19-07-2006, 11:42 AM
Met my brother chris and mate daz at fishermans island yesterday @ 2:30pm, planned on heading out to mud for sunset but only got out as far as the rock wall where it turns southwards. Daz ' boat isn't the largest of vessels and outside of the river things looked a little too rough to make a crossing with the 3 of us and gear and whatnot, so we decided to fish the wall instead. Chris was the only one to score fish, an undersized squire and a legal bream on pilchards. As we where hanging around near the wall deciding on what to do, a fella came around the rock corner and headed for mud, he waved, we waved, then he looked like he was going to turn around and come back and chat, but he just looked for a bit then kept on going. Not long after the sun disappeared but while there was still some light, we saw him coming back, his boat was a bit longer than and had a much higher side profile than ours so the trip over for him would have been good. This time he does stop, we chat about catches, baits etc, asks if we caught anything, then opens his esky and lifts out a very large snapper easily 60 cms, caught it on mullet on the southwest corner of mud and he couldnt have been gone more than an hour! Great catch mate if you are on here and thanks for the tip too!