View Full Version : What's the best Snapper bait?

23-05-2006, 06:24 PM
Fellow bay fisho's,

Everyone's got their own favourite bait for each species(including the plastic type).
I've heard good reports from:

1/ Whiting heads
2/ Tailor flesh

I tried No. 1/ last night to no avail, Meanwhile pilles were doing well.

Caught a couple of good tailor but released(makes me feel good).

Any one done well on either of these two baits???


23-05-2006, 07:19 PM
haven't tried but i heard that the whiting heads do well. freash strip bais such as iodine bream strips do very well

23-05-2006, 09:11 PM
Screw the whitting heads, use whole whitting for the big snapper. Anything fresh will catch more fish, anything from fresh tailor fillets to baker fillets, trevaly. But just make sure you leave atleast half the fillet beyond the hook. I find that snapper love a little something to get their attention flapping in the current. ;D