View Full Version : Baby Bream....13/7/06 SLAUGHTER
15-07-2006, 01:16 AM
G'day Ausfishers...
Well I targeted my favourite fish again....Bream!!! (Thats about all I know how to fish for)
The only problem was getting a ride, finding another person to come along with I called a mate from Uni...who was interested in the sport but never gets anything worth talking about. He picked me up and we headed to the Coast where I though my first location of the rocks might proove to be a winner. Anyway I didn't get his hopes up to high, but I was optimistic and then again I had my doubts as usual especially since I have always been more of a night fisher.
We were fishing in the canals around Surfers Paradise near the Cascade the Little Tele_bud. Creek... we got there at 8am hoping to fish an hour before high tide and then a couple more on the run out. We tried the usual spots with little success... LITERALLY!!! check out this monster... I just had to take a photo.
Then tried a few more spots near Pacific Fair... under Bridges and near any good looking structure. Snags and more dissapointment. I tried to keep my mates hopes up, telling him I'll catch him a feed, I thought the poor bastard would never come out again with me.
So I directed him to Southport! I know a couple spots there but again never imagined the outcome would be this fruitful... or fishy. We got there at 12 noon and fished till 4pm. These fish are smart and will only take unweighted baits. I was using size 2 suicide hooks, and as usual had a vairety of bait, from peeled prawns, mullet strips, and my favourite chicken thigh. OH and as usual I try new stuff that I don't normally use... like baby octopus and I even bought some NZ fillet fish and rainbow trout...but they didn't produce well. We got given some albocore tuna from some trawlers and that worked a charm...
After downing some beers spiked with a bit of stones green ginger wine and just fishing of the wharf thinking this is bullshit... not even a bite, I tried another pier and STRIKE... I was on... nice solid hit and a Bream about 26cm. Then as soon I discovered thier feeding zone we were on...cathing about 18 Bream and my mate caught a Tailor! He was stoked!
So I gave him all the fish (most of which were around the 23cm mark and above) and he took his slab of tuna that was given to us, and off he went home...a very happy camper! I returned and started fresh, waited for my old man to make it down from Brisbane. From about 4pm - 6pm and after a few more brewskies, I bagged about 20 fish in the bucket... I was wrapped! They were getting bigger as the sun was setting.
6pm came and my old man came and started telling me I was fishing in the wrong spot before he even knew what I caught... I smiled and told the fool to lift the lid up. Suprisingly he moved to the next wharf and by 9pm I decided to call it quits. I caught about 30bream and bagged 25 my old man caught 3 bream but caught the biggest which was 37cm.
Anyway It was welcomed since...we always take the boat out and catch Jack (not the mangrove type). Anyway the dudes took me onboard and showed me what a long line tuna boat has to offer and to top that...even though I told them I don't eat fish... they gave me a slab of Marlin...recon it tastes U beaut! .....
Had a peck and as usual turned my nose up at it...and passed it onto another family member...and ate a salad!
It was good fun, gonna throw the line in again on Monday! BUT I can only predict it won't be that good! ;) These days are far and few between for me!
Have a good one boys!
15-07-2006, 01:17 AM
My mate with his catch.....he was stoked!
15-07-2006, 01:18 AM
Oh what a night! :D
15-07-2006, 01:19 AM
My dad....and his moment of glory...hehehe ;)
15-07-2006, 01:19 AM
Sorry... me and my slaughter! :P
15-07-2006, 01:21 AM
I think some people will be sick of eating Breambo's ....but they told me they have plenty of hungry mouths to long as they don't go to waste ..I'm happy to catch and give away! THATS ALL FOLKS!
15-07-2006, 07:35 AM
You are kidding arent you, what are you going to do with tiny fish like that, I'm sure half of them are under size.
15-07-2006, 08:35 AM
who were you catching them for?
15-07-2006, 09:19 AM
You are kidding arent you, what are you going to do with tiny fish like that, I'm sure half of them are under size.
