View Full Version : Beach Bliss

26-04-2006, 08:05 AM
Have had some fun off the beach lately at Rainbow and Teewah. Bait schools were inshore with pelagics feeding heavily within casting range for spinners.

Wednesday before Easter school hols - Teewah - 1 longtail (10kg)

Thursday - Red Canyon - 2 mac tuna
- 2 spotties

Friday - Rainbow - 3 longtails (7-8kg)
- 4 queenies (3 - 4kg)
- approx 10 spotties (70 - 90cm)
- approx 10 macs (3 - 5kg)

Saturday - Rainbow - 1 longtail (8kg)
- approx 15 spotties
- approx 25 tailor

Sunday - Rainbow - 1 spanish mackerel
- approx 40 tailor

The swell and a 20 knot soueaster picked up on the Sunday night allowing for a much needed sleep in on Monday.
Lost a fair few fish to spaniards but had all sorts getting strikes from them on the lure. Went through plenty of slugs as using 4kg mono with 6 meteres of 9kg mono leader and wire or heavy mono trace. Most fish caught on 40 or 45 gram sliders and a few on 'Prickly Petes' 40 gram slug. Not sure if they are still called that since Pete passed away but his legacy lives on.
Have been trying to attach photos without success, but will persist and post when sorted.

26-04-2006, 08:56 AM
That's an amazing haul for being land based - a dream run!!!

26-04-2006, 09:20 AM
Sounds like you'll be eating fish for a long time.....well done

26-04-2006, 09:53 AM
Great work, I'll be heading up there on Friday for 4 days so lets hope they are still feeding in close.



26-04-2006, 10:26 AM
That's an unbelievable catch from the surf! :o :o. . . . Well done!
Bet you would have needed a rest after catching all those fish. ;D

26-04-2006, 10:45 AM
what a top weekend all I ever catch up that way is a hang over.cheers

26-04-2006, 05:07 PM
Kept only the spaniard, 1 longtail that wouldn't revive and 2 spotties. The rest were released largely due to the fact that when chasing these schools you tend to end up a long way from the vehicle and to walk away from boiling pelagics is something I'm not very good at.
Richo, i'd say that you are a chance of finding some action there on the weekend. The swell is right up at the moment and as it calms and the soueaster drops with the moon on Friday, all is as it should be. Won't see you there though as will be amongst the reds and trout off 1770 (weather permitting) for 10 days from Friday. Received May edition of QFM today which has a photo of the 10kg longtail on pg 24 with my report from march for Teewah Beach.

26-04-2006, 05:16 PM
Get the odd stray pelagic from the surf but five days in a row and in such numbers is incredible. There must have been some monster bait schools in close to keep all those toothy guys interested for so long. Great job.

26-04-2006, 06:11 PM
There has been a lot of bait on Teewah Beach and it has been an excellent spotty season on the close in reefs and off the beach. Tailor have been in good nos with a lot of 3 - 4kg fish particularly at the river mouth with stream rises. GT schools were smashing froggies in the surf south of Teewah and at the river mouth for a few weeks with tailor and spotties. Mac and yellowfin tuna have been pretty constant in Laguna Bay and the longtails arrived more recently. Cyclones and lows always seem to trigger things as it calms, so with Wati doing a job there, it was a case of watching and waiting. Just didn't expect it on that moon phase. The spaniards at Rainbow were herding fish as a school of 30 - 40 fish with their dorsals out of the water 20 metres out near the Leisha Track when we first saw them and they stayed in range for a while but the bait was bigger than any lure we could cast. Didn't have any 800 gram slugs in the box anyway. Had probably 25 - 30 good retrievals through feeding longtails and hooked up on the majority of those but sometimes to other species. Conditions were very glassy and bait was easy to see, so spinning through the bait was productive for mainly queenies and tailor. Tailor were often boiling at Middle Rocks and it reached a stage where if you couldn't see the school then you wouldn't cast because it would only be a few seconds before they would be visible feeding again.The tuna and spotties didn't stop feeding for about 3 hours on the friday and were always within range for that period. Just couldn't understand why cars with rods on would stop to watch for a minute but then keep driving. Not one other person stopped to fish amongst it on any day that I was there. Not that I really minded, it just highlights the reason I guess why 10% of anglers catch 90% of the fish. Maybe they don't like getting wet, but it was pretty comfortable and nothing over waste depth.

