View Full Version : Bull bar rod holder

16-07-2005, 02:59 AM
Seen plenty of 4WD with rod holders on the bull bar, but none with rods in them. So how do you secure the rod in them ? do they get held down at the top or do they just fly in the wind ?? how do you prtect the rod butt from getting damaged by moving around ?

16-07-2005, 03:42 AM
the rod holders have a slot cut in them and this is where a section of the reel fits ,this generally holds them in .I usually tape the rod middle and tips and sometime throw an occy strap over all the reels.I will try to dig up a piccy cos it may be hard to explain.

16-07-2005, 04:52 AM
Reef-Raider's right. An occy strap and secure somewhere else on the rod.

Rod's on roof racks if you've got 'em are better on the rods and reels.

Also, the cops can ping you for an on the spot fine if you've got your holders on without rods in them.

Good luck,

16-07-2005, 01:52 PM
reefraider_II, thanks that would be great.

2iar, having rods in the holder stops the police from being able to book you ??

16-07-2005, 03:41 PM
Yeah Bungie, go figure ???

I got hit up for $60 in about '96. :(

Don't know what the current penalty is, I don't do it anymore.

Good luck,

17-07-2005, 07:58 AM
I agree with a occy strap over the reels and I also put a single roof rack on to rest the rods on and put another strap over the rods. Make sure you secure sinkers with tape or a bit of cloth tied around to stop them coming loose and doing damage. :o :o :-X :-X


19-07-2005, 05:16 AM
Nothing can protrude more then 40mm from the original front of a vehicle. So rod holders on a bull bar are naughty ;). Come to think of it some bars are illegal as well.
A copper pulled my dad up for that and told him that even with the rods in they are illegal except on private property so he made the one shown for the old landy. Problem solved. As an afterthought it also keeps the tips of the rods low he can drive straight into the shed and it makes it easier to see the gutters as he drives along the beach (no rods in the way)
Not real practical on the new 100 series though :P

23-07-2005, 11:39 AM
I agree with Finga about rod holders. The Qld Transport mob put out a booklet about this stuff. They aren't supposed to protude past the bull bar from the vertical plane and should also be on the passenger side of the front of the vehicle. I also believe that when they aren't in use, they should be removed.

The police can issue fines for breaches of this stuff.


23-07-2005, 12:37 PM
As Mike said, the roofrack is a better spot. Just mount your rod hplder at the rear and set of the Berkley type clips up front and you are in business. Bull bar mounted rod holders have seen the end of many a great rod when you drive off the beach onto a track. The only time I use them is moving from gutter to gutter on the beach.


07-08-2005, 06:37 PM
Rod holders on a bullbar.. what do cops call them?? oh yeh.. cheese graters.. because when ya hit someone with one.. it cuts them up and shreds em like a cheese grater... main reason they can only be used when rods are in them.. otherwise they must be taken off


08-08-2005, 01:44 PM
My rod holders are stainless steel tubes with a rounded shield around the leading edge covering all the sharrp ends of the tube.
Coppers have seen them and always commented that they are the safest they have seen and not one of them have pinched me yet.....but i am waiting for it.
As for the damage they can do hit a roo with one at about 100kph and then pull the bits of rib and carcass off your windscreen they are no different to wad punches at fair speeds and if you do not have a protector on them remove them. It will be someones kid that is minus parts of thier body one day and geez i hope its not from anyone here driving.

If you want to protect what you might hit one day make a sheild and weld it to your holders.


Derek Bullock
08-08-2005, 04:15 PM
Why not use common sense and take them off when you arent using them. ??? ???


08-08-2005, 04:33 PM
always with the common sense thing derek ???

ps the bonnet mounted thing is illegal in Qld as is anything obstructing the driver's view - like the bullbar ones with rods in them.

Its the tolerance level of the cops really & as derek said your own common sense..