View Full Version : Holden V6 conversion to Bitsamissing Triton?

15-12-2004, 05:36 PM
My long suffering & always verging on overheating 2.6 4cyl has given me the sh*ts towing the boat for the last time. I can get a donor V6 & auto at a good price so am considering getting this http://www.v6conversions.com.au/Information%20Mitsubishi%204x4.htm adaptor kit.

Can go either V6 engine only & bolt up to existing gearbox, but am considering the kit for V6 engine plus 4spd auto to bolt to transfer case instead. sounds pretty simple. transfer case, tailshafts etc stay in it's place. The auto has a much taller overdrive than the existing manual gearbox which should be better highway cruising.

any thoughts ?, good/bad/indifferent

15-12-2004, 05:48 PM
There may be some legalities to consider with certification.
You will need to be pretty handy to sort out the headaches that come with doing this type of thing. It aint always as rosey as it may sound.
Haven't heard a lot about the conversion in question, but if you go ahead it will make an interesting post. 8)

15-12-2004, 06:06 PM
yeah, lots of niggly little stuff. plus a few issues converting to an efi engine from a carby, like wiring, black boxes, return fuel lines, bigger fuel pump. also have to change the output shaft on auto to fit current transfer case (shaft included in kit).

Have yacked to the guy who does the conversion kits. he's quite helpful.

He's done quite a few himself in NSW, plus sold many kits to Qld'ers, gets through Qld vehicle modifcation plate stuff OK. (apparently), will be checking first though).

03-02-2005, 07:04 AM
After having a few weeks holiday over christmas, I got into this conversion on the weekends & a fair few evenings. Now it's all done, I'm very happy with it. (But, If you asked me a couple of weeks ago when I was knee deep in wiring, welding and whinging I would have sold it for a dollar ;).)

No idea of fuel economy yet as it's only been on the road a couple of days.

Go's like a stung cat, well compared to the old 2.6, 4 cyl anyway ;D.

03-02-2005, 08:07 AM
Looks neat.

03-02-2005, 08:48 AM
If it aint a rude question, How many dollars did ya part with ?

Big unit.

03-02-2005, 09:40 AM

The adaptor kit, (transmisson shaft, transmisson extension housing & brackets , wiring harness conversion & engine mts was $2300. Bit dear I reckon, but a damn sight less drama than making those bits up yourself. A few other odds & ends, like new hoses, fuel lines & pump, electric fan, front section of the exhaust system made up, probably $400 to $500.

The rest would be up to the price you got a motor & auto for and what condition it was in.
I came across a rear ended commodore, the front & engine/auto was otherwise in real good nick, for $1000. I drove it home. The handy thing having the donor car was easy raiding for all the little extra stuff, like gear shifter & linkages, other bits of wiring, plugs, brackets & what not.

I also made up mounts & brackets to put in the aluminium radiator from the commode.

Still lots of little fabricating parts & wiring to make it all fit and work. I'd hate to pay someone to do the conversion on top of parts. At a quick guess, I'd reckon I put in 60 to 80hrs. Still got to make up some hoses to run from the commode air con commpressor to existing mitsu air con unit & make up something to tidy up the shifter surrounds in side the cab.

I had a mechanic mate dropping in to share a beer and spanner & point me in the right direction at times as well.

For 4 odd grand, I'm pretty happy. The car itself is a dual cab, good nick, no rust etc. If I scouted around to trade it or sell it for about 10 to 12 000. plus this 4 grand in my pocket to buy something else. I doubt I'd get anything better. She's a second car, mainly for towing the boat, camping etc. A lot of effort was put into doing it well as opposed to a quick bodgy bro's changeover. I hate unreliable crap. We'll see in the long run if it's any good.

It would also be a good conversion for the under powered old hiluxes about the place too.

03-02-2005, 02:33 PM
Mate ... that is a very clean and good looking conv. well done...

you have already answered my question "what is that where the radiator should be" ...

i wouldnt mind hearing how you go keeping her cool with that combo... my hilux has a 16" thermo and 5 core radiator and struggles a bit in heavy sand work sometimes.

03-02-2005, 09:17 PM
I would take my hat off to you if I was wearing one, thats pretty cool, personally I couldnt do that again, I converted a 2 door range rover once put a 350 chev on gas, bilstein susp & 3" lift kit, 4 sp auto, 33" Kumhos and blah blah blah & more fiddling than an Irish pub band. Took about forever and a fair wad o cash but your right you know what you got and you couldnt buy better