No they are probably all legal. But a 23cm bream is a chicken nugget when ya think about it. I would like to see the size limit go up to about 35cm. Me and the missus throw em back unless they are 35cm. I saw a 52cm bream caught in the Brissy river 2 years ago, just cant keep em at 23cm since seeing how big they can get.
15-07-2006, 09:55 AM
I think 27 should be the size to keep still get a good fillet off that.
15-07-2006, 10:33 AM would not have too many keepers at 35..they are not all that common.
15-07-2006, 10:38 AM
A bucket full of bones and skin
15-07-2006, 11:19 AM
It's great to catch heaps of bream but it even better feeling to release them!
I wish more people would practice this on all species.. :-/
15-07-2006, 01:22 PM
This is going down the same road as another post recently and we all know how that turned out, so all I have to say is good catch. No rules broken, well within bag limits and all that other stuff..................... Please don't alert the Mod's (it's all posotive :) :)) Feeding the family is a top option Baby bream, they are babies tho.
Will be following this post carefully. Cheers!
15-07-2006, 01:30 PM
Good catch mate, yum. ;) ;)
15-07-2006, 01:46 PM
Yeah well, I have no hard feelings...everyone is entitled to thier opinions... I know myself that If it was me fishing alone, it would be a different story. Although I know I was taking another person who was excited about catching fish, so for him it was great!
Maybe I wouldn't have taken the just legals and maybe I wouldn't have taken as many of them. Maybe the title of my post is a little far fetched...but it was good relaxing and exciting fun...I enjoyed myself, and yes bigger sizes would be ideal, but when you get told to bring something back...thats what I intended to within the legal limits. I like the idea of upping the size limit of these species because they are by far the most easily targeted fish, in my opinion anyway. I guess just because thier are no set rules, I should make my own, like a few of my mates do...they will only take Bream that are 28cm and over.
I like the feeling of bagging fish and I only release what isn't legal or not wanted... we only take legal size and above!!! Its better to take only what you need, so does it matter if I had a good or bad day.... I tend not to overfish the same spot, plus one day you may catch your bag and the next you might catch nothing.
I'm new to this site, and thought I'd share my stories and catches. My apologies if I have ofended anyone. I can easily stop?
Thanks for all of your responses!
GEORGE, keep the posts coming but be careful what pic's you post as some take offence to lots of fish in a pic! Like RICH said, no laws broken so well done and as long as they are all eaten, enjoy those yummy suckers!
I too am in favour fo raising the size limit on these bread and butter fish. We too set our own minimums on certain species like bream, flatties, whiting and tailor although a few 'fat' whiting at 24-25cm is sometimes tempting...
Take Care T
15-07-2006, 02:39 PM
It's great to catch heaps of bream but it even better feeling to release them!
I wish more people would practice this on all species.. :-/
some may feel good releasing for me..I love eating them.
15-07-2006, 02:52 PM
Whenever there is a thread in the estuary fishing section with someone catching a lot of fish, there is often someone saying you should not catch that many. Interesting that there is never the same comments in the offshore fishing section. Most offshore trips I have ever been on, and most that you see posted on this site sees about 30 fish as the usual catch. And they are not little fish. So why is it that people comment when similar number of legal estuary fish are taken? Buggered if I know. Often seems that new members or young members are targeted as well.
Bream are almost plague numbers at times, so as long as they are legal and not wasted, good on ya. Well done.
We also set a slightly larger min for Bream on my boat, but as long as it is legal then you are entitled. 30 odd fish is not that many as we would go through nearly a third of that in Bream for a feed at my house so there really was not that much anyway. Freeze up a couple of packes for the following week or 2 that you don't get to go out or have a not so successful trip, and suddenly 30 Bream is not excessive.
As for getting more enjoyment out of releasing than keeping for dinner,,,, sorry no does not do it for me. I am on the eating team. I do sometimes release fish, but that is only when keeping them would be wasted (thus release as there should never be waste).
Just my thoughts.
Well said CHEECH! You are on the mark with your comments!
