View Full Version : Saturday Arvie Tailor session

21-05-2006, 01:35 PM
Headed over to the islands for a quick fish on Saturday evening. We have always parked in Horizon Shores for the security. It was a bit of a surprise to see the entrance fee has jumped from $10 to $20 since the last visit only a month ago. New owners with big plans apparently. #I hope they don’t forget the little people too! Chris was hoping that the added cost gave him and hot cup of coffee, a bikkie and a boat wash on return but no such luck. #

Well, we got to the surf side at 4.30pm, nice high tide gutter (for 2am) and not much else for low tide. We found some reasonable water to fish and bedded in for the evening. Seas were less than a metre with about 10 knots of southeast wind chop. There was very little sweep.

Headed home about 9pm with 7 tailor all up, best went 3.055kg and was 72 cm. We all missed some big fish through the session too. Looking good for next week’s new moon. #

The fun began when we got back to Chris’ 4.75m boat, Black Moon 2 on the calm side. Skipper, Chris aka GWH, had made allowances for the tide going out but at 9pm, it was about 15 feet short of the water. So here we all were, boat on sand. It has a pod and 50 hp motor so we had a lot of weight to move.

To cut a long story short, 3 of us eventually pushed the boat into the water, much to the amusement of the party goers in the house boat anchored off shore. Each push moved us about 30cm towards the water so it took the best part of an hour. We will all be ok once we have had the hernia operation and ruptured discs fused!!

Thanks for a good night out GWH and big Mal. I hope you are all as sore as I am today.

LW # # # # #

21-05-2006, 01:39 PM
for the record boys....

21-05-2006, 01:51 PM
Good size tailor there Lone wolf. Well done

21-05-2006, 02:56 PM
Good work Scott. Wondering where you got to - you were bloody fishing of course! Shame about the dropped fish but you'll make up for it next week I'm sure.
It absolutely slaughters ya pushing boats off sand like that hey.


21-05-2006, 05:50 PM
Thats a nice tailor Lonewolf ,Well done and what do they say No pain No gain

21-05-2006, 06:26 PM
Great fish this early in the season. What bait did the damage.


21-05-2006, 06:40 PM
Great fish this early in the season. What bait did the damage.


The humble pilchard strikes again!

21-05-2006, 07:03 PM
.... not much else for low tide. We found some reasonable water to fish .... # #

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REASONABLE REASONABLE it was a bloody freeway to a hole beyond the back bank my friend

but oh my back..... # :'( #oh my ego ...
if its any consolation the skipper is in pain....

was a fun session though always something going on ...

I caught most species of vermin & I at the ebb must have hooked onto either a big blue spot (ray) or a stargazer - it wasn't moving despite my best efforts; i think i pulled the island 15m slightly eastward which was why the boat was left dry on the other side #[smiley=rolleyes.gif]

i lost a tailor belly flap & 2 feet of multi-trace to a big noah - bitten off above the sinker. The fishing shut down after that.

The most ambitous fish was a 1kg+ tailor that was caught using a still wriggling head of one of his slightly smaller mates - christ they are an aggressive fish.

The wolf failed to mention he landed that 3kg girl with big mal's gang wrapped around his line and rod tip when it got to the wash - that shows a small amount if skill ...

We all missed some big fish through the session too. Looking good for next week’s new moon. #

that's a BLACKMOON ;)


22-05-2006, 06:11 AM
that's a BLACKMOON


but can the eagle leave the cage again? ;D

22-05-2006, 10:16 AM
Nice Tailor boys, well done. Thats a big one.

So whats a black moon? Is it the opposite of a blue moon (second full moon in a month)? Or just any new moon....


22-05-2006, 11:04 AM

It's the new moon, Chris aka GWH has always called it a black moon. It's that side of his personality where you don't want to go. I suppose it makes a more effective name for his boat than "New Moon" too!

22-05-2006, 12:53 PM
Nice Work LW... Couldn't get a twitch down the coast yesterday - bit windy but should have braved the beach a bit longer...

Take Care T