26-04-2006, 06:20 PM
good on ya slider thats the stuff :) they seems to be every where now :)



26-04-2006, 07:47 PM
Freaking awesome... they are the trips you dream off... pelgaics out of a boat are awesome fun and beach fishing is the best type.... combine the two.. and WOOOHOOOO hold on!!!!

26-04-2006, 10:03 PM
Awesome stuff!!
What sort of gear (rod/reel) were you using Slider?

26-04-2006, 10:22 PM

FSU 4144 - 12 foot of nothing special.

Shimano TSS4 - excellent surf spinning reel and easy maintenance. Shame they're not making them any more.


27-04-2006, 05:11 AM
The shear size of these fish must have made it really fun in the surf - I'm very jealous.

27-04-2006, 08:03 AM
Wow... 8-) I understand this is why a good expert fisherman being patience and peels skin off eyes look out for fish behaviors at the surf. Then you get pay it off... ;)

Well done


PS love to see pic soon if you get post successful.

27-04-2006, 09:51 AM
top stuff........

my mate and his oldies were up there that same week..........driving old blue short wheel based nissan.......first time he ever spun in the surf and he nailed something like 40 fish all up........got tuna, 20odd tailor, 3 gt's, dart, tarwhine(bait), whiting (bait)........then i arrived on the sat morn and only got 1 tailor, i shovel and half doz small sharks on calm side.......weather turned ordinary on sunday........you get most of them on rainbow side?

27-04-2006, 10:04 AM
Yeah, I ran into them in front of Teewah on the Friday afternoon. They'd been down to Tewantin for slugs. At that stage they only had a couple of fish but sounds like they did ok over the weekend.
Just about all the fish were taken from Rainbow with the first 1km from the Leisha Track producing all the tuna, the spaniard, half the spotties and the better queenies. Middle Rocks had all the tailor and the other half of the spotties. The spaniards were hitting hooked fish at both locations.
Buggered if I know why I can't post the pics but will keep trying.


27-04-2006, 10:20 AM
yeah they said they got a few slugs off you i believe........were you up fishing off the rocks there at all? thinking about heading up the beach maybe sunday/monday? do you know what its been like up there this week? always a bit wary of travelling on rainbow side due to lack of beach and photos from past. the track you are talking about - is that the one from ocean to calm?

27-04-2006, 10:30 AM
Yep, the one just north of the Cherry Benture.
Has been a lot of swell here this week and a bit of erosion. Towed a Landrover on a full tide from 3rd cut to Teewah on Tuesday afternoon with waves coming over the bonnet. Rainbow was similar but was so calm it was OK if you don't mind driving through wheel depth water and a lot of anti corrosion maintenance which is weekly here anyway.
D.I. should be pretty good and I've been waiting for the swell to drop to get out on the rocks. Should be some good trevors hanging there.

27-04-2006, 10:46 AM
sounds a bit dicey - i guess you just have to use your brains and pick your time of travel.......will have to catch up for a fish sometime........i drive a red pajero wagon..............can you get right over to the calm side of the point walking? what do you reckon about using 30lb braid on penn 8500 in the surf for spinning?

27-04-2006, 11:05 AM
Thats sounds like fun to me! Hows the back going after that effort??

Would love to see the pics :o

27-04-2006, 11:12 AM
You can only drive for about 100 m towards the point from Leisha Track on the calm side so is a long and pretty ordinary walk from there. I usually walk over from southern side of the headland past the shacks and lighthouse.
Just had a look down the beach and the swell is dropping and so is south easter so travel will improve. Rainbow always fishes best when there is no or little traffic so the high tide is when you need to be there. Bit of a catch 22. There is nobody coming south from Rainbow township at the moment because Carlo Rocks are impassable meaning less than normal traffic.
Have used 30lb braid a bit in this situation and found it a bit heavy for casting compared with 4kg mono. Of course lighter poundage braid will solve that prob. Have never really liked braid for surf spinning because of the lack of cushion at strikes and when playing the fish. Fish can be erratic in the surf with wave motion etc and I find the rod tip bounces around a bit too much causing a loss of control. Mono leaders can assist here but you've then got a braid to mono knot which takes me out of my comfort zone. In saying that I think the 30lb braid would be quite good off the rocks with GT's and yellowtail king upwards of 20lb potential hook ups and distance on the cast not so much of an issue. The Penn should be ideal for quick retrievals. Try stopping the lure mid retrieve for a second or 2 especially off the rocks. Sometimes the only way to get strikes.
And yeah Shut Up I live at Teewah so am here most of the time so Let me know when you're heading this way.


