25-04-2006, 08:40 PM
Decided on a solo bream session this morning, put the boat in around 6.00am and headed to a spot that produced 15 odd legals during a session last week. Put in some pots (still trying to catch my first legal muddie :-/). Threw just about every SP in my tackle bag for not one hit for around three hours - but hey that's fishing. Moved the empty pots >:( and tried a couple of new spots that also failed to produce any touches.
Very frustrated now, so I decided to hit a couple of canals I have never fished before, finally fish started coming on board, all very fat and ranging from under-sized to around 28cm to the fork. All falling to the old favourite Berkely 3" Pearl Blue Bass Minnow (I've run out of Gulp Fry :P).
One more canal to fish then home time, threw the BM under an air dock and it got hammered, short screaming run and I sight the best bream of the day along with around half a dozen of his mates all of similar size. Couple more runs and I very fat 33cm fork bream is boated. At a guess I think it would have been around 800 grams. All up my best 5 fish bag would have been around 2.3kg.
Called it a day with some fish finally caught (& released) and some new spots for the up-coming GC ABT round.
Lest we Forget
33cm Bream
Very frustrated now, so I decided to hit a couple of canals I have never fished before, finally fish started coming on board, all very fat and ranging from under-sized to around 28cm to the fork. All falling to the old favourite Berkely 3" Pearl Blue Bass Minnow (I've run out of Gulp Fry :P).
One more canal to fish then home time, threw the BM under an air dock and it got hammered, short screaming run and I sight the best bream of the day along with around half a dozen of his mates all of similar size. Couple more runs and I very fat 33cm fork bream is boated. At a guess I think it would have been around 800 grams. All up my best 5 fish bag would have been around 2.3kg.
Called it a day with some fish finally caught (& released) and some new spots for the up-coming GC ABT round.
Lest we Forget
33cm Bream