12-07-2006, 09:47 AM
I was out on the canal banks lastnight with Knackers, and man we just couldnt get a brack. The water was still as, no action at all. We used berley of chicken pellits, bread and pillies. We had two live rigs set up, one with a small whitting and the other with herring, NOTHING. We was flicking Sp's everywhere and just couldnt hook anything............the only bit of action was Knacker hooked what he thinks might of been a trevally, man this thing just ran and ran and ran. Got him almost in and got busted off on a tree. tunes out he had snagged someones old line that had been bust off and the fish was still onit ;D
But i see not everyone had it hard last night, mouth of the river was the go
Nice bag of bream Freeeedom.
Good to see someone can catch fish ;D
Thanks Rik
But i see not everyone had it hard last night, mouth of the river was the go
Nice bag of bream Freeeedom.
Good to see someone can catch fish ;D
Thanks Rik