View Full Version : Easter - Townsville

19-04-2006, 04:04 PM
Well, after much cajoling I was able to get my son (8yo) keen to have a go in the boat. He has had a bad run in the boat with a few break-downs and rain so he's justifiably wary. Did I mention the fishing's always cr@p when he's come with?

So Tues last week we ventured down to the Ross river boatramp and guess what? The frickin' boat refuses to start AND it rains!!!

...I can see the funny side now. So home we went for some timeout - took the cover off the bitch and let her dry out for a couple of hours.

Went to check how the computer game was going and noticed the weather had cleared up so decided to try the motor - starts first pull. Arrgh! Another hour of persuading and bribing to get him off the PC and into the boat. 1 pm. finally back down to the ramp, no rain and she starts first time. So now I'm wondering when the axe is going to fall - rush to check the bung in - no, thats in so I putt gingerly down the river waiting for something to go wrong. Nothing. Get out past the markers. Nothing. Point the boat at the fairly distant Coco creek and open her up. Nothing. Okay so we'll have a decent boat ride but I don't expect any fish.

The bay was just beautiful, just a slight ripple on the water and its nice and cool from the rain. 20min and we're there. Arrive at low tide and was surprised to discover the channel goes quite a way out on the mudflats. Perfect, we can fish the start of the run-in.

We actually caught fish! He actually caught more fish than I did - unbelievable. Undersize grunter everywhere and I get an u/s bream that somehow managed to scoff a live gar.

So now I have a brat who wants to go fishing all the time...

Followed up on Saturday at spot X for a 5 hr lure-cast practice session that included a 20min purple patch yielding a 65 and 85cm barra so now I'm happy.


20-04-2006, 11:26 AM
Good to see you at least landed something

Fished around Ross river creek structures and got smashed up 3 times by ???????probably Jacks.
30lb braid not good enough.

No easter bunny and no fish

There is always next time

20-04-2006, 01:23 PM
Thought you'd left for Lucinda Krazi - looking forward to the report.

Good to hear you're getting smashed up - thats also better than nothin'. Keep persevering - I've landfished all over Townsville and it also took me a couple of years before I felt reasonable confidently that I'm doing the right thing. In fact up until recently I've been far more confident of pulling in a barra off the bank than the boat.

It's funny - it doesn't matter how many times someone tells you a spot is a good spot until you see the results for yourself.

Happy to catch up at some stage and share a few beers over a fishing rod or two.


PS. 30lb braid should be okay - make your leader/trace maybe 60lb mono and long - I usually go 2m. Thicker mono can handle a bit of abrasion, braid just has to touch something and it parts.

20-04-2006, 02:25 PM
Hi Mozza

Lucinda has been put off until early May. Noi doubt I will let you know whats happening.

I am still out there giving it a go in all sorts of places. The wife catches the small ones and occasionally a cod or 2 but the elusive barra or Jack is yet to be caught. I still enjoy the outdoors besides the mozzies.
I had 50lb leader about 1.5m and after the smash put on wire.......a bit short though.

I will no doubt happen accoprding to the law of averages. Yes we should have a fish and a beer together sometime. I the meantime.......go hard.

talk soon

24-04-2006, 10:37 AM
Good effort getting the lad away from the computer games mate. Fished the Easter break pretty hard and forn it very tough going. Did manage an 8lb Fingermark from the breakwall out from the casino on live mullet and lost a pretty big barra the same day. Fingermark go like the clappers. Will post report when I get motivated.