View Full Version : North Straddie - Main Beach

02-06-2006, 10:26 PM
Hi all,

Went over to Straddie for the day and went for a cruise down to the Pin. :) Sand is slowly starting to build back up on the beach but you would want to have your're spot picked well before the high tide. Saw a few good sized choppers being caught but arrived too late to get into the action. Caught lots of undersize whitting then decided to slowly fish our way back to the Point. Found some big schools of Dart in a couple of gutters which resulted in about 20 fish. 200m down from #4 campsite had a small gutter with a huge school in it, as the tide dropped and the gutter emptied the fish moved too far out to cast to. Unfortunately not much size to them but kept 4 of the bigger ones for a feed. Great day with perfect weather shame to have to go back to work tomorrow.



03-06-2006, 10:18 AM
Heya Richo1

Good to hear someone is at least getting over there, I've had to pull out of the last few trips I wanted to do :'(

Shame there wasn't size in them big dart are a lot of fun, but still if you got a feed then it's all good. :)