View Full Version : Stuntmen on the water and pine report 22/11

23-11-2006, 07:43 AM
Howdy all!
First, the report..

BrandonH and I ended up at the pine river last night after his suggestion of chasing "something special". It was going to be one of those out of the ordinary trips but of course neither of us knew that!

It started off without a hitch. Literally, but 'nuff said there! ;D

I arrived at DWB a little after 5.30 and Brandon had his rig in the water waiting. As I jumped in a couple of skiers who were at the ramp said they hoped we were after bull sharks as they were a bit worried about how often they were seeing a fin when wakeboarding. I suggested they tie a couple of hooks behind the wakeboard :-)

After wearing out the welcome there :-) we headed up the pine to throw some placcies along the banks.

There were a couple of other boats out there including a 3.85 Bass tracker with a johnno on the back that we were to become very familiar with!
(Mate - If you're a member here feel free to add to this post :-) )

The tide was low but near the turn and we'd been throwing placcies hard against the bank for about 20 mins (well.. ok.. Brandon's were hard against the bank, mine were either just in front of the boat or somewhere in a mangrove..) when the tracker came past us on the plane.. I was busy trying to land my placcy as close to shore as I could when I heard Brandon say "watch this".
I turned to see that the tracker, still on the plane and about 50 metres away from us now had decided that the Green channel marker was to be taken on the right hand side when traveling out of port.
For those that know the pine, I'm talking about the channel marker just after the big left hander. The one that directs you away from the sunken barge. :o :o :o :o
There was nothing we could do (they couldn't hear us and were heading away from us) except watch as the tracker struck the barge (at full tilt) with the old johnno.
It was pretty cool to see (no malice intended!) as the boat gave a big lurch to the right the johnno kick up and pivoted almost horizontally on it's mounts. It made a pretty good thump as it hit too... Kind of like a bass drum on steroids. :-)
We thought we'd better head up and offer them a tow back to the ramp, but were surprised when the motor (on a huge angle but still on the boat!) started, even more surprised when the prop turned out to be ok!
The bloke driving (there were 3 in the boat) told us that the johnno had popped off the transom on one side - (I think he was really lucky to still have a transom!) He fixed it up.. Sort of. Got most of the angle out anyway and after a bit more of a chat which revealed he didn't know which side of the marker he was supposed to be on they left to go back to the ramp.

Somehow I think he'll remember that barge, I know I'll never forget where it is ;-)

And finally...
on the fishing front..

It was a pretty good night. Grand total was about 5/6 bream between us, a couple of cod, and a catfish. All undersize, but hey.. At least we were pulling something in!

And you'll all have to guess who got the cattie...

Until Brandon reads this post anyway ;-)


23-11-2006, 08:34 AM
Good report Jason...........I could just picture it ;D

Actually I've pictured it a few times when I've been sat there fishing and some mad bastard has gone past on the plane....never happened though and I thought it would only be a matter of time. What the hell do they think those markers are for? And the wreck is clearly marked on the beacon to beacon ::)
They were real lucky 'cause if one of 'em had left the boat they coulda been chopped in two on the side of that barge.

Nice to see you got onto the catties ;D


23-11-2006, 08:47 AM
Who said it was me on the catties??????????? ;D ;D ;D ;D

I was a bit surprised when it dawned on me the boatie had no knowledge of the bouyage system.. Kelloggs license maybe! But the main thing is no-one was injured in the least, except maybe in the wallet area, so we're free to find it amusing. It's frightening to think that a little less luck or a little less water and the story could have been different. It's a razor edge between health and injury out there. Caution is your greatest ally and certainly would have prevented that accident.

It really was a good night as my tired body testifies today! (I really need to replace this one - it's falling apart :-) )
We pulled up stumps at about 11.30pm...
Debated taking a sickie and sleeping in, but with everyone at work knowing I was heading out for a fish last night and the ashes opener today I figured no excuse would have any credibility!

Feel sorry for anyone taking a legitimate sickie today! :-)


23-11-2006, 10:35 AM
Lol good report mate ;) but some of the bream were legal ::) just :P
Was good to get out with you again, plenty of gasbaging and laughs ;D I have never seen a boat hit that bardge either Kev but I knew this poor bloke was a gonner!!! I still don't know how he didn't screw the prop!!!

