View Full Version : Pine produces the Pickles

18-04-2006, 05:17 PM
With the boys back to school I thought I'd do some bonding with the wee lassie. She never missed a pot, although they produced nothing but 11 big jennies.

Chased the mullet for most of the time with the trawlers not doing me any favours. Finally hit on them in an old spot that I hadn't been to in a while in order to give it a bit of a rest. Motored up from 'em....burleyd downstream and then drifted over the berley. With the lass watching the sounder and me ready with the net we kept this up for a couple of hours allowing the water to settle between each drift before repeating the process. She shouted when they showed on the sounder and I chucked ;D

Wet a line for onl;y 15 minutes and.......you guessed it ;D withing 3 minutes a stingy which put up a good tussle on 4lb mono. Next cast, the lass pulls a nice breambo just short of 30cms.

A nice day, doing one on one with the girl who often gets her nosed pushed out by the 3 boys ::)

Have to say, I'm a bit peed off. Just when I was beginning to feel optimistic about by-catch regs, I see the 3 trawlers working the Pine again. There must have been a couple of hundred gulls having a beano. One trawler had 7 egrets sat on it........those buggers don't hang around unless they're getting fed :'( There was a trail of herring, trevors and whiting behind one boat whilst the others were getting no attention from the gulls at all. I reckon one ain't using the same BRD as the other two.


It doesn't matter what temperature the room is; it's always room-temperature.

18-04-2006, 06:26 PM

what no pic of the ray? whats going on



18-04-2006, 06:45 PM
Yea Kev, The hundreds of gulls that follow most trawlers must know something different about this nonexistant bycatch. ::)


18-04-2006, 09:27 PM
nice haul of mullet there Kev [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

cheers tim :D

19-04-2006, 06:16 PM
great haul there kev. we saw one of the trawlers the other day also running a muck! we got onto some decent mullet up castle hill way on sunday night, so dunno if they were still around. outgoing tide seems so much better there. ended up with a little 5ft bully in the end whilst fishing for pikes, so that was a nice bonus. anyway i hope you had a good easter mate.


btw do you ever get onto like eels during the day up there? im always fishing the night so ive wondered what they'd be like during the day. they seem to be there year round. the rays dont seem as plentiful come winter months though. do you know why that is? are they still there in winter? thanks mate.

19-04-2006, 06:38 PM
mmm, lots of roll mops in that lot Kev, make a great smoke up too. :)

20-04-2006, 09:05 AM

what no pic of the ray? whats going on



Mate, I've moved up in the world..........no more catties and rays for me............it's mullet from now on ;D


It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and prove it.

20-04-2006, 09:11 AM
great haul there kev. we saw one of the trawlers the other day also running a muck! we got onto some decent mullet up castle hill way on sunday night, so dunno if they were still around. outgoing tide seems so much better there. ended up with a little 5ft bully in the end whilst fishing for pikes, so that was a nice bonus. anyway i hope you had a good easter mate.


btw do you ever get onto like eels during the day up there? im always fishing the night so ive wondered what they'd be like during the day. they seem to be there year round. the rays dont seem as plentiful come winter months though. do you know why that is? are they still there in winter? thanks mate.

Yeah, thanks for tha cuzza....Easter was ok..........one day offshore, one in the Pine and an overnight visit to Bev (Colac Girl) when we hit the muddies, prawns and grog ;D

Yeah mate, you can pull the eels during the day. Try hard up against the sunken barge and there's a few resident in the slabs round the corner. The rays are actually more plentiful in winter due to the lack of fresh but if you fish against the hard, you'll likely miss 'em. They seem to like hanging out on the mud.

Nice to see that you're still on the bullies :D


It is easy to be flexible when one is spineless!

20-04-2006, 09:12 AM
mmm, lots of roll mops in that lot Kev, make a great smoke up too. :)

I'll stick with marijuahna thank you ;) ;D


It is easy to have a balanced personality. Just forget your troubles as easily as you do your blessings.

20-04-2006, 09:26 AM
;DKev :o Good catch mate , personally dont eat fish so would be great for the crab pot.
I hate how Tally ho's get to wet when your trying to roll mullet for a smoke. :-/ ;D

20-04-2006, 10:41 AM
hey nice catch of mullet there kev and judging by the size of the bream they're all perfect size, i love eating mullet, enjoy the feed mate ;)

20-04-2006, 01:17 PM
thanks heaps kev, i'll remember that. we're landlocked still but i reckon they'll still be back towards castle hill as well. good to see you got out a bit anyway mate.


20-04-2006, 03:02 PM
hey nice catch of mullet there kev and judging by the size of the bream they're all perfect size, i love eating mullet, enjoy the feed mate ;)

Chhers mate. yeah, I think mullet straight from the water is pretty good chewin'.........bears no resemblance to the stuff they have on the slabs.


It is not the load that breaks you down; it's the way you carry it.