27-04-2006, 11:20 AM
thanks for that slider..........will definately let you know when i am heading up next (hoping sunday/monday pending missus) have fished the beach a fair bit of my life but never targeted with slugs or the rocks/rainbow.......always a bream, dart, tailor man.........but love the challenge of slugs in surf now......... will pm if travelling up

thanks again

27-04-2006, 11:41 AM
The one and only spaniard

27-04-2006, 11:45 AM
Don't know

27-04-2006, 11:49 AM
i had troubles at first and realised that the pics were over 100mb and sometimes i didnt attach them properly????

27-04-2006, 12:02 PM

27-04-2006, 12:06 PM
got it.........nice looking although pic came out a bit small........but at least its there....nice effort.........

27-04-2006, 12:06 PM
Hopefully a better size pic

27-04-2006, 12:09 PM
yeah nice..........have you got many more since that bumper week? do you fish for much else up that way? like jewies?

27-04-2006, 12:11 PM

27-04-2006, 12:13 PM
top shot - now i can see who i am talking to and keep an eye out for ya......top fish off the beach........

27-04-2006, 12:13 PM
First fish for the week

27-04-2006, 12:17 PM
Same longtail from where it was caught

27-04-2006, 12:28 PM
This is more the size of tailor I was looking for

27-04-2006, 12:31 PM
Dam nice catch there Slider!! It is soo much fun catching big fish from the beach:)
I am heading up the coast this weekend and can't decide wether to take the tinny and fishing the river or hitching the surf rods up and hitting the beach!! I am thinking the beach will be quite busy this long weekend what do you think my best option is??


27-04-2006, 12:31 PM
And this was the size of several of the queenies caught although this pic taken on a 35mm a few years ago.

27-04-2006, 12:39 PM
Slider mate, crazy fish! What sort of slug are you using? Is it just a big piece of lead with a hole thru it?

27-04-2006, 12:39 PM
Brandon, I mainly enjoy the beach and with the forecast, and the way the surf has been going.......
Have been some good tailor and trevs caught in the river lately though on livies. You might be able to get the best of both worlds and fish the beach early and the river after dark. See some quality jacks posted lately.

27-04-2006, 12:43 PM
Any other pics?

27-04-2006, 12:49 PM
Matt, is actually a slider - thus the tag. Been making them for myself and friends for a few years to target mainly big tailor. Lures with attached hooks don't work effectively on tailor because of the headshake. Has entirely altered the quality and quantity of tailor especially, but also queenies and australian salmon. A barrel sinker painted white works fine as well. Find that they are just as effective on other pelagics as well. Need to keep in mind when using sliders that the teeth of the fish are often biting on the leader rather than the lure as it slides. So leader must be appropriate for target species and with big tailor that is wire or maybe 100lb mono.

27-04-2006, 12:54 PM
Not of fish caught before Easter as was on my own for 4 days of it and it was pretty rapid fire catch and release stuff and a long way from the truck for most of it. Will post a couple more pics if I can find anything interesting.

27-04-2006, 01:31 PM
No more anonymity on the beach

27-04-2006, 01:33 PM
Here goes my anonymity

27-04-2006, 01:40 PM
Sliding Popper. Bit of hard wood with hole in the middle - floats back to the surface on bust ups and snags as no attached hooks.

