View Full Version : Bream on the rocks

11-03-2006, 05:16 PM
Headed down to sandon this arvo because me and dad had to get out of the house because...."mum was having friends over bla bla bla", so we threw the rods in the back of the car and shot down.
On arriving me and dad had a quick swim before grabbing the rods and going out the front only to find the water was still very tanin coloured.
Got out some blue pillys and fresh green prawns. Pillys thawed out and i threw a whole pilly out the front into a wash. Dad tried the prawns first for bream and on his first cast got a little bream. I snagged and had to cut off. Not the best start ever.
Switched over to prawns with dad as he was getting some great bites and we both pulled in 2 bream each around 600-800g. Nothing huge but good fun. After we ran out of prawns i collected some crabs and cunje and got my groper rod out for a toss. 3 more bream later and i was onto a steam train. Got in a nice little 3kg brown groper. He didnt want to turn around but with a little bit of rod work and steady locked up 40lb drag and he was washed up.
After we ran out of bait dad decided he was goign to start packing up and started walking off with only the bucket, leaving me with 3 rods. I thought about leaving one of the rods there for him to treck back to but i grabbed it and yelled out to him. Sneaky bugger.
We ended up with 7 bream, 1 groper and a whole heap of small tailor, rock allsorts, and flathead.

11-03-2006, 08:42 PM
You are getting into them at the moment Matt good work buddy. :)

Should get the old girl to invite friends over everyday ;)


12-03-2006, 11:10 AM
Great stuff Matt. Keep it coming. I can't wait to get down there in the winter.
Cheers Freeeedom

12-03-2006, 11:12 AM
Yeh it was a good oppotunity to get out. Was beautiful conditions that arvo. It was interesting watching the dirty water get pushed back into the river system as the tide came in and the clean water got closer.

12-03-2006, 11:20 AM
Nice report matt. I hooked up to one of those brow gropers when i was down there, you're not wrong they do go like a steam train.

12-03-2006, 11:22 AM
g'day matt
I live in iluka, i believe we were in touch some time ago.
Sandon is a great spot have been there twice and look forward to going again.
fishing the edge of the dirty water as it comes in can be productive. Last time in sandon katrina had too many rays taking her bait, one after the other, fun at first... I was learning to spin SP to some flathead.
If you come to iluka to fish let me know and i will keep an eye out for ya.

12-03-2006, 12:02 PM
Yeh i sure will wise67. Ive been thinking about taking the boat over to iluka and fishing around the marina walls and stuff but i think id rather try off the breakwall over there or the bluff.

15-03-2006, 08:57 AM
Hi Matt great post mate, just wondering what the fishing has been like at shelley & Lake Arigan?
Do you fish that area much?

15-03-2006, 03:41 PM
Thats my favourite place to fish. Its only about 10 minz down the road from me. Theres been a heap of school jew lately off the beaches at both shelley and arragon. And theres a few prawns and mullet in the lake for either food or live bait.
And shelleys has had heaps of groper but thats just normal.