Take Care T
15-07-2006, 03:20 PM
You've done well for a land based catch and as has been said all legal. Your idea of a self imposed size limit is a good one, an old bream man I used to fish with wouldn't take below 25cm and normally could pull around 30cm regularly so would drop the 25's as well. His reasoning was as follows," those little buggers are hardly worth cleaning and besides at 23cm the poor little mongrels have had only one chance at finding some loving, how about we put him back for another shot before we knock his head off?"
In the end though the choice is yours, whatever you do just don't molest the mongrels like Mr. Hunt does, life's hard enough as it is! ;) ;)
Keep the posts coming brother. (I reckon your dad came out on top for the day though.)
15-07-2006, 04:42 PM
Good catch mate this is a very funny site at times. I was baged for taking 22 fish a few weeks back.
I still post dont let the worry you.Alot of them just look at the pics and dont read the posts so like i said dont let them stop you from posting.
Keep up the good work.
Zulu 1
15-07-2006, 05:25 PM
Whenever there is a thread in the estuary fishing section with someone catching a lot of fish, there is often someone saying you should not catch that many. Interesting that there is never the same comments in the offshore fishing section. Most offshore trips I have ever been on, and most that you see posted on this site sees about 30 fish as the usual catch. And they are not little fish. So why is it that people comment when similar number of legal estuary fish are taken? Buggered if I know. Often seems that new members or young members are targeted as well.
cheech,,, you've got my vote,,,,can't agree more,,, i've seen that many negative comments (especially towards newer members) on this forum than in saltwater its not funny,,,and you dont hear from the member after that
the old choppa is c & r,,, and very soon i'll be ""tag c & r"",, but thats my choice,,, the fish i do keep are the ones that i eat that day,,,,,,
as long as the fish are legal,,, and bag limits aren't exceeded,, each to there own,,,
i can recall a post where a newby excitedly reported his first """pb bream,,,,""",,, 3 pages later someone said,,, ""GOOD CATCH"",,,,,haven't seen him around much since
15-07-2006, 05:43 PM
It's great to catch heaps of bream but it even better feeling to release them!
I wish more people would practice this on all species.. :-/
some may feel good releasing for me..I love eating them.
Nothing wrong with taking a feed but if you aren't going to eat it that day it's a waste to freeze a fresh fish..
15-07-2006, 06:00 PM
Good on ya mate ,keep catching and eating them ;)As for the underlining issue of this thread ,everyone entitled for they opininon on c&r ,and sometimes you being picked on for releasing a fish if certain members remember .Catching HEAPS ALL THE TIME has its moments :P :D :P
15-07-2006, 06:17 PM
George well done. As long as you are enjoying what you are doing and not taking undersize fish then continue to enjoy. There have been a lot of negative comments lately and I dont understand why, I thought the objective was to support eachother here, not to tear into eachother. Keep the posts coming mate, your reports are a pleasure to read.
Kel [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif]
15-07-2006, 06:42 PM
It's great to catch heaps of bream but it even better feeling to release them!
I wish more people would practice this on all species.. :-/
some may feel good releasing for me..I love eating them.
Nothing wrong with taking a feed but if you aren't going to eat it that day it's a waste to freeze a fresh fish..
why is it a waste to freeze what if I may want to keep 20 fish..share them with friends and long there is nothing illegal done then who cares...I get sick and tired of people being bagged for doing absolutely nothing illegal...if others want to toss the fish be it...if others want to keep them..good on them. C&R isn't all it is cracked up to be either in my opinion.
Kill & Grill...and science keeps finding more and more benefits from eating fish.
Oh..BTW...if you saw my report from Caloundra from last Tuesday in law and myself caught 45 LEGAL bream..actually all were over 25cm...and..we kept them all. Considering he has 3 adult offspring with spouse and I have 2 with spouse and family...and a few to the that is 8 families..that equates to just over 5 fish per a fish slaughter..if anyone is concerned about us keeping that many..tough..I do not care. We abided completely by the law therefore have nothing to answer to anyone.
