12-08-2006, 11:16 AM
Hi guys and girls well after many many many attempts at using these dam sp,s I finally landed a catch,Friday mid morning I had a few hours to kill b4 work and with the house reno's on hold due to funds or lack of em I headed down to the river for a few hours determined to catch a fish ,I dropped anchor just north of the bridge and threw out 1 rod with bait and set the other up with a pumkin coloured 3" minnow and out she went, first cast I felt a little thump slowed down and it hit again I couldnt believe it I had caught a fish ,it didnt have any great size about it(so I thought) but at least it was comming in,scored a very nice pike at just under 40 cm the funny thing was I hadnt hooked it he just didnt want to let go of the sp or it had wedged beetween its teeth ,inspected the lure and out it went again scored again his twin brother then another and 2 more to follow 5 in total in under 6 mins got to love those sp,s hey .possibly the funniest fish I ever caught was the 4th one after the 3rd fish came in the boat the hook dislodged and relodged its self in the webbing of my left hand upon removing the hook and dropping over the side to inspect the damage my rod went again I had caught this bloke just my dropping it over the side of the boat what a great trip I had ,hope to do it again soon only I want to catch a flatty.cheers snas