View Full Version : the Pin last saturday.

27-06-2006, 05:45 PM
gaday all .
well i'm bank on after a brief few days of not being able to get on here because of the changes.
but , here it is from saturday.
took a gamble on the weather being just a bit rainy and not blowy.
finaly took Cloud 9 for a run.
its been garaged for more than a month.
been Crew on Just Jiggin. bigger version of Cloud 9.
anyway the water was ok just a few rainy patches and a few fish thrown in for good measure.
Rob and Leanne Paine where also out for a fish .
there was a mixed bag for me with a couple good bream at 31and 32cm, Moses Perch. Golden trevally flathead esturay cod.
all coming aboard to say hi.
nothing huge or to write home about , all good fun.
a few tailor were about too but the closest i got was abite off. mid size GT's 50cm odd wizzzed through and jew have made a couple fisherman happy.
till next weekend
Cheers Cloud 9