Yeah mate each to their own :)
I myself only keep what i will eat that day - never freeze thats my choice
Great catch - just dont like the "slaughter" bit, but thats just my opinion
Keep having fun fishing and keep posting
15-07-2006, 06:55 PM
Good onya Pinhead. I dont have no problem with freezing bream either. My dad has done it for years and the flesh has never gone off. I am of the opinion that some ppl are not happy unless they are running others down. Come on everyone we are here to encourage and support eachother.
Kel [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif]
Right on PINHEAD & KEL, i don't hear anyone screaming about catching and releasing and/or freezing beef or lamb!!!!!! We seem very happy to do this to those creatures but when it comes to fish, it's taboo?:o!?!?!
Well, next time you freeze a t-bone or rump or cutlet, think of releasing it instead perhaps... :P
Take Care T
PS: I have good friends who owned a fish & chip shop for years - we had this debate many times about the merits of freezing fish and i am flat out telling the difference in taste between the 2... and we tested it!
15-07-2006, 07:41 PM
Baby_bream. Well said mate.
T1's advice on pics is also spot on. People don't read the posts sometimes, they just look at pics and title. Kel is also right on encouraging but at the same time this is a forum and critisism is a natural part of forums.
Like you said champ, every1 has there own opinions and that's there entitlement. The forum is a way to express these opinions. Critisism can be part and parcel of your post. Generally, members mean well. Keep your posts coming and just stick to what you think is right. ;)
As for bagging members in the estuary section, (compared to saltwater) I reckon it's because there is a majority of landbased and estuarine fishers on the site who can really only target these fish. Not all have boats and can go offshore chasing the Reds etc. Bream, whiting, flathead etc are just that for some of us, "bread and butter fish".
Some may feel strongly to what they may percieve as a slaughter of the fish they target on a weekend to weekend basis. That's just my opinion tho.
Like said, no rules broken and all that other stuff. Certainly no need for you to pay too much attention to it and stop posting.
PS: you don't eat fish huh, maybe you'd eat squid?? Will be in touch mate. ;)
15-07-2006, 10:04 PM
Right on PINHEAD & KEL, i don't hear anyone screaming about catching and releasing and/or freezing beef or lamb!!!!!! We seem very happy to do this to those creatures but when it comes to fish, it's taboo?:o!?!?!
Well, next time you freeze a t-bone or rump or cutlet, think of releasing it instead perhaps... :P
Hey T... After these inspiring words - I tried to release my steak.... it didnt seem to appreciate its new found freedom - just sat there like it was..... dead :o strange huh!!! ;D :P :P :P Keep up the good work - you're a scream!!!
Oh yeah... saw that creek to coast - or whatever show tonight they released a longtail.... blood shark ate it - what a waste haha :-? shoulda kept it!
15-07-2006, 10:06 PM would not have too many keepers at 35..they are not all that common.
You would have more if under 35cms were returned....
Nice catch mate
15-07-2006, 10:17 PM
i only got 1 thing to say. give me that spot. ;D
15-07-2006, 10:42 PM
Well done Baby Bream, you did nothing wrong. I agree and support the views of Pinhead, Cheech and T1.
I am currently in Caloundra fishing bream, only got 4 during the day today will try a night fish tomorrow night.
When things are good (meaning getting a few fish ) I try and release the 23 & 24 cm ones. As you all know when a hooked bream comes up with blood comming out from a swallowed hook and at legal size 23 / 24 I keep it, because it not going to swim away.
When times are lean 23 cm and over thank you very much into the esky they go :)
15-07-2006, 10:52 PM
It's great to catch heaps of bream but it even better feeling to release them!
I wish more people would practice this on all species.. :-/
some may feel good releasing for me..I love eating them.
Nothing wrong with taking a feed but if you aren't going to eat it that day it's a waste to freeze a fresh fish..
why is it a waste to freeze what if I may want to keep 20 fish..share them with friends and long there is nothing illegal done then who cares...I get sick and tired of people being bagged for doing absolutely nothing illegal...if others want to toss the fish be it...if others want to keep them..good on them. C&R isn't all it is cracked up to be either in my opinion.
