View Full Version : Slow Morning in the Seaway

26-07-2006, 05:33 PM
Hi Guys went for a quick fish this morning down the Seaway tried getting some live bait but only managed 2 mullet around 30cm and 1 Silver biddy :(, so i had to use the trustie old pilly, Arrived at the seaway on sun up and started drifting got 3 lizards 45cm, 59cm and 79cm kept the 2 smaller ones and of course i released the 79cm lizard got the fish on Bait left the seaway around 9:30 to go chase some squid around Crab Island managed 3 big Squid should have had 4 but a mate dropped 1 at the boat after that they went quite :-[, back at the ramp by 1:30 all in all was a good day to be on the water.

27-07-2006, 11:42 AM
Did you rig the mullet? They go off in the seaway! Use a 2 hook rig and a heavy trace and youll be suprised what will take them. I lost mine, bitten off a 30lb trace, so I got 80lb for next time.


27-07-2006, 12:30 PM
No Andrew put them in the freezer for crab crab bait to use in summer.
But come to think of it i should have sent down below to see what would have happened

27-07-2006, 05:12 PM
well done on the flatties ;) , whereabouts around crab island did you get the squid?

27-07-2006, 05:21 PM
wheres the seaway heard of it but never bothed to ask

cheres krause

27-07-2006, 07:27 PM
wheres the seaway heard of it but never bothed to ask

cheres krause

Southport Seaway Gold Coast.

Mate some nice flat head there :)


27-07-2006, 09:33 PM
wheres the seaway heard of it but never bothed to ask

cheres krause

KRAUSE, you're obviously not a Qld'er?!

28-07-2006, 06:59 AM
I make it 27.56 degrees south by 153.25 East (according to Google Earth)

28-07-2006, 10:33 AM
Hi cobiaman got the squid in behind crab island opposite Curagee on the weedbeds bet on the making tide with little breeze using a number 3 Squid jig i have found that the green colour has been working best latley even try near the weed beds down the pin near the bedrooms