View Full Version : logan prawning

18-03-2006, 03:46 PM
hi there guys heres a report for those who r guessing where the prawns are at the moment saw some guys saying to us we better keep this to ourselve so being the dick that i am after that coment i decided to post this to give you guys who are new to prawning some help and share the prawns while it last l ;) anyway headed out this morning for a fish first at the mouth of the new canals for 5 35plus bream a small hammerhead and 2 oversized bucks finishedup fishing at 6am then headed out looking for some prawns found a few in 5 mtrs along the morings all up for about 1 and half hr work 16 kgs of bananas ;D

,,I,, yep sure kepted to myself
sorry no pics too wet for a camera while we prawning
chears rick

18-03-2006, 06:07 PM
Sounds like quite a successful trip! I'd be cheering with 16kg of prawns [smiley=2thumbsup.gif]

18-03-2006, 06:49 PM
yeah was a good trip for early season prawns and was quite lucky to get on top of them a few times which gave us 2 kg plus hauls ;D