View Full Version : Sat on Coomera

25-09-2006, 09:38 AM
Well I don’t mind saying I found it tough on Sat morning. On the water at 5.30 , and hit the mouth of the Coomera, but there was no fish for 2 hours. I threw every Gulp I had at em, starting on 1/8 jigheads, moving to ¼, and finally to ½ TT to keep up with the current. I tried all my usual spots near rock walls and drifting over sand flats, with no success. I reckon the combination of a few days of Northerly winds, and fishing 1-2 hrs after low tide didn’t help.

By the eleventh spot change, I found a canal entrance that seemed to be in the eddy of the river flow. Felt a tug, tug on the pearl Atomic shad, and hooked up to something heavy on the light gear. When I see color, I know it’s a flatty, and then she spots the boat and spits the lure, but retains the hook in the top lip. Just as Ive got her in the net, she gives one last head shake and breaks clean thru the hook in a TT ½ oz jighead! Half the hook with the barb is still in the top lip, and half is still on my line. Ive never seen that before.

Back at the ramp by 8.30 and off to work. I kept this one for dinner, but it wasn’t as tasty as some of the smaller ones Ive had. I wouldn’t bother eating one this size again.


25-09-2006, 09:48 AM
Nice fish mate

25-09-2006, 10:05 AM
Good fish mate.
Im of the impression that the 40 to about 55cm are better eating.
Which suits me well as then more breeders go back :)

I have never seen the hook actually snap like that either :o


25-09-2006, 05:35 PM
Nice fish Andrew.

The weekend was tough fishing - everyone I have spoken to said the Flatties (and other fish) had lockjaw - bloody northerlies! Glad to hear you plan to release future fish of that size - they are too much fun to catch just once.

BTW - mates caught a 39cm Jack Saturday morning in the Coomera - the only fish I know that loves a northerly wind.

25-09-2006, 07:11 PM
nice flatty andrew, i agree the smaller flatties are a much better feed

25-09-2006, 09:16 PM
Nice fish mate, it is still a good feeling to triumph when you had to work hard for it.

Cheers ;) ;) ;) ;)

25-09-2006, 09:41 PM
nice fish

25-09-2006, 10:16 PM
Hi Andrew

The coomera has been fishing a bit slow lately, iv also found some days to be frustratingly slow. hopefully the jack will start to come out soon, dont despair.

26-09-2006, 05:49 AM
Marty, what time of day was the jack caught? Dawn/low tide, or high tide/noon ?
I still reckon they prefer southerly winds. 8-)

Did you see the trailer in for sale section? Might be worth a look.


26-09-2006, 07:39 AM
looking into that trailer now - thanks

Jack was caught mid morning. yes, you are right with the southerly, but if it is blowing from the north I would still go looking for them!

26-09-2006, 08:25 AM
great flattie, i have been getting some nice trevs in the coomera over the last week,have heard good reports also of queenies,looks like its about to start heating up in the coomera again. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

26-09-2006, 10:55 AM
Hi Geoff,
hows it goin? How you catch the trevs? SPs or hard lures? Ive caught em on hardbodies when they school up and feed against a wall, but I cant get em to bite when they feed on baitschools in the deeper water. It can be frustrating when they break the surface everywhere, but wont take a SP off the bottom, or take a popper.


26-09-2006, 06:22 PM
nice flatie there

07-10-2006, 11:53 PM
thats one lice big coomera flattie


08-10-2006, 09:57 PM
thats one nice big coomera flattie