27-04-2006, 01:43 PM
D.I. in the background

27-04-2006, 02:26 PM
Shut Up and Fish,

Grew up fishing with alveys and bait and it is very imprtant I think to use an alvey. So have caught a lot of different species but never a jew in the surf. Wasn't much into night fishing and especially now that am catching better quality fish than I ever have by spinning during the day. Have probably fished with a bait (flesh or worm/eugarie) less than 10 times in the last 10 years in the surf. Would attain as much variety of species as the bait but the average size per fish would be significantly larger with the spinner due to the size of the target species. Also mostly spin and use poppers elsewhere like Weipa and Whitsundays for the pelagics with good results on mackerel, tuna, GT's, goldens, queenies by the truck load, coral trout, black and yellowtail king, tarpon and even some jack. So do enjoy the visual aspect of surface lures and takes out the 'waiting for a bite' syndrome that bores me.Tend to be able to explore a lot of country with the spinner and create opportunities through less time in locations looking for fish and the advantages of long casting especially over reef structure. Also no more pilchards in the car fridge which was part of the shift away from bait when at Fraser where there are heaps of spinning locations. Keep thinking that I should be chasing oyster cracker with eugaries as used to have a fair amount of success there but just doesn't seem to happen. Bream simply aren't here like they used to be and jew have been scarce here since a massive haul by netters at the river mouth of mature fish in the early seventies. Speaking of nets and I might have to start another post, they will be on the beach very soon but I'm hopeful this will be the last year.

27-04-2006, 03:06 PM
regarding nets - you and i both.......agree with bream....i remember my old boy, myself and my mate and his old boy(nissan) used to go up there and nail some monster bream around 1.5-2kg mark.........heard that they still get a few jew around the top end of the beach.......lot of worms in that area. do you just fish for a job?? wish i could do as much as that.......spent a bit of time up in cairns myself but never really into fishing as much as i am now........was too busy drinking and chasing........caught my fair share of barra, fingermark and jacks up there though.........funniest was a 65cm barra of kewarra beach on 13'6 surf and alvey.....mate laughed at me when i took it down........will definately look you up before i go up next time - again hopefully this weekend..........recently done a fair bit of live baiting down mouth and mainly on noosa side.....lost some big fish down there due to teeth....120lb leader straight through????? some good flathead to be caught down there on lures too.........

27-04-2006, 03:22 PM
Hi Slider,

Mate, I reckon that's one of the best reports and performances I've seen on Ausfish, certainly from the beach.

Well done. [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

I'm definitely going to give the slugs a try in the surf with a TSS4.

Good luck,

27-04-2006, 07:11 PM
Good on ya Linds, as they say, their plenty of fish in the sea, and mate, you hit the jackpot again (as usual). I think me and Jus might have to make a special trip up there after you come back from 1770. Im sure we will receive heaps of pics from your fishing up there...

(captain of the SS Minnow)

27-04-2006, 07:21 PM
Good to hear from you Dave. Lot easier getting pics in a boat too, so should have a few trout, reds, cobia etc photos to harrass you with. Hope your sleeping well mate cause I gather that may change soon.
Good time to get out on the bay and escape hey Jus. Forgot to ask earlier - you guys heading to fraser in Aug/sep?


27-04-2006, 07:27 PM

We are heading up first week of September - do you think we should invite SSminow - he only managed to catch the fish in the nursery last year !!

We are looking to head up your way for a fish soon - am keen to trek up the coast over the next few weeks and see whats chewin.. Probably go up to the house at Caloundra this weekend and spin around kings or Moffat.

Jus :)

27-04-2006, 07:29 PM
Hi SLider,

That reminds me too - i need to get hold of the footage from Weipa to show Dave - more incentive for hime to save some money..

It also looks like our trip to New Guinea has been moved back a week.... sure i can't twist your arm??


27-04-2006, 07:33 PM
Its all about the one that got away isnt it mate, and im sure i got the biggest for the week, he he. Well it looks like their might be a wager on this years trip to fraser, Ive got a good feeling this year as long as that mongrel weed stays away. Then again, I did out drink all the boys, no wonder i had a poor catch rate, couldnt bloody stand most of the day,,, he he....Anyway we will see, hope you can meet us up there this year mate, i was looking forward to fishing out wide. Dam wind..

Captain of the SS Minnow

27-04-2006, 07:38 PM

I think thats why you drank so much - because you lost the wager!!


