View Full Version : Tallebudgera Jacks and pleanty of flathead

29-03-2006, 11:05 PM
Was feeling restless Monday night so decided to head down to talle bridge for a quick flick around with the sp's i had been concentrating on chinderah and the tweed so hadn;t been there for about a week. Wasn't expecting anything too serious just the usual flathead, and Moses perch etc so only took my plastics bag and the 10lb braid rig. I got there and apart from a few people wetting lines on the other side of the bridge and a couple of the ever present cast netters wasn't too crowded, rigged up with a 10kg leader (you need the thicker leader to have any chance of lifting them bigger ones put of the water) and sent out a few casts with the atomics got one smallish (36cm) bar tailed but nothing too serious so switched to 65mm drop bears; sent a cast out to a likely looking drop off and BANG solid hook up plenty of head-shakes and a few nice runs and a croc comes to the surface but unfortunately I had a bit of a rush of blood to the head (or a sudden drop in oxygen you decide) and tried dead lifting it straight up got it almost to the rail when it did a big twist and shake and snapped the line, so with much cursing and kicking myself tied another jig head on rigged up the sp and sent another one out to a slighter bigger depression, another solid hook-up not as big as the first one but still nice, this time did the right thing and walked the flatty to the shore then it was the usual mad scramble down the side of the bridge to get to him before he flipped back into the water, retrieved him, measured and he went 45cm then sent him back.
I continued fishing and for the next hour it was much of the same a couple of flathead of about average size a few were kept for the bbq most where thrown back and one solitary cod that nailed the sp on the surface.Suddenly just as the plastic gets to be level with my feet it was smacked hard, as soon as it hit I knew it was a jack so I was sitting there with one hand one the spool and the other trying like buggery to muscle the jack back out of the pylons and praying to all applicable deity's that the braid holds, that the knot holds.. even that the bloody rod holds, after about a good 2 minutes of just straight trying to wear the jack down I figured it was now or never, so I slowly started trying to walk it along the bridge, which involves not only keeping him off the pylons but also having to pass the rod around light poles one handed then trying to beach it and slide down the concrete slope, but eventually I made it picked him up and carried him back to my you beaut live well (a big storage tub with an air-pump) so photo's and measurements could be taken and he came in at 41 cm. After multiple MMS' were sent out (sorry rajawolf etc.) I then got back to the serious art of catching more jacks, I then spent the next ten minutes casting and retrieving for not so much as a sniff when I realised I might be slightly too enthusiastic with my retrieve, so took a few deep breaths sent the plastic out along the face of the bridge <twitch> <lift> <twitch> <BANG> I was on again this one hit hard and fought well above his weight but when I saw him I knew he was undersized after about reasonably short and brutal fight I dead lifted him up measured him and he was only 32 cm, so after the photo I sent him back down and got back to it, but the tide turned about half an hour after that and the fish just went off the bite, well for me; there was a south African on the other side of the bridge who was pulling in monster bream hand over fist (what is it with south African's and fishing?) but he doesn't count :P I here's a pic of the bigger one you'll have to excuse the quality I only had my phone for it (always the way) and I'll upload the other jack when I retrieve my digi.

30-03-2006, 03:16 AM
Great fish there Ash, well done mate... Those Jack's go hard.
p.s. you down this way next week? if so give me a call

30-03-2006, 04:01 AM
Nice jack m8.It sounds like hard work landing them from a bridge, but sure is worth it. I imagine we'll see a few fishos on the bridge tonite.


30-03-2006, 07:42 AM
Good report and worth your effort on bridge ;)

30-03-2006, 09:39 AM
. I imagine we'll see a few fishos on the bridge tonite.

That's what i figured, but i didnt tell them which part of the bridge i was on ;). and which tide i was fishing. and there's plenty of fish there, good luck to them i say.

30-03-2006, 10:02 AM
that a nice jack, once friend told me these chinese dudes were reel one jack after another, casting under the bridge, so try your luck and see for those who are going anytime soon, they ended up with like 3-5 jacks, but that was around mid feb but who know...

30-03-2006, 10:39 AM
that a nice jack, once friend told me these chinese dudes were reel one jack after another, casting under the bridge, so try your luck and see for those who are going anytime soon, they ended up with like 3-5 jacks, but that was around mid feb but who know...
that's how you have to fish for them there, you left your bait/sp drift under the jetty then try and muscle them out, the most sucess i've seen people having with them off there has been using mullet fillets or herring jigged up from there with a fin clipped, but you need strong gear and you can;t take your eyes off your rod, i saw one italian bloke lose his entire rig over the side because he'd walked away from it and left the drag locked. he was going to dive in after it until i pointd out the bull sharks cruising the shadow zone.

30-03-2006, 10:47 AM
Great fish there Ash, well done mate... Those Jack's go hard.
p.s. you down this way next week? if so give me a call
mate i'm only ever 15 mins away if you want to go fishing, and you're right about going hard i thought the rod was going to snap, i was only using that ragged old threadline outfit i had last time we went out. I'm going to the sand-pumping jetty with jaybee and the RBA people toomorrow but i might go down to chinderah friday or saturday night, depending on how they day goes. i'll give you a call if i am.

30-03-2006, 01:52 PM
fishingnottaken... I will most likely be heading to the SP jetty friday night, do you know what there catching there at the moment? Should i bring the heavier gear or just go after the butter species? Let us know how you go, goodluck


30-03-2006, 03:47 PM
Mate i've learned my lesson and only ever taking my heavy gear now :P hedge your bets take a heavy rod and a light rod, jig up some livies and then send them out on the bigger gear. then just hope you don't get a double hook up

30-03-2006, 07:06 PM
Bloody Well Done Mate! Nice Jack :)

31-03-2006, 03:07 PM
Thats a wicked effort mate.

Being S.Afr myself I'll explain why we love our fishing so much. We have really great surf beaches over there with some excellent estury's too!

We catch KOB which is the same as Jewies, Leervis which is Queenies, Kingfish which are your Trevor species and Yellowtails which are your Kingies here and plenty more of the same species you have here, anyway fishing and camping in S.Afr can be very dangerous, usually you have guns and knives with you especially at night, all my friends used to carry them, thats why I tagged along.

So we love fishing here so much because its similar in conditions yet so much safer, oh and did I mention we love to fish more because we can't play cricket!!! I suppose the one day final was an exception though. Anyway mate, great story and fish.

Cheers The Steenbras.