Kill & Grill...and science keeps finding more and more benefits from eating fish.
Oh..BTW...if you saw my report from Caloundra from last Tuesday in law and myself caught 45 LEGAL bream..actually all were over 25cm...and..we kept them all. Considering he has 3 adult offspring with spouse and I have 2 with spouse and family...and a few to the that is 8 families..that equates to just over 5 fish per a fish slaughter..if anyone is concerned about us keeping that many..tough..I do not care. We abided completely by the law therefore have nothing to answer to anyone.
mate with all sincerity,,, what you've stated is absolutely right,,,,
each to there own,,,,,,
but if you stop for a second and read what is being said,,, you may get a better grip on the topic
my opinion of freezing fish is the same as freezing any thing,,,,sooner or later you clean the freezer and find something down the bottom that we ALL forget about ,,,,,,, kill/grill,,,,,,,vs,,,,,,,,red light special
if you catch to enjoy,,,and release,,,,
if you catch to enjoy and eat,,,,
same thing,,,,just don't waste,,,,,
the issue here i think,,, is don't bag a catch because it looks like a slaughter,,,,you may have 1,,2,,3,,,4,, mouths to feed
WHO CARES,,,,,, long as its legal,,,,
i did read your post,,, noticed how many bagged you over the amount of fish caught,,took notes,,,then i thought about the prick on my birthday who preferred to use square hooks opposed to bent ones,, at my favorite spot x,, and I END UP IN THE $#@#$
as mrs choppa says,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,attitude
15-07-2006, 11:24 PM
As long as the fish isn't wasted and the bag is legal, I personally, don't have a problem with it.
We can't have it all ways.......if we believe that the DPI&F is doing the best possible under the circumstances and that their bag limits are based on sound research, then legal has to be ok. Then again, you may think that the legislation is flawed, and that you therefore have a right to critise baby bream's bag, but I woud propose that if you think the bream limits are flawed, (based on the assumption that you think the DPI research is flawed) then you must also consider that the research on all species is flawed, should you not?
It therefore follows that those who think the bream size should be upped or the bag limit decreased should also be proposing that this should apply to all species unless they are privvy to some info that the general fisho or DPI&F is not privvy to. As "run of the mill" fishos we have nothing really to go on except the hope that legislation is based on sound research.
With regards to the lack of criticism aimed at offshore fishos as opposed to the "little guys". I think it is well understood that fishing offshore requires major capital expenditure and running costs and in view of this, "higher returns" from offshore may be more acceptable to most thinking fishos, and the catches therefore attract less bagging.
It must be remembered also, that offshore is not as accessible as estuarine fishing and despite the reports of large catches from barwon for example, gaining "public scrutiny", these catches are in fact likely to be less in overall fish taken on any given day, than the estuarine fishos take...they are also less frequent, as offshore is less accessible due to weather.
That said, I personally don't think there is any difference between the bagging of catches viz a viz inshore and offshore. There will always be those who will criticise large bags from wherever, but what they should bear in mind is just how many times does the feller with the big bag come home empty handed?...........average his big bag out with days fished overall and it's likely then that his annual catch may be a lot more moderate than the "publicity" via reporting here, least I hope it is :-/
15-07-2006, 11:39 PM
first off, well done Baby Bream, i think the majority on here agree on that.
BUT, while quite a few of us are of the opinion that if its legal, its morally o.k., it got me thinking that i don't agree w/ everything that the law says is right and wrong.
the law says that its ok for some people to net our esturies.
i don't want to start another sh!t fight coz i agree with what most of what the fisherman[i] on here have already said. i set my own size limits sometimes, but i am not going to bag someone for taking a good haul of 23 - 25cm bream on the odd occasion. If you were to reap catches like on a regular basis, i [i]might change my opinion. but then again, i might just think you are a bloody good fisherman who knows his quarry well.
i like to eat fish (alot) and there's no way i am going to release a good feed coz some ill-informed, jumped up greenie thinks its cruel!, they can get stuffed!I'm not saying anyone on here did that, just what we all have to contend with in society sometimes
i also don't mind freezing any fish that DOES freeze well, i.e. I know that freezing tailor is a waste, so I don't bother keeping that many or alternatively i get the smoker out.
but, getting back to the point i started on, i wouldn't say, "yeah, the law says your right so go for it".
