View Full Version : Broadwater Bream 28/7

28-07-2006, 01:13 PM
My regulation Friday fish at the Goldy, was just as last week but abit better.

Fished around the seaway area got up to 40 Bream with about 10 undersize alot of reasonable fish, with about 6 in the 30 range, best going 35 to the fork

One thing that I did notice is that they were all very skinny.

All on the Nuclear Chicken shrimp with a size 2h 1/8 jig head and a few on the ever famous 3" pumpkinseed minnow gulp.

No photo's again, you'll just have to beleive me ;)


28-07-2006, 01:44 PM
So allegedly you caught 40 bream well done. You will have to show us some photos. Even with photos you can't believe everthing.

How come they were so skinny? Maybe you will have to feed them a bit before you go catching all those bream ;D ;D

Good effort to catch 40 bream ;)

28-07-2006, 02:05 PM
I reckon that the Bream That I allegedly :o caught ,all must have shagged themselves silly to lose their condition.
And now are on an eating frenzy.


28-07-2006, 02:10 PM
The problem is that these alledged Bream have nothing to eat nowdays but rubber lures :D

This is why we bait soakers must continue our quest, to feed the fish stocks with service station frozen baits so they remain in their best condition !! ;)

28-07-2006, 02:19 PM
I reckon that the Bream That I allegedly :o caught ,all must have shagged themselves silly to lose their condition.
And now are on an eating frenzy.


Good call! Just like us humans huh!

As for the catch, ALLEGEDLY & DODGY is all i can say....

Take Care T

28-07-2006, 03:34 PM
Keep that quest going Sanchez.

I'm not gonna fatten up those allegded fish.

But trust me , IT'S ALL TRUE :'(


28-07-2006, 07:06 PM
Top effort mick. Wish I was one of those skinny bream doin all that shagging! Maybe the breambos are so used to feeding on feral gulps and they're too lazy to chase herring and hardies. Either way 40 bream(fat or skinny) in a session is a good effort. Cheers mate

29-07-2006, 07:35 AM
Good one Mick, am geting slack as I havn't been out for a bream fish for 2 weeks, will hopefully make up for it tomorrow. It is going to be fun trying to find a bit of bank to work at the pin that doesn;t have 20 + boats anchored up along it. :)
Cheers Ian

29-07-2006, 08:04 AM
Just push those bait soakers out of the way ;)