View Full Version : Final assault - Peel 31 May 2006

31-05-2006, 01:35 PM
Today was my one last trip before I depart for the UK (been saying that for a few weeks now :D). Boat is now sold and will go to a lucky buyer next week.

Up early and off to peel for a quick SP session. Bit choppy with 15kt SW blowing. Quiet at the start and then had a real good 1/2 hour with fish hooked every second cast. Mostly squire 30-35cm and one little trevally. Nothing really big, but 5 good keepers hooked at 38-43cm, plus a good ~40cm fish lost at the boat.

Cut up a grinner and chucked it out for no result except a badly gut hooked small shovely. Oh well, we thought we would keep this one to see how they taste like.

31-05-2006, 02:33 PM
Nice catch mate ;) I havne't had that much luck wit the squire yet :'( hopefully i will hook a nice one soon :D Shovelnose sharks tast quite good!! I remember eating one about 5 foot long many years ago, we cut it into steaks and threw it on the barbie and it tasted dam good ;) bit like little sharks i think.. anyways i am sure some others will have something to say about how they chew.

Hope your trip to the UK is good!!!


31-05-2006, 02:37 PM
Good work Wei! I should come over with a case of beer and steal all your Peel spots ;) (Did I say steal... I mean "look after for you") ::)

So you're finally going hey... Hope you have a ball when you're there. I've got a couple of friends over there, so if you want drinking buddies, I'll get you in contact with them.

01-06-2006, 09:33 AM
nice bag mate.. i hear they have some pretty good fishing in the uk ;D almost as good as their weather ::)

all the best!

01-06-2006, 07:59 PM
can someone tell me where peel island is?

01-06-2006, 09:15 PM

You just go to the UK, then turn left...

Only joking, Its in Moreton bay, East of Brisbane between Raby Bay and North Stradbroke Island - keep going east and you would be in the Land of the Long White Cloud

01-06-2006, 10:23 PM
False alarm, looks like another trip tomorrow morn! :D