View Full Version : to the cape i go... but what rig
10-11-2004, 05:15 PM
Hello all .Yes I am going to the Cape with the mrs.I intend on selling the 4.2 gq petrol and either going a turbo deisel gq or gu any opinions??I am also in the market for a camper trailer.I want to go to the cape and perhaps even right round.I have decided to take a year long sickie.
12-11-2004, 04:11 AM
Half your bloody luck.
IMHO you'd be looking for a 4wd that leansd towards being more comfortable on the road rather than something that is offroad extreme.
Fuel economy and ride comfort would be import when talking about doing around Australia.
I've got a Defender Extreme which I love to death but it's cockpit size and road comfort probably doesn't lend itself to doing 50,000ks in a year on the road. Off road well that's a different matter.
I've never been to the Cape but have known a few that have - Advice: tighten everything and retighten everything halfway because things shake loose. Carry spare suspension for the trailer - just in case.
12-11-2004, 08:59 AM
I'm gearing up for the same trip (hopefully right around) and have decided to go lightweight : Subaru Forester X, probly with an A'Liner fold up caravan. Fuel consumption is an issue - and I figure that if I want to go offroad somewhere too rugged or soft for the above outfit I will hire a bigger vehicle and tent it. Time isn't an issue - I got the rest of my life, - oh retirement is such bliss!!!
12-11-2004, 09:01 AM
I'm gearing up for the same trip (hopefully right around) and have decided to go lightweight : Subaru Forester X, probly with an A'Liner fold up caravan. Fuel consumption is an issue - and I figure that if I want to go offroad somewhere too rugged or soft for the above outfit I will hire a bigger vehicle and tent it. Time isn't an issue - I got the rest of my life, - oh retirement is such bliss!!!
12-11-2004, 10:45 AM
Gday Fellas,
Havin been to the cape twice in Hilux vehicles.I recon ya need a toyo or nissan.Seen some others in strife up there.As i now own a forrester id leave it at mossman and get a serious 4wd to do the rest.along with the a van.Ya can leave them at the van park at Mossman for a reasonable cost.If ya stay on the new road it is the corrigations that get ya(really bad especially at the end of the dry)If ya go the telegraph line there are somd deep crossings and ya need all the clearance ya can get.
I found the lux would go anywhere i wanted(A lot of places that stopped land rovers and troopys)In 2 trips (1) 2.4 Diesel dual cab (2) 2.8 diesel dual cab,I never broke anything and had 1 punture(A big screw out of a camper trailer).The points made about fuel consumption is valid as it is exxy up that way,If ya takin a trailer i would not reccommend goin the old telegraph route as some crossings are pretty tight and steep and deep.
If ya want any advise re my trip send me a pm. only too glad to offer my opinion.
12-11-2004, 01:12 PM
jimbamb i will need to contact you as i get prepared you sound like the bloke that can answer my questions.
Are 15 or 16 more available up far north and how many spares do i carry.
Also what range do i need to set the car up for ie biggest gap between sevos.
Would you recommend towing offroad camper trailer up
I have done lots of serious 4x4 so my skills i recon are ready for it but i want to try some remote harder stuff.Are there tracks that i can do all this up there or is it choose your own adventure.
One last thing ...What does anyone think of tag along tours???
12-11-2004, 07:06 PM
hey champ,
if ya want to make it to and around the cape give the nissan a miss and by a cruiser...... One hint i can offer ya is nylocks aint worth two knobs of goat shit, Take some loctite 262 the stuff sticks like poo to a blanket. I have a cavalier camper traile and it follows my troopie everywhere one of those tregg hitchs but..Done the trip 2yrs ago bloody awsome take a tinnie and some crab nets too....took my rifle didnt use it in defence but sure nailed a few vermin...if ya budget allows put ya tinnie on the trailer and the outbaord on one off those kaymay rear caddys,you can get the dual spare wheel carrier types one for a spare and one for ya pet hate is tinnies on car roofs alomg with ya spare tyre on the roof rack closely followed by fully fueled jerry cans up there as well... what can i say some people never learn
13-11-2004, 06:11 PM
Try this site.
You will find heaps of info there.
13-11-2004, 06:45 PM
I've been to the tip and back a couple of times for workin last 2 years . Even new government Dual cabs etc will fall apart on the corrugations. The loctite suggestions is a bloody good one.