I just think that its definately possible to abuse of our marine resources while staying within the law, and i think thats the crux of what i have been trying to express in this post.
16-07-2006, 02:01 AM
Well done Baby Bream, you did nothing wrong. I agree and support the views of Pinhead, Cheech and T1.
I am currently in Caloundra fishing bream, only got 4 during the day today will try a night fish tomorrow night.
When things are good (meaning getting a few fish ) I try and release the 23 & 24 cm ones. As you all know when a hooked bream comes up with blood comming out from a swallowed hook and at legal size 23 / 24 I keep it, because it not going to swim away.
When times are lean 23 cm and over thank you very much into the esky they go :)
Wrong wind for them at Caloundra this weekend...son desperately wanted to go up there on Friday night after my previous 2 seesions..... I told him the wind was wrong...not a bite that night...should improve again with a wind direction change on Monday....will probably have another go myself on Monday night.
16-07-2006, 02:34 AM
I have my own version of fishing that is similar to catch and release......
I'm so cr@p, I just can't catch them, so don't need to release 'em.
To the fish its the same result, minus the sore throat.
At least I can come here to see what a fish looks like :'(
Might be better if I spent less time here, and went fishing instead :-?
16-07-2006, 05:53 AM
well done on your catch Baby-Bream, good to see you and a mate had a great day out doing what you enjoy [smiley=2thumbsup.gif]
16-07-2006, 06:21 AM
good effort mate...please keep posting and dont worry about the it has been said before, you broke no rules and by the look of the family nothing will go to waste.
16-07-2006, 07:34 AM
couldn't go fishing this weekend ,lucky i had a couple of bream stashed away in the freezer for dinner last night , they were as nice as the day we caught them :P cheers
16-07-2006, 09:08 AM
You blokes might be onto something here.I have released fish but never even tought about releasing a pig ,my dogs wouldnt let me ;D
16-07-2006, 09:28 AM
great read
16-07-2006, 09:32 AM
You blokes might be onto something here.I have released fish but never even tought about releasing a pig ,my dogs wouldnt let me ;D
Please don't release your dogs then, George :o ;D
16-07-2006, 07:56 PM
nicly done mate, great job
16-07-2006, 09:48 PM
Ahh you lot crack me up, always a bit of a giggle reading some of the bable on here, certainly beats watching telly. Best comedy show in town. ;D ;D ;D ;D
17-07-2006, 11:31 AM
Good one 'onehellofafisherman'
I agree
the guy caught some bream to eat and was excited enough to let us all know.....
and look what followed! >:(
I guess some people need something to do!
good on you Baby_bream good stuff. I for one would be keen on hearing about your next trip.
17-07-2006, 11:48 AM
Just a thought for next time try and avoid terms like slaughter or rape and pillage or mass murder or plunder or stripped bare or politicians, a bit like waving a nice red beach towel at an angry cow without an udder. :D
After the sunday sess I just had, I'm now just plain jealous. :-[
17-07-2006, 11:49 AM
I just noticed your avatar, I take it you found the cat then?
17-07-2006, 03:41 PM
nice fish but 23 cm dats tiny plus you went over the bag limit ( thats for n.s.w :D) should of thrown alot of them and it wouldnt of been a moment of glory for most of us.
17-07-2006, 04:11 PM
Fishy there are no bag limits for bream in qld and 23cm is the legal size.
Kel [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif]
17-07-2006, 04:30 PM
I just noticed your avatar, I take it you found the cat then?
