View Full Version : garrett scores his p.b. squire

28-06-2006, 06:26 PM
garretts on school holidays so he wanted to do a trip after i finished work. An old mate of mine wanted to tag along but we had to wait 1 1/2 hours for him to arrive. Now do you think I wasn't dirty when he turned up to say he wasn't going to come fishing. We had just missed what i thought was an ideal time to fish. Never the less we flew out for a cast.as soon as we got there i was on to a brute that made short work of me and after that it was all down hill for me , but the young bloke was a run with a few undersized squire and 3 keepers. One went his p.b. at 480mm.
Now I thought I was at the world cup for a moment with the singing of 3 nil, 3 nil ;D ;D
That was all I needed to top off my afternoon, I think I'll try to push this one behind me if I'm allowed to.

28-06-2006, 07:12 PM
Nice work fella's. LOOK AT THOSE CONDITIONS!!!!!! like a lake.. Where did you go fishing?
And look at the difference in colours of the fish..

28-06-2006, 08:28 PM
Nice work AGAIN Chief!!

He may brag about the scoreline now but your revenge will be sweet in just over a week when on the first morning of school, you blow the whistle, point towards the school, show the red card and say "you're OFF" as you head out towards the boat.... ;D I wonder if he'll lodge a protest?!

Take Care T

PS Have you been getting most of your fish on SP's?

28-06-2006, 08:32 PM

look at the conditions, beu t i full

28-06-2006, 09:39 PM
I often have a quick look at ausfish during morning or afternoon tea at work. I am greatful I didn't see this photo today, or I wouldn't have been able to concentrate again, wishing I was out there on perfect seas.....

Well done.


28-06-2006, 10:17 PM
The weather looks so good, yet Garret can't even keep his eyes open?????? What's doing. ;D ;D Either that or he's taking a long hard look at em.
Great fish mate and congrats!


29-06-2006, 09:49 AM
Looks like the young boy has got you under control. He is already starting to out fish you looks like you are in trouble ;D ;D ;D ;D

Well done on the catch nice squire.

Was that out on the front wall again?

29-06-2006, 10:07 AM
Well done on the P.B mate very nice fish, shouldve had the ski's out on those conditions ;D ;D

Cheers and Beers

30-06-2006, 02:38 PM
yeh tinn. out at the walls, got about 5 spots that produce fish . if one isn't happening then one of the options will ,I hope ,no its been pretty good and there is always the chance of a few surface fish. tuna ,mac ,or tailor. keep an eye out towards mud and st.helena and keep a spinning rod and slug handy. Hey richieboy the poor kid can't sleep at night ,he keeps dreaming of squire