View Full Version : Gold Coast Bream 25-04-06

25-04-2006, 08:40 PM
Decided on a solo bream session this morning, put the boat in around 6.00am and headed to a spot that produced 15 odd legals during a session last week. Put in some pots (still trying to catch my first legal muddie :-/). Threw just about every SP in my tackle bag for not one hit for around three hours - but hey that's fishing. Moved the empty pots >:( and tried a couple of new spots that also failed to produce any touches.

Very frustrated now, so I decided to hit a couple of canals I have never fished before, finally fish started coming on board, all very fat and ranging from under-sized to around 28cm to the fork. All falling to the old favourite Berkely 3" Pearl Blue Bass Minnow (I've run out of Gulp Fry :P).

One more canal to fish then home time, threw the BM under an air dock and it got hammered, short screaming run and I sight the best bream of the day along with around half a dozen of his mates all of similar size. Couple more runs and I very fat 33cm fork bream is boated. At a guess I think it would have been around 800 grams. All up my best 5 fish bag would have been around 2.3kg.

Called it a day with some fish finally caught (& released) and some new spots for the up-coming GC ABT round.



Lest we Forget

33cm Bream

25-04-2006, 08:49 PM
Nice bream mate i hate that when you go out and the fish dont play the game but it seems you went all right in the end by the way what sort of boat do you have .

25-04-2006, 09:05 PM
Beauty :)

25-04-2006, 09:25 PM
nice bream there John...Well Done ;)

cheers tim :)

25-04-2006, 10:08 PM
well done with the bream, I've also been using those gulp frys and they are really pretty dam good. They are fastly overtaking the ever trustworthy pearl watermelon bassminnow! ;D

26-04-2006, 06:05 AM
Cheers Guys,

Extracter - I have a little 2004 Quintrex 400 Hornet Trophy with side console, pushed a long with a 40hp Merc. I have put a 55lb Minn Kota on the bow and am in the middle of finishing a reno which saw me raise & extend the front casting deck and put in a 100lt Livewell. She may not be the biggest or fastest bream boat but suits me just perfectly.



26-04-2006, 07:15 AM
No Jacks hey? Must be because I wasn't in the boat ;D

It would have been interesting to see if the Gulps had picked up hits in the first spot like they did on Saturday. Good day none the less - it really is looking like you might have a reliable spot for the ABT comps - if you do go to these spots you will have to blindfold your non-boater though ;)

This year is looking like a good Bream year from early reports, maybe I might even chase seem semi-seriously this year (even if it is really for the by-catch).


26-04-2006, 08:24 AM
I told you they were getting bigger and fatter around here. I reckon if youre not in the lower reaches, then youre in the wrong spots. 33cm is pretty good, but theres still no evidence that the monsters travel upstream. Im keen to know if Im wrong, as Im just going on what I can put together from a few reports.

For muddies, try just West of Colemans Hole near the submerged objects, or in Saltwater creek under the railway, road bridges near Monterey Keys access.

Good Luck

26-04-2006, 09:10 AM
Ewok - again you produce the goods, no wife, no reno how do you do it?
Good session on those bream and yep those canals are full of the buggers. Most are a little smaller but you get the odd good fish, Might need u to come up to the good end of the coast for a weekend, I'll show you some legal muddies, but you better be quick as their getting scarcer... (check out report - 1st troll/1st queenie)

27-04-2006, 09:24 AM
Good work John. Keep up the practice. ;)



27-04-2006, 11:22 AM
I'd be happy with that result and your boat mate, I'm landbased :'(.....but still get fish which is what its about.

Thanks for the story.