30-04-2006, 04:03 PM
Went down to Coomera last night for a SP sesh landbased. Fished the run in tide for 2 lizards and a pike. Got smashed of twice by something big. Possible DEW. whatever it was, it now has 3" shad in pumpkinseed hanging out of it's gob. Anyone finds this fish please PM me for my plastic back. ;D ;D
One of the lads also landed his first sea horese on SP. WHAT THE?????? Yes..........It happens. Pics to prove it too.
SP's of choice were ATOMIC 3" paddle tail in pumpkinssed and my personal favourite, GULP 4" Minnow Worm in watermelon. Lizards given away( first time for everything), pike released and sea horse allowed to graze the grasses of Coomera. Perfect conditions and great company.
One of the lads also landed his first sea horese on SP. WHAT THE?????? Yes..........It happens. Pics to prove it too.
SP's of choice were ATOMIC 3" paddle tail in pumpkinssed and my personal favourite, GULP 4" Minnow Worm in watermelon. Lizards given away( first time for everything), pike released and sea horse allowed to graze the grasses of Coomera. Perfect conditions and great company.