Do you still have pics of the coral trout from the Whitsundays when we were up there?

I have few people who still doubt it has been done and you know how much i like to prove people wrong !!!


27-04-2006, 07:38 PM
Somebody has to drink all that rum although would like to think that I can lend a hand there.
You might get some peace and quiet from these boys soon hey Deb with the trips being planned. And you can always cook for us while we're fishing when you come up to break the boredom. And pack the esky, make up slugs ............ Any other suggestions guys?

27-04-2006, 07:41 PM

Contemplating a trip down to northern NSW to fish the headlands next month - probably do a long weekend and pack the TSS4 and hopefully some new sluigs in the tackle box . Has been a few reprots of some rreasonable Tailor starting to show up.. it is also a good reason to get out of the house.. and no i am not inviting Deb to Fraser - its boys only on that week - i don't think she can handle the topless cook....

Jus :)

27-04-2006, 07:45 PM
Speaking of rum,

From memory we took a bottle or 2 and went over to Wathumba - didn't we ??

Had a good perv - but the bloody weed prevented us from fishing !!!

Have you heard if the weed has returned yet - the old boy and the usual suspects were thinking of going up for the classic.. for some fun.

A couple of the boys are also taking up some boats - just have to ask the boos if she will give me a leave pass !!!

Jus :D

27-04-2006, 07:47 PM
I'll find out whats happening with the house at Byron. There are tenants there at the moment but think they leave in a couple of weeks. Am eager to get back down there myself before it gets too cold.

27-04-2006, 07:49 PM
Count me in if you want someone to fish with.. is it worth dragging the boat down ?


27-04-2006, 07:54 PM
No weed - beautiful clear blue water. Should be Oct/Nov before weed arrives at Fraser this year. With any luck.
Oh and trout photos - never took any photos of the fish.
Weipa footage - was taped over accidentally by someone who thought the new footage would be more valuable than what it was replacing. And I don't regret that given what it was. Don't tell Deb!

27-04-2006, 07:55 PM
Hey shutup,

What were you using for bait ?

Did you manage to eyeball any of the toothy critters?


27-04-2006, 07:59 PM
Weird species so had a good look. Thank christ I wasn't hooked up for long though.

27-04-2006, 08:00 PM
would this be footage of what we observed with you last year driving down the beach near massos?

i will have to look through the photos as i think we may have some pics of the Coral Trout.

But then again do you think it would be wise to bring Deb up to FI - i don't think she could put up with mumbles or DAves boyfriend !!

Jus :D

27-04-2006, 08:02 PM

Have night shift tonight - DEb had it last night - my toohless critter is becoming a toothy critter...

If i don't speak to you have a good trip and i will speak to you when you arre back...

Let me know if you can get the house and Byron and want to go for a trip... i am sure i will be in !!!


27-04-2006, 08:33 PM
Hi slider,
if you're thinking of heading down to Byron try the river behind Bilongil Beach. Tied the knot on the beach in November and stayed there for a while too. Using flouro orange plastics in the river on 10lb mono leader onto 8lb Spiderwire, Ugly Stick loaded with Abu Cardinal (old red!). Had a heap (12-14) flatties - not sure if dusky or otherwise- on my first afternoon. Overcast with rain threatening the following day and not a bite resulted in me going over to the beach side.
About 100m to the left of the path onto the beach is a eugarie patch. Baiting up with fresh pipi's (as they call them) resulted in a 40cm whiting on the first cast!
Then the missus came over and dragged me off to get dressed and get married.
Quite literally!! :'(

27-04-2006, 09:18 PM
If you are heading back down Byron way remember the marine park comes into effect on 1 May. No more fishing in Belongil creek or at the beach near the mouth.
Not that I'd be eating anything out of the creek; the sewerage plant empties into it for the last 15 years or so. [smiley=sick2.gif]

28-04-2006, 08:28 AM

yeah mate, i was using whole live mullet down at the mouth around the 6-10inch mark and didnt get a chance to eyeball any of these..........all up probably dropped about 6 fish over a period of 3-4 trips.....couple just bumped it and bit straight through - others had some good runs but eventually bit through.........i know of one guy getting some bullies down around that way........could have been various fish/species........have got flathead, tailor, trevors, shovels down there using same technique so your guess is as good as mine??? have also managed to nail an almost keeper size squire down there................managed to land about 1/2 doz small black tips (i think) over calm side about 1-2ft long on hardi heads and a white spotted shovel?? in surf about 4-5ft long...........