And yes after i don't know how many times i was telling Jason to throw his bait hard against the bank he threw it out a mile and snagged a bloody catfish ;D ;D ;D (always catch catfish in the middle of the creek ::))

You also forgot that we had 2 live mullet out for about 4 hours or so? for not even a scale missing (on mine anyways) when retirved b4 leaving :'( They were a perfect size about 10cms too but thats the way it goes some times when jack fishing ;) might try a slightly different spot next time me thinks :)

I'm actually feeling quite ok this morning :o I did keep hitting the snooze untill 8:20 this morning though:P ;D ;D ;D
Oh i have a flat on the trailer too >:( same wheel that the 2 tins of beer were resting on :-/ I Think the next pine late nighter we will launch from doholies rocks ;)

Cheers N
Tight Lines


23-11-2006, 10:42 AM
Sounds like an interesting trip... looks like the barge hooked a big one ;D... glad it practiced catch and release though - for the sake of those blokes - they could have ended up in the esky ::)

So... apart from the barge attracting 3.85 bass punts... does it hold good fish? sounds like good structure there.

Thanks for the report guys - and better luck next time for the fish - pity you didnt have the video camera on hand...


23-11-2006, 11:17 AM
A video camera wouldn't have helped much as I was PMSL too hard to hold one anyway!

Was soooooo glad no-one was hurt though.. :-)
CPR ain't much fun on another bloke ;)


23-11-2006, 10:14 PM
Good report Jason, sorry you didn't get any quality fish but they are there.

Also nice to hear that the burley is working ;D ;D ;D

Now i have to work out how to make up some burley that resembles jet ski's ;D ;D ;D

These days i keep a sharp eye out for skiers and jet ski's as i have skiers come close enough to shake hands, the only trouble was that i couldn't get to my knife quickly enough.

Almost been beamed a couple of times by jetski's roaring around a corner and turning away at the last moment, close enough to spray water into the boat >:( >:( >:(

I think someone will come to grief up there some day

I have fought the urge to carry a twenty litre bucket of half pound snapper leads for some time now as i would probably only get myself in the dodo ;D ;D

Anyway mate keep trying and the fish will come as there are some quality fish there.



23-11-2006, 10:15 PM
Good report Jason, sorry you didn't get any quality fish but they are there.

Also nice to hear that the burley is working ;D ;D ;D

Now i have to work out how to make up some burley that resembles jet ski's ;D ;D ;D

These days i keep a sharp eye out for skiers and jet ski's as i have skiers come close enough to shake hands, the only trouble was that i couldn't get to my knife quickly enough.

Almost been beamed a couple of times by jetski's roaring around a corner and turning away at the last moment, close enough to spray water into the boat >:( >:( >:(

I think someone will come to grief up there some day

I have fought the urge to carry a twenty litre bucket of half pound snapper leads for some time now as i would probably only get myself in the dodo ;D ;D

Anyway mate keep trying and the fish will come as there are some quality fish there.



23-11-2006, 11:27 PM
Good post mate I was at the same spot when the prawns were on and the same thing happened ,I was with my daughter when these 2 blokes came flying past us the wrong side of that green marker(we were right behind it in comming tide ) and I said the same thing to my little girl and what a noise it was ,he did do serious damage to his 1 yr old 40hp yammy I offered him a tow and he started blaming me for the accident he just had, claimed he couldnt see the boy, after I stopped laughing and pointed out what side of the marker he should have been on and that he was on the plane when going past me he said a quick sorry and proceded to vibrate back to the ramp.it looked very uncomfortable I could see the whole boat shaking violently as he slowly left.

24-11-2006, 01:29 PM
JT, what a belter of an experience !! some people have no idea eh ? :-/

Still it sounds like he will have the boat in for a transom overhaul and you would have to have the motor looked over, so it cost his pride and his wallet for his foolishness.

So how was the catfish stew ?

24-11-2006, 07:30 PM
All fish were released mate. Even the biggest one! (the cattie :-( )
I want to get something to track them with.. A little beeper to let me know they're there.. So I can move!
If I equip kingtin and myself with them we should know the location of every catfish in the pine within a matter of months! Might help avoid them!

Thanks for the comments guys. Your encouragement is appreciated!

Heading out the front of redcliffe with my 10yo tomorrow morning - look for a report (and cross your fingers please! )


24-11-2006, 08:15 PM
High quality entertainment like that normally costs big bucks! but its the spectators that pay!

I'm sure if he was a member he wouldn't be saying nothin!

After an incident like that I'm sure he'll remember the what colour and what side.

