View Full Version : black tip sharks

12-11-2006, 09:12 AM
small sharks about 2ft 6 were around over in front of sand hills yest. Oh what a fight. Decided to keep 1. What r they like eating. Taken of 2 bit fillets. Was going to give a go tonight. Filletted and skinned then look good and are real thick. Would someone let me know before i eat them. also got shovel nose, and cut, filletted and skinned tail of that as well.


12-11-2006, 10:01 AM
I have a little bit of a story about Black tipped sharks. I was once fishing on the Steiglet's(Not sure how it's spelt) jetty at Jacob's Well in the days we were allowed to fish from it and some days you could walk on it and have it all to yoursef but there were days like this particular day when there would be Prawn trawlers tied to the jetty on both sides which made it challenging to land big fish due to the fact you couldn't walk them along the jetty to beach them but rather had to try lift them up a long way onto the jetty. On this particular day I caught a Black tip shark just over the two foot long and I was all ready to just cut my line and turf it back into the water when a guy from one of the trawlers yelled out for me not to throw it back in and he wanted it if I didn't. He came and chatted to me and proceeded to explain that they were one of the best eating fish in the water. He offered me $10 for it but I decided that if it was so good for him to want to buy it from me that I just had to give it a go myself. He was very nice and even told me how to prpare it which I will share with you. The suggestion was to skin it and then cut it into steaks like you'd do with mackeral. I then got a plastic bag with plain flour and some salt and put the steaks in and gave it a shake so that it covered the steaks evenly and then into a pan with hot oil to shallow fry. The end result was this guy was not kidding me. To date it was one of the best feeds I had ever had.


13-11-2006, 07:23 AM
Interesting guys, I caught 2 of them on saturday morning in some weed beds around the powerlines.. was going to keep them, but decided against, defaintely will in the future though.

And they do perform on light gear.



13-11-2006, 08:04 AM

It's spelt Steiglitz. The way your story started I thought it had a bad ending. I have eaten shovelly only and the flesh was great. Cut it into cutlets and cooked in the usual way.


13-11-2006, 12:47 PM
I have to agree,both a good to eat.Anything over 4 ft I would not eat especially sharks as they begin to build up a bit of mercury apparently.That's what my old skipper told me anyway??

13-11-2006, 12:59 PM
we went through a stage of getting them caught head fist in our dillies when we were chasing sandies. we were a bit suss on them at first, but filleted and then skinned and fresh on the barbie they are simply awesome.

13-11-2006, 04:50 PM
I have to agree,both a good to eat.Anything over 4 ft I would not eat especially sharks as they begin to build up a bit of mercury apparently.That's what my old skipper told me anyway??

That's true mate. I got it first hand from the DPI when I first started catching shark and shovelly. They haven't legislated for it but there is a recommendation to not bring in any over 4 ft.