A 4.2 Patrol or a Cruiser are recommended. The turbo models will do you better on your around the Australia bit but those without haul you through the occasional sand bog much better. Suit yourself but I like the turbo and just drop down a gear and keep the revs up. Coil springs are a must if you have a soft ass like me. You shouldnt have to worry about fuel unless you are doing some excursions off the side. Fuel is every 400 Km or so these days. You will need at least the 2 spares mentioned and you will need a tyre repair kit. Take spanners and a suitable air compressor. Once agin not usually needed fopr the roads but anything off a bit can be nasty.
Timing is everything with the creek crossings. You should have gone last month, you'd get away with it now - but definitely not next month. The bypass road is hard on your car and pretty boring. I always suggest the telegraph track - slower but more historical and easier on the bum. I would also skip the tag along tour as its not needed unless you really love the company...but to be honest the trip is no longer the great challenge lonesome it once was. ast time I went, I think I spent more time pulling off the road for other cars then I spent on the track...
Everyone should do the trip , its a great once in a lifer. Leave the camper trailer at home and set up a camp at one of the roadhouses or tourist spots along the way... that is unless you take your mobile welder. I've seen some of the new $35K models make it around twin falls and even the Frenchmans track ..but bloody hell better them than me. Cheers Lee
13-11-2004, 09:22 PM
my parents recently did a top end trip with a GU patrol 3 litre auto turbo diesel. they towed a campermatic offroad trailer and it went most places the vehicle would go no probs. they had a tinny mounted on the trailer and a minn kota to power it. the vehicle went well worst problem was destroying a couple of tyres.
14-11-2004, 03:59 AM
There is nowhere you can go with a Landcruiser that you cant go with a GU Patrol. These days a trip to the cape is not what I read it was 20-30 years ago anyway. We went this year in June. Great trip but for some reason I was expecting a lot more headaches.
OMG - wait till Kev reads that Brett ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
14-11-2004, 05:07 PM
G'day fellas, I've driven to Weipa and back in Jan / Feb the last 2 years running, we travelled up through Lakeland Downs, Laura, Musgrave Archer River and Hahn River using government LandRovers both 4x4 and 6x6,Landcruisers and Mercedes Unimogs, I'll go out early on a limb here and say give me a Rover any day, although we didn't have any dramas with any of the vehicles on any of the trips. No lose nuts or flat tyres, no 'drownings' because of water. As for fuel if you fill up at Musgrave Station you should get through to Weipa unless you're doing something wrong or have a small tank. At that Time of the year there were patches of black mud and red clay due to the tropical storms, the Rovers just 'Kept on truckin' the cruisers were all over the place and thats being nice. some of the creek crossings (Dips) were a little steep although I don't believe that a forester would have any dramas, the corrigations are bad in places, so you would need to pick a path through them. If you travel up more or less directly after the wet the council (S) should have run a blade over and it shouldn't be too bad. For whats it's worth, on the last trip there was a story given to us at Lakeland Downs about a truckie trying to get through a week or so before us, they were saying that he was stuck and it would be weeks before any one would be able to recover him,( in other words don't go) we drove through to Weipa and didn't see any sign of him or where he had been stuck. Also be aware of the Archer River, it could make or break you although on both occasions that we crossed it (up and back x2)the water flowing over the weir wasn't even axle deep. in other words watch out for the rumour mill. It's a great trip and one that I'd throuoghly recommend
16-11-2004, 08:14 AM
It doesnt get serious till ya go past Weipa.If ya think ya can doge the corrogations ya a better driver than me.they are wall to wall.It is possible to drive 2wd to weipa.As i said the old telegraph track is the most challenging.the new road is a made up road,the old track is just that.
Personally i dont like tagalongs as i dont like eatin dust and waitin for a dozen vehicles to get thru a simple crossin isnt for me
Most stuff ya need is available at a price,i got thru easily with the luxes 65l tank.carry a jerry as well incase ya tear a fuel tank or sumthin.
I only carry basic spares as i bet watever ya take somethin else will break.
pm me if ya think i can give ya any advise
16-11-2004, 05:07 PM
at this stage i have been looking around for camper trailers.I want to go right round and i do a lot of camping in the south east ,So a trailer would be an investment.I also have been looking for a good turbo diesel patrol .I looked at second hand and new trailers and found they didnt depreciate that much.What do you guys think?? As for patrols or even landies ,with patrols its a toss up between 4.1l t/d and 3.0 t/d any recommendations?
