View Full Version : Rover Park weekend

09-04-2005, 12:41 PM
anyone interested in weekend at Rover Park.

I was thinking of weekend 7 & 8 or 14 & 15 May.


or for a look at the last report on he place:-


Cheers Phill

11-04-2005, 05:19 AM
hi lucky Phil
have ya been to Rover park Before ?
Ant ??? ???

11-04-2005, 05:32 AM
OH dont worry i remember reading about ur visit

we went last year in my old patrol had a great time as did the kids very dusty when we went though , hard on ya tyres in the rocky country but thats all part of it hey

14-04-2005, 02:50 PM
Phill.... i'd been keen as mustard to go for the 14th and 15th.

Been there, loved it.

15-04-2005, 11:55 AM
Yes, Ant, that's my link to the repoprt there.

I didn't find it dusty at all, even though I went in the dry season. Should be better this time.

Will let you know Rob.

Have a couple of other " undecided's ".

will also post info here soon, regarding creek levels etc.


15-04-2005, 12:50 PM
just spent a week there after easter only got showers no real rain and it is DRY and Dusty :o

16-04-2005, 01:32 PM
Hi Phil. No events that weekend. River running but still need more rain. Lot more tracks and lookouts also a flying fox.

Regards Heidi

This was the lastest news from there.

All depends on your interpretation of dusty . ?

of course dust flew up from my tyres doing donuts on the pan, and a few clouds behind as I scooted around the ridges, but I have seen dust in the Nth Qld area, that'll have you chocking for days.


14th and 15th it is.

Not sure if I'll go on the Friday night... maybe

But definately be there Saturday and until late Sunday.

I think the UHF channel for the park is 12 ?

40 on the way down.

I'll be camping in the ' main' camp ground near the facilities and the ' farmyard '. ::) :o


16-04-2005, 04:35 PM
Good Stuff.... i'm keen as mustard for this weekend now.

I was there a week before easter and it wasn't really that dusty. I didn't have any problems with it.

The park uses channel 12 for comms and yeah 40 on the way down would be fine.

Which route are you taking Phill? cos i hear the detour through Tenterfield is quicker than running down through woodenbong and so on. Plus the surf hated that run.

Unless i can snafoo an 8am to 4pm shift at work i'll be leaving EARLY saturday morning. I'll bring a mate in an L300 van too...

17-04-2005, 05:06 AM
Will have to decide on the route down.

That ' track' via Woodenbong was dodgey, at best. Too many pot holes, well,............... repaired potholes !

Dust, Mud, Sand, Dirt, Gravel, Grass or Water..........it's 4 wheel driving, ain't it ?

If ya don't get dirty, ya ain't doin it right !


17-04-2005, 12:29 PM
Travel plans:-

I have worked out distances for the trip to Rover Park. I have worked it from Logan Central, cause that was close to me and some others.


Route 1. Logan Central----Tenterfield----Drake---------Rover Park = 312k’s

Route 2. Logan Central-----Via Coast Freeway----------Rover Park = 310k’s

Route 3. Logan Central--Murwillumbah---Kyogle--Casino-----RP = 286k’s

Route 4. Logan Central---Beaudesert--Woodenbong--Drake------RP = 225k’s

Routes 1 & 2 will be the smoothest way with the highest speed limits and less turns.

Route 3 takes you through a fair bit of 80k zones.

Route 4 is the shortest, but the road around Woodenbong is a rough bugga. Not that rough that it will make me change my mind about going this way. It is nearly 1 hour shorter than routes 1 & 2. Also, route 4 takes you through a lot of Rainforest near the border.

To get a good idea about the ways and the ‘ specific ‘ turns and towns, go to the RACQ web site and follow the prompts to ‘ Travel Planner “. This is a brilliant site and mapping system.


17-04-2005, 01:15 PM
I'm happy for any way really, i've been down the tenterfield way and it was ok, been down the woodenbong way and didn't have a problem with it really... i remember last time you were saying you went that way and commented on the roads but i didn't find them THAT bad.

I'm happy to go whichever way... on the way home last time i went via Byron on the way home and was VERY long and tiring.

If you remember the mud pits and pools of water... well i was getting air and landing in them so yeah getting dirty won't be a worry for me.

17-04-2005, 01:16 PM
A tad dirty...

18-04-2005, 03:03 PM
Hi Phill,
After meeting you today, and you telling us all how good it is down there at Rover Park, I will try and make it for the weekend. Sounds good!

18-04-2005, 05:52 PM
THIS IS DIRTY MAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;D

18-04-2005, 05:57 PM

20-04-2005, 04:17 PM
Rover Park Directions

I will be travelling down to Rover park, via Beaudesert. So the direction that follow are from Beaudesert, as everyone knows how to get to there. Just in case, :-

at Grand Plaza Shopping Centre, Browns Plains, head west on Mt Lindesay Highway towards Jimboomba.

Browns Plains - Jimboomba = 18k’s

Jimboomba - Beaudesert = 20k’s

Beaudesert - Rathdowney = 32k’s

Rathdowney - Woodenbong = 41k’s

Woodenbong - Urbenville = 12k’s

Urbenville - Old Bonalbo = 25k’s

Old Bonalbo - Bonalbo = 11k’s

Bonalbo - Tabulam ( via Clarence Way ) = 32k’s
Bonalbo - Tabulam ( via Bottle Ck road ) = 24k’s

Tabulam - Drake = 23k’s

Drake - Rover Park turn off = 14k’s

Total = 220k’s approximately

Telephone: (02) 6737 6862 Rover Park
Telephone 0419 020 697 Phill
Telephone 0428 545576 Phill’s CDMA
UHF Radio 40 on the road & 12 at the Park.

There is a Service Station at Tabulam, but can’t remember if there is one at Drake ?

21-04-2005, 02:37 PM
It's awesome country down there, but if you don't like the mt lindsay highway to woodenbong, you can go through boonah, onto carneys creek rd, white swamp rd, and it brings you out at 'Old Koreelah'. From there it's only about 6k on the Mt Lindsay before you can go up the road through Tooloom NP to urbenville. Might be a bit longer, but there's a better road surface and it's a way nicer drive.