No he found me....sneaked up when I was kipping and nicked the bren ;D
17-07-2006, 04:49 PM
dont know what some of you blokes are on about 30 LEGAL bream at a session is hardly excessive or do you have data that the dpi doesnt,if you want to see undersized and excessive walk the seaway walls it might bring you back to the real world.fair go guys. alex
18-07-2006, 08:23 AM
I just noticed your avatar, I take it you found the cat then?
No he found me....sneaked up when I was kipping and nicked the bren ;D
Aaahh, sneaky buggers them cats, I've never trusted them myself.
18-07-2006, 05:45 PM
Indeed. ;) ;) ;D
18-07-2006, 06:01 PM
Please don't alert the Mod's (it's all posotive ) Feeding the family is a top option Baby bream, they are babies tho.
yes true but you should go ctach some reall fish and feed the family wif the big ones snapper all the way
18-07-2006, 06:12 PM
that all depends if you prefer eating snapper to bream or any other species jake...I go after bream cos it is easy to launch and retireve the tinny on my own and can spend a night relaxing in I love eating them.
18-07-2006, 11:43 PM
Holy Fishies and fellow ausfishers!!!!
What a response!!! First of all, I started to write down the names of all the fellow ausfishers that took the time to read and comment on my post, then I realised that I might be here for a little longer than expected.
I would like to thank EVERYONE and all your reponses has made for an interesting read, regardless of which side of the fence you sat on. There was some very interesting opinions, to which many agreed with and also some humour thrown into the mix to try and brighten some sour moods!
Never the less, it's fishing and with the tide and time things will never be the same, so until next time...
Hope you all hook em' and whether your a 'kill & grill' or a 'C & R' the choice is in your own two hands if your legitimate about it.
George. ;)
19-07-2006, 10:21 AM
well said George . ;)keep fishing whilst you enjoy it .Its great therapy to relax oneself .
Look forwasd to your future posts
cheers Terry ;D
19-07-2006, 10:40 AM
i agree definetly no smallerthan 35.
19-07-2006, 02:45 PM
well said george, each to their own hey ;)
19-07-2006, 05:49 PM
G'day George
Enjoyed reading this I was getting to the end I went back and re-read your first post to check something - if you divided the number of fish you caught by the number of trips you've made and blanked what would the number be? I dont think you'd get too many knockers if you expressed it as 1.5 fish per trip or what ever the number is (I hope I'm not insulting your fishing abilities too much!)
19-07-2006, 09:55 PM
Nice catch george , keep on catching a feed .
20-07-2006, 09:44 AM
Good on ya George....what a read!! I'm glad we all have a different opinion as how boring it would be if we all thought the same. Wish the wife would agree with me more often (read sometimes) though.
Keep the reports coming.
20-07-2006, 03:42 PM
I am not afraid to say that I read your report and I am shocked and offended reading about such senseless waste.
In future please do not contaminate beer with Ginger Wine ;)
20-07-2006, 10:55 PM
Yeah I wasn't going to get involved in this post as I see it as a fish Kill.
Size limits and bag limits should be put into place for this fun species to catch. At the end of the day most of us fishers would fish for fun and not solely for feeding the family, I'm sure we can all work to pay for our food for our families and buy all the Beef and Lamb that are breed especially for human consumption. With wild fish though there should be moderation in what we take. Take fish for a feed for your family and not others I say.
If you are struggling though for a feed I believe that there is a welfare system here that supports people in need unlike where I'm from.
At the end of the day if we threw back more undersize fish, theoretically there would be bigger ones to catch in the future.
ps I agree with fish_till_late with size's
Cheers Barnesy
22-07-2006, 09:22 AM
facts.. 30yrs ago fished pin competitions,caught heaps(100+)bream of all sizes many kilo+, went recently(mid week away from all the experts) numbers down stopped counting to busy RELEASING small fish(50or so in bite period 2hours)what a alarmed is not the number but the size 19cm to 25cm nothing over!!.senario 2.. iluka nsw..20yrs ago fished every every winter for two weeks at peak time chasing large bream 1.5kg to 2.5kg for 10years numbers of large bream decreased to the point that bream of 2kg where as scarce as rocking horse sh8t.,yet the numbers of small bream even with pro traps on all the prime spots remained stable.maybe instead of raising the cap we should have a maximum as per flathead gave up bream fishing(to many cold nights and small fish) for the gentlemans art of bass fishing,best to date 52cm at 2.7kg something cheers alex.