16-11-2004, 05:50 PM
Reefy, I'm assuming you're going wagon? It looks like you've chosen Patrol, probably because of the price difference offered over the cruiser. I reckon they are an excellent vehicle. I have the 4.2 turbo GU trayback while my oldest brother has the same in wagon form, very comfortable. You will save more by buying the 3 litre and Nissan has sorted out a lot of problems the early 3 litres had. They still aren'y as good as the 4.2 though for reliability so you'll have to weigh that up in your search.There is a lot of info on the 3 litre in this link.
Cheers, Mark.
17-11-2004, 02:05 AM
daintreeboy thanks.I have a gq at the moment but its a petrol and fuel /km is too bad to take it so i am upgrading.Some are saying gq t/d and some gu.I dont know enough about problems the gu had can you enlighten me.I will check out the link too. anyone with any info with problems the early gu had, could you also please post.Thanks marty
17-11-2004, 11:19 AM
Sorry to keep addin bits. We left to do a round aussie trip with a camper ang got to Albany WA.The missus gave me an ultimation...Get a caravan or im flyin home.We found it very tying settin up camp every day or so and then pullin it apart each mornin.Admittedly we were in an older camper trailer.The new ones have more space and kitchens etc.and are heavier.
The worst thing was if it rained overnite ya had to wait till it dried before packin up..a real pain in the aaaaaaaaaaa.
Food for thought tho.
18-11-2004, 05:02 PM
Go the Nissan! I've got a GQ 4.2 and it hasn't missed a beat. Just clocked up 215000. Have done 14 trips north on the Cape, but haven't gone all the way to the top yet. Biggest problems were with the boat tralier. Haven't done a tyre yet(touch wood) but always carried 2 spares. If you get a winch make sure to carry a snatch block as well!
18-11-2004, 05:23 PM
There is nowhere you can go with a Landcruiser that you cant go with a GU Patrol. These days a trip to the cape is not what I read it was 20-30 years ago anyway. We went this year in June. Great trip but for some reason I was expecting a lot more headaches.
OMG - wait till Kev reads that Brett ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
GU PATROL cough cough splutter splutter.
Seriously if you wanna good you will go for the one and only.
Cheers Kev. :)
26-11-2004, 06:47 PM
<snip> we travelled up through Lakeland Downs, Laura, Musgrave Archer River and Hahn River using government LandRovers both 4x4 and 6x6,Landcruisers and Mercedes Unimogs, I'll go out early on a limb here and say give me a Rover any day, <snip> the Rovers just 'Kept on truckin' the cruisers were all over the place and thats being nice. <snip> the corrigations are bad in places, so you would need to pick a path through them. <snip> in other words watch out for the rumour mill. It's a great trip and one that I'd throuoghly recommend
Couple of things Dads_Army, I spent 10 years with defence driving all over this great land in their Landy's, Cruisers and Unimogs, even got to flog the arse off the turbo GQ Patrol Urban Assult vehicles. I find it hard to agree that anyone could put the Cruisers second over the military Rovers, especially in the handling department.
Corrigations... you can't dodge them, your better off picking your speed to make it as comfortable as possible, if that's in any way possible.
The rumour mill... well I have now been all the way to the top 18 times now. First one was back in 1979. Even then there were all sorts of rumours about the creek crossings and such. Wait till you get there and make a decision on what you want to do from there.
As Sportfish_5 said, it is alot different know. Even photo's that we have taken of the Gunshot are different year to year. Things even change in the week between going up and coming back.
Finally, as Dads_Army said, it is a great trip and one that has to be done by everyone for the experience.
Tip... take water with you for the walk to the tip, and if possible without getting caught, have a look a Pajinka Resort at Pajinka beech next to the tip.
01-02-2005, 09:27 AM
ive been up to the cape to in a v8 4runner had some problems but i lernt if i go again and i thinking about july this year iwould lock tite or put nylon washers on because what can come loose will come loose belive me i no
when i was getting repairs 4 my rad at weipa the guy told me the best 4by to own is a nissian because they r very strong trucks and u need them up there also let your tyres down a little to take the jar out so u dont brake stuff
see ya stevo
01-02-2005, 09:56 AM
tip - don't put your esky in your trailer - not good having all your beer explode :o
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