View Full Version : Exploring the Burrum River

05-04-2006, 08:35 PM
Spent a week camping at Burrum Heads so I could have a look at the Burrum River and try some fishing with a slightly more tropical feel to it. Each day I tried a different situation and looked for different species. Caught fish every day although not in huge numbers, but enough to feed myself and bring a few fillets home on the ice. Species caught included grunter (javelin fish), bream, tailor, estuary cod, school mackerel, flounder, pike, snapper, grass sweetlip and moses perch. Notable absentees among the catch were whiting and flathead although the techniques I used would catch heaps of them in the estuaries of SE Qld.
A few points to note...
There are 2 ramps at Burrum, both concrete with drop offs at their ends at low tide. The tidal rise and fall can be over 3 metres (10 feet) and the tide really rips in and out. Both the ramps face north so they also may have a bit of chop on them if the sea breeze is up. This makes it very difficult to retrieve a boat of any size except at slack tide (and even then) without assistance. I often had to get shore based anglers (usually fishing off the boat ramps) to help me. The ramp at Walker's Point, across on the north side of the river is a much better ramp.
The river is very shallow at low tide and there are sandbanks and a few mudbanks everywhere. A couple of kilometres up the river there is no main channel and the river may only be a metre deep or less. There are no beacons or bouys except those from the ramps out into Hervey Bay, so travel slowly and look carefully before charging around, as a few were doing. You'd hear the sound of a roaring outboard suddenly die a couple of times a day.
There are yabbies in huge numbers on all the banks, but they are universally tiny. I did not pump a single yabby that I would consider keeping if I'd pumped it at say Bribie. There are herring and hardiheads in large numbers, easily caught with a cast net or bait net, and they provide a ready supply of live bait.
Ran up to the Woodgate Artificial Reef one day for a look. Had a set of GPS marks from the Fishnet archive. They were WRONG - out by about 10 nautical miles. Fortunately I had another set of marks which turned out to be correct. Got busted up by a couple of bruisers I couldn't even turn. Old couple in a tinnie near me boated a trevally well over 10kgs after a long fight.
Crabbing up there was just like down here (Brisbane) - pots every 20 metres and lots of jennies. Caught only 1 legal buck.
Would I go back? I think that the area would fish better during the winter or early summer, it being a bit bewteen seasons at the moment, but I wouldn't go back to Burrum Heads until they get better ramps that are safe at any time of tide. I'd probably camp on the north side and launch at Walker's Point. Still had a great week though
Cheers Freeeedom

05-04-2006, 08:38 PM
Nice grunter of about 2 kg taken on a beach worm

05-04-2006, 08:47 PM
Great report mate, sounds like you had a decent trip considering the conditions. Nice grunter and tailor.

05-04-2006, 09:08 PM
What a magnificent part of the world, and some tasty fish as well. Excellent report.


06-04-2006, 06:39 AM
very good report nice tailor yum

06-04-2006, 07:36 AM
Know what you mean about the ramps mate.

There even worse when you choose to launch without bungs (DOH!)


06-04-2006, 09:38 AM
Went to buxton a few weeks ago to try our hand at gettin a few muddies. N yeah , plenty of genies around. Watch out for the rock bars up that way as they are just deep enough not to see but sure make for a hard hit. There situated between the mouth of the gregory river n buxton itself. Tried for a few fish but caught nothing. Would definetly go back though, used to fishin noosa area n its nice to fish somewhere where you cant hear or see another boat for an hour or so. Next time need to do a bit more exploring, weather didnt really permit last time.

06-04-2006, 11:27 AM
great report Freeeedom.....Nice grunter and tailor [smiley=thumbsup.gif] [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

cheers tim :D

06-04-2006, 12:14 PM

Great report.

With regards to the Woodgate Artificial Reef, is it close the the position indicated in brownies coast to coast and is it marked by buoys. If so I can find it, If not can you supply the GPS mark.



06-04-2006, 04:10 PM

the correct marks are S 25-05-546
E 152-34-405

I was there at low tide and the water was just over 6 metres deep. There are just patches of structure with flat bottom in between. I don't know how far they extend in each direction. The old couple that caught the trevally had a good idea. They had found the reef and then tossed a crab pot marker over to mark it. They then trolled around the general area using the crab pot float as a guide. When they were finished they just pulled in the crab pot float and left. Good idea, I thought. I was drifting across the reef with unweighted baits (because it was so shallow) and their marker was a good guide to me as well. There were no permanent buoys that I saw.
Cheers Freeeedom

06-04-2006, 04:12 PM
I saw those rock bars up towards Buxton. They were well out of the water at low tide. I caught most of my grunter in the section of the river between the mouth of the Gregory River and those rock bars. Interestingly I caught them all in quite open water. If you get close in to the mangroves you start to pick up bream and small cod.
Cheers Freeeedom

06-04-2006, 05:37 PM
Interesting report and nice fish you caught and worth the trip 8-)


06-04-2006, 06:18 PM
Really informative report mate. Thanks heaps.

Good luck,

06-04-2006, 07:10 PM
Good report mate. I used to fish the gregorry a fair bit and there are plenty of good fish around. We used to concentrate our fishing around the many rockbars, through the day we would cast and troll the rocks for flathead,cod,bream,and jacks with small lures like attacks, palaemons,manns stretch 5's etc and at night we would anchor up with livies out chasing jacks. There are plenty of nice barra that get caught up there every season as well. Thanks for the report it has bought the memories back, i'll have to head up there again soon.

06-04-2006, 09:05 PM
sounds like one of the next holiday destinations thanx for a great report

06-04-2006, 10:01 PM
Great info mate, thanx for the story and pics, sounds like a great holiday spot!!!

07-04-2006, 06:33 AM
I'll be up there in two weeks. Cant wait.

Any more pointers/points Freeeeedom??



07-04-2006, 08:02 AM
Yes Mark - don't camp under or near the gum trees. There's twenty million lorikeets roost in them overnight plus flying foxes feeding on the blossoms. My job today is to clean my tent!
Cheers Freeeedom

07-04-2006, 11:01 AM

Thanks for the info. The crab float idea is a good one.