22-07-2006, 10:12 AM
I'm sure we can all work to pay for our food for our families and buy all the Beef and Lamb that are breed especially for human consumption.
If you are struggling though for a feed I believe that there is a welfare system here that supports people in need unlike where I'm from.
:-? :-?
The last lump of rump I bought was crap!!
Fresh fish caught yourself (from a known source) can't be beaten!!
Congrats George on your legal catch of bream, hope they went down well. Sure beats something farmed in a muck infested Asian river.
"Give a man a fish and you give him a feed. Teach a man to fish and you give him food for life"
22-07-2006, 12:09 PM
yeh dezzer im with you .majority of fishers fish for not only for the enjoyment ,but at the end of the day hopefully, not always ,,.a feed of FRESH FISH .there is like myself a catch and release group but i admit when i was bringing up my family not many EXcluding tailer went back all were destined for the freezer and a feed ,we all cant afford $15 to $30 a kilo for fresh saying that it probably cost me more when you cost in 4 boats and other equipment over the years .sometimes i cringe in disbelief of this save the world and political correctness.they no longer can distinguish between the forest and the trees. my last 2 bobs worth. cheers alex
23-07-2006, 12:58 PM
Baby Bream nice catch!! Don't worry about what the other members are saying, they are just bloody jealous that you have a ripper of a breambo spot and they don't. If you pay for your rod,tackle,bait ect... you are entitled to catch what ever you want and keep it, as long as it's not a protected species and it within size/bag limit, with bream 23cm bag -. So tell them to F@*k Off and mind there own.
cheers steve
24-07-2006, 08:09 PM
I couldn`t agree more. ;) ;)
25-07-2006, 11:29 PM
Me too.... :D
My fishing days are over....until i get a break or find another excuse to wet the line!
Thanks for everyones opinions and feedback! I guess that's the point of such forums. Enough said about this report ... me thinks! I'm over it! :-X
27-07-2006, 04:10 PM
just because there is a limit doesnt mean you have to reach it, that to me is a slaughter, size limits should be pushed up to stop this or bag limits brought down surely this would benifit everyone with more fish being available at a better size more freqently.
27-07-2006, 04:23 PM
hmm interesting topic... does anyone in here have a degree in this particular area. I'm sure the government departments know when a species is getting close to the brink. We pay them to do these things.
Ho would you guys feel if they brogh the limit of snapper to 1 per boat. ??? not worth fishing is it now???..
If it's legal then your entitled to it. so long as your not breaking the law your FINE.
P.s i rarely catch a bream over 27 cm anyway,
28-07-2006, 02:46 PM
Timddo is on the money, really.. if you aren't breaking the law then you simply had a good day on the hook ! If my neighbour brought me a few freshly caught fish I would think he was a champ. Mine jjust lets his dog out to crap on my lawn :(
Here we have a young bloke who likes fishing, and yet so many dissuade him with their negativities. Like fishing is sanctioned only for the older blokes or something ?
I've never seen that many fish in one session, it is amazing, so perhaps some are overwhelmed by this as well ?
Sure, 23 isn't huge, but a couple would feed an adult with a few chips or salad so if you don't mind wading through the bones then good on you
I don't have a huge level of confidence with the DPI&F (read my prawn alert on the general chat page) but they must have some research to havev established a size limit and to decree that there's no bag limit for Bream ?
29-07-2006, 11:04 AM
Gotta be careful here... There are a few people that have their high horse permanently saddled and ready to ride!
All legal fish.
Good catch mate.
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