View Full Version : A Few flathead and a Luderick aka spot y...

24-04-2006, 09:02 PM
After aussiefool's and I had to abort our assault on spot x yesterday morning due to inclimate conditions I was left with an itch to scratch, went for a quick cast around midday down at Hastings beach which only really served to remind me of the difference from flicking plastics around and casting 100mm hardbodies and slugs into the wind with a 13 foot rod, only really worked on my technique and practiced reading gutters, a few mystery nudges, but it really was not a time of day or conditions conducive to the style of fishing I was engaged in, so headed home after an hour and a half.
This resulted in the fishing bloodlust not being sated, so last night I went for a wander to spot y (the spot you go to after spot x). I arrived for about the last hour of the run out and conditions were looking promising. Upon arrival, a large school of of bait holding up on one of the pylons became apparent so i just flicked a plastic out and worked it back into the school when <bang> it was hit hard, but as soon as the battle was joined it was over, the leader snapped about 25 cm from the knot, no excuse I hadn’t changed the leader from the last session and I’d paid the price, quickly retied a new leader and sent out another plastic, third cast working a drop off from a weed bed and the tell tale headshakes came up the line, no real size to it so the fight was short but sweet and I just dead lifted him up and sent him back out, another few casts and another more solid specimen comes up it went 47cm cm and I mean solid, it looked like it could of played front row for the bronco's. Then there was about 30-40 mins of working the drop offs form not much reward outside a few missed hookups and a couple of mystery knocks when I noticed a school of luderick around a pylon, I’d never hooked on a sp before but heard it spoken about in hushed tones around the cleaning table so I half bobbed half floated a green gourd paddle tail past them as soon as it got near them it was on it was a typical ludrick fight 90% tug of war 10% prayer but the outcome was positive and a 31cm model was soon lifted over the handrail, another quick photo and it was sent to grow a bit bigger, it was about then when the tide went slack and everything went off the bite, I spent another 1hr and a half working the other side for two flathead on went 35cm and the other was not much bigger than the plastic :o, all in all it was a enjoyable night and a personal first with the ludrick. pics to follow

24-04-2006, 09:03 PM
here's the ludrick

24-04-2006, 09:05 PM
here's the flathead i kept you can't really see how thick it was, but it;s just about round.

24-04-2006, 09:13 PM
and this is the 35 cm model, i think it's a bar tailed, anyone want to correct me? and ignore my facial expression i'd been up close to 24 hours by that stage.... i only just realised that :|

24-04-2006, 09:24 PM
Dude, it looks like you were smoking something about 35cms in that last pic ;D

24-04-2006, 09:29 PM
yeah i was stuffed, i didn't even reailise how tired i was until i got home, or how late it was

24-04-2006, 11:41 PM
nice luderick and flatties there fishingnottaken...Well Done [smiley=thumbsup.gif] [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

cheers tim :)

25-04-2006, 03:27 AM
Well done Ash, just cann't help yourself ;D , and yes if I didn't know better I would have said that you were on the 'wacky backy' ;D ;D

25-04-2006, 04:24 AM
HR Puffinstuff will be proud! ;D

Nice flatties mate!