook. There were 2 Prawning Trawlers working the area. I thought this was a good sign that they were there in good numbers but alas it was very dismal. I have also been finding that once it gets dark they seem to disappear.
13-04-2007, 08:34 PM
The Prawns seem to be coming on now. Got almost 2 kilos in 3 days. Doesn't sound like much but that was throwing a castnet from the bank for an hour each afternoon.
Last time I was there a passing trawler saw me throwing my net and did a U turn and dumped his net right in front of me and started trawling. The bastard is lucky I didn't have some rocks or heavy sinkers on me. They have the entire river and they do shit like that.
14-04-2007, 07:04 AM
My father was down from Toorbull yesterday and I decided to take him out chasing some prawns as he's never gone after them before. Headed to Cabbage Tree Point and looked around for other boats. Had no idea where to go in that area as I've never been there before, so basically didn't see anyone else casting and too much wind. We did have a look around the power lines area where I believe some are caught, but saw no one else.
Decided to pull the pin and head back to Tingalpa Creek, a bit more local to me. Ended up with 3kg in about 3 hours which put a smile on the old fellows face and a good feed for two families. A mixed bag of size, but some god size amongst them and a few bags of bait. All in all not a bad day. I've just bought a net off Bob and it is the duck's nuts. Catches much better than my old sports store variety.
Cheers steve0
Tuesday wasn't too good at first. We tried the popwerlines . Nothing there. We gave up headed home. Saw Nugget and 2 other boats going for it at Pitts rocks gazebo. I knew we had to join in cause Nugget knows his fishing. After a couple of throws Got some good size prawns 6" long. (Thanks Nugget!) prolly got 2 kg.
He got his TV footage at the pitt rocks gazebo there. I didn't appear on the channel 10 report though. (Must a bin too ugly). Today we joined the 40 or so boats at tip of Macleay island and opposite Kararagarra. Hard work for not too many. Still it beat mowing lawns at home. Some guys did well, and a few yellow coats were there in the mix too.
22-04-2007, 08:16 AM
I've been getting a few large tiger prawns in the river. The size and number of the bananas has dropped a little though.
Largest tiger I got was 7.5 inches!
28-04-2007, 11:16 AM
Previous record broken.
Make that 8.5 inches.
Now that is a big Prawn!
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