View Full Version : Lazy Sunday arvo

19-03-2006, 07:42 PM
Gaday all.
well after yesterdays Crap day at summerset after a Bass. NOT.
went out to lunch at the Bearded Dragon.
and on the way home noticed the water at local river running nicely .
i grabed a few rods and a couple old pillies and i was set.
My daughter come along for the ride again.
seen a guy that also fishs the area and he cast a softie straight down the mouth of a waiting Flattie.40cm neet. not bad for this neck of the woods.
he also had a nice moses Perch from farther down stream.
anyway my daughter and i started fishing and it was looking a bit dull.
with lots of casts for no fish.
we moved spots and next thing Candy's hooked up to a top little Bream 26cm.
then it went quiet for a while, then as i had just said ok ONE MORE CAST then home.
Bang i'm on , a good fish for here 28cm Bream they go hard up in the bracish water.
and that was the total. a fish each.
what i did notice was Both these fish had Healed damage. like they had suffered a hit from a bigger preditor. a bite or similar on their side.
reports of Bass from up here still coming in but i'm yet to comfirm the reality or mith.
till next trip here's a pic of Candy's fish.
Cheers Cloud 9

20-03-2006, 02:09 PM
thats the best part of fishing, you just dont know , i reckon it keeps the kid in all of us alive. and good on ya candy nice fish.

20-03-2006, 06:38 PM
nice work chief. as ive been told once before its always great when you can involve the fam.