View Full Version : HELP! Nissan Patrol steering problem

20-01-2005, 02:25 PM
Help anyone,

I have a 1985 MQ Nissan Patrol wagon and have a major problem with my steering. When I get up to about 80km/h the steering wheel just goes out of control vigorously shaking to the point that I cannot hold the wheel. I slow down to about 50km/h and then the shaking stops but as soon as I get in the 80km range, off it goes again. I have replaced the steering damper, shocks, bushes, and tyres and even had numerous wheel balances and alignments but it makes no difference. I am at my wits end [smiley=hammer.gif] and I don’t know what it could possibly be and neither do most of the people I take the car too. [smiley=confused.gif]

Can anyone give me a suggestion as to the problem or anywhere I could take it too to have the problem fixed in Brisbane?

Many thanks for your help,

20-01-2005, 02:38 PM
Mate I had an 85 model that did the same. I spent thousands on mine & nothing helped wxcept keeping brand new tyres on the front end or driving around with a 44 full of water on the back. I replaced all bushes with neoprene twice, all of the shockies + steering dampener with the top of the line gear, had all of the springs re-set, unpteen wheel balances + tried on-car balancing.

A mate's crusier did the same, he solved his prob by getting rid of the 16" rims & going to fat 15s. Never did it again. Dunno if that'll work on the patrols tho.
Apparently its a design fault but Nissan didnt/wouldnt do a recall on them. They (im told) tried a new idea of putting nylon guides inbetween the leaf springs so they would slide easier. This allows the springs to spread or flex side to side slightly & start the "death wobbles". Hope I explained that ok.
Have you got leaf springs? Have they got bits of nylon inbetween the springs? If so, try getting rid of them & re-tighten your spring packs.

I was gonna try taking out the nylon guides from in the spring pack. Ended up just selling it off as a trade in. All got too hard/frustrating. Near dropped a match in the tank a few times. [smiley=angryfire.gif] [smiley=wut.gif] [smiley=rifle.gif]

Apart from that, I loved my old patrol. Tuff as guts & plenty of grunt. Took her through some pretty wild country over the years.



20-01-2005, 04:03 PM
Hi Fitzy,

I have got leaf springs but I dont know if they have nylon inbetween the springs, I will check tomorrow. I will also try the 15" rims, I'm willing to give anything a go. I love my Patrol too and I have had it since I was a second year apprentice and apart from the steering it runs fantastically. I have towed boats up the beach with it and gave it a bit of a work out over the years and nothing has killed it yet. Anyhow, thanks for the tips Fritz. [smiley=2thumbsup.gif]

20-01-2005, 04:31 PM
Are the front springs in the right way around?(I know it sounds silly but beleive me) Sometimes people reverse the spring and shackle for offroad special use, or just plain fxxked up installing the packs.

Try taking the front drive shaft out and make sure the hub locks are dissengaging.

Carrols springs may be able to help or try Fortuna at Coopers Plains.

Sounds to me to be a suspension problem and I have seen the same thing before with many different outcomes.
Also try to get the wheels balanced and check the fitment to the rim is central.
Cheers Kev :)

23-01-2005, 03:54 AM
Thanks Kev, I will check out the springs, drive shaft and rims.

23-01-2005, 04:45 AM
Another thought is that I think the patrols had a slightly tapered spacer block between the axle housing and the spring to give the wheels caster?, camber? (one of them any way) and if they are put in the wrong way it would create major steer problems. This should be picked up by a compenet wheel alinement specialist but quite often the lazy bubbers only check toe in/toe out as thats the major wearer of tyres and what people see.

01-02-2005, 06:22 AM
hey guru...

if you have lifted springs in the beast check the axle aint bent...as has been mentioned here a competent wheel aligner should prolly have picked that up already tho.. Patrols can be veeeery nasty with steering probs. my bro installed a 4 or 5 inch lift in a coil sprung ute and on first test drive she hit a bump and shot across 2 lanes of traffic... lucky no cars... and lucky we own hiluxes...

cheers and good luck...

16-03-2005, 12:45 PM
Hi there,

I know this is an old topic re: Nissan steering shudder, but I have just got online to see if anyone knew what to do about this problem as mine has just started doing it to. Came accross this chat room and couldn't believe my luck... Has there been an answer/solution to this problem yet?

16-03-2005, 04:30 PM
log on to this and you will find all the answers and then some, it's an awesome group

best to check the archives first before asking though
Cheers, Mark.