28-04-2006, 04:09 PM
Nice work mate, one of the pics your lure looks like a UFO!!!

Great Effort

28-04-2006, 07:41 PM
Cheers for the heads-up matey!
I have n't been back for a while. Going to have to try another spot or two. Hoping to do a weekend trip to Straddie or maybe even Fraser. (I've heard that Dart are coming in thick and strong along the gold Coast....) :-?

19-05-2006, 10:29 AM
talking to some of the boys up the beach this morn, seems like some nice tailor getting around, gonna need dome more lures linds, lost a few to the big ones last time...............

19-05-2006, 11:22 AM
Yeah g'day Stu. That would have been around when this post originated from that you were getting busted by mackerel I assume.
Trying to knock some slugs up at the moment but striking a couple of snags that I'll find out shortly if I've overcome. What sizes do you want?

19-05-2006, 11:33 AM
Gday Lindsay - i hear from reliable source that they are getting some extra large dart over the 1kg and some big bust offs on bonito at mudjimba after dark - possibly some big 8lb plus tailor?? heading up to bowen the weekend 9th June back Monday if interested?? am driving up - flying back. if not - i am itching for a hit in the surf again - havent been in over 3weeks and wont for another 4...........

talk soon

19-05-2006, 12:23 PM
Les I would be interested as gets hard here at this time of year as we have discussed, so net free beaches are the target. Is Mudjimba a net free beach? Seem to recall that they had a very poor season there mullet wise last year. Let me know when you're back. Leave a few fish around Gloucester hey mate.


19-05-2006, 02:08 PM
yeah - mate sure to be plenty of fish left up that way for you - maybe not many rums/beers left though.......i believe mudjimba is net free??? have never heard of or seen anyone netting there - i would think that the maroochy system would not be a large enough system?? not quite sure how the mullet work..........i do know that a lot of people do throw the slugs at the mouth though - will be sure and give you a call/message when i am back


19-05-2006, 03:28 PM
The Maroochy is well and truly a good enough system for mullet Les. They go on a spawning migration in May every year out of the mouth to spawn in the gutters to the north of the system. There was an article in the Sunshine Coast Daily last year titled 'Where's The mullet?' which was interviews with netters at Mudjimba who were saying what a poor season it had been. There was an article in another paper at around the same time about Northern NSW netters and specifically the Clarence with the same story line. Must just be a coincidence though I'm sure. Hopefully Mudjimba will be net free after last years poor catch.
The Maroochy River mouth would fish well with spinners when the water is filthy with fresh - guaranteed.

20-05-2006, 08:05 PM
slider,u r beach legend,cheers.

20-05-2006, 10:19 PM
Local knowledge and ready access goes a long way manangatang but thanks. Right place at the right time.
Everything happens here between Christmas and the end of April especially with cyclonic activity, so is kind of easy to focus at the right times. Just wish the netters didn't shut things down on us at the beginning of May every year. My surf rods are now stripped of gear and on the rack in the garage. My TSS4's are all pulled apart on the kitchen table for servicing before being packed away til probably October. The winter depression has set in and I'm wondering where the next fish is likely to come from. And I live on one of the best tailor beaches in the world with the ability to fish it every day. It's just not cricket!! If I have to put up with this for 5 months of every year for much longer I am going to go nuts.(And to AA) The withdrawals do tend to be severe. Lucky I get enjoyment out of seeing other peoples successes on the water through Ausfish. Keep working hard boys and girls.


22-05-2006, 07:33 PM
Aussie Stu has convinced me to put one of the TSS4s back together and with no recent sightings of netters, go for an early morning spin near the second cut where there is a nice rocky gutter.
See ya down there mate.

23-05-2006, 02:42 PM
was well worth it this morn eh linds?? one chopper on the first cast then nothing :(