View Full Version : 4WD Access soon a thing of the past
23-02-2006, 02:16 PM
Just some info on whats happening in Ballina and Evans Head
Residence will have to purchase a permit to drive or ride a horse on the beach,4WD permits will be granted solely for the purpose of fishing, they will NOT be granted for the purpose of joyriding or picnicking,
Moylans Lane,Empire Vale Rd and Keith Hall Lane (and others) will be closed to vehicles and horses, and possably even pedestrians, Vehicle and horse access will be restricted to 5 locations,SouthBallina,Patches Beach,boundary Creek,Air Forch Beach and Black Rocks.
Beach access by vehicle and horses from privately owned lands adjacent to the Crown Reserve will be baned from beach.
Motorbikes,quad bikes will be baned
The Number of vehicles ans horses allowed on the beach will be limited through the permit system,not all visitors to area will be granted permits
At times during the Pied OPystercatcher breeding seson the beach may be partially (no go zone near birds nest) or totally closed to vehicle and horses
Exercising of dogs on the beach will be banned except in a few designated area
thats is South Ballina next South Ballina to bunjalung NP near Iluka all this area
23-02-2006, 02:18 PM
Info on Meetings(rallys) tenative but will confirm on Friday but one is set down for THURSDAY THE 2ND MARCH RICHMOND ROOMS BALLINA START 7.30PM
i have the draft plan in my posession and quit frankly Evans is in trouble will put some on webb
23-02-2006, 02:18 PM
Is this State Govt or local council initiative??
23-02-2006, 02:20 PM
4WD/recrational vehicles on beach
Pied oystercatcher are most vulnerable to vehicles on the beaches when feeding at the waters edge, partculary when driven above the legal limit and/or in a reckless manner
Four wheel drives can easly destroy Pied Oystercatcher eggs chicks,particularly when they are driven along the base of the dunes in nesting area (also causing erosion) Pied Oystercatchers most important fedding time conincides with times safeest for 4WD to travers the beach
4WD drives are also used to gain access for unauthorised camping,unarthorised camping along the base of the dunes also disturbes breeding Pied Oystercatchers and may keep adults away from eggs or chicks
Presently the access onto coffeee rock formation adjacent to Broadwater NP is only possable during extreme low tides (TOTAL CRAP SQUIDGIE) as vehicles frequently get get bogged during high tide (1.8 and above YES BUT NO ONE EVEN TRIES SQUIDGIE) protection of coffee rock from 4WD is important to protect the natural features of the coastline and maitain safety
next issue
23-02-2006, 02:22 PM
Disturbance to nesting and feeding Pied Oystercatches
Unauthoriesed camping
Use and creation of unauthorised/illegal beach access points
Lack of public awareness of elegal access points
4WD vehicles driving in no-go areas e.g. north of South Ballina beach and Black Rocks 4WD access points
Motorbikes and Quadbikes on beach and dunes
Unlicensed commercial 4WD operators on the beach in large groups
Impacts on the coffee rocks in Broadwater and Bundjalung NPs
Reduced current vehicle speeds on the beaches to minimise shorebird fatalities and desturbance
Minimise disturbance to nesting Pied Oystercatchers and damage dunes (IN ALL THE TIME I HAVE FISHED EVANS HEAD BEACHES HAVE NEVER SEEN ANYONE ON DUNES SQUIDGIE)
Ensure legal access points are adequatley maintained and provide safe passage for pedestrians
Stop all ellegal camping on the beach
Salty Lagon to be identified as a no stopping/parking zone
Restrict 4WD vehcile access to areas of coffee rock within Broadwater and Bundjalung NPs
Stop all illegal vehicle activity
No commercial 4WD operators on beach
23-02-2006, 02:23 PM
Introduce annual 4WD permit system for all beaches in subject area to allow for rereational fishing activities (no other 4WD on beach incl. commercial operators) the permit system would be
limited to set number of vehicles
suject to annual review
subject to tidal restrictins (no go on beaches two hours either side of the high tide) to avoid the requirement to drive on dunes
subject to beach restrictions i.e. no stoping areas between breeding signs on beach during Pied Oystercatcher breeding season (july-dec inclusive) speed limits ect
this is just some of whats about to happen stay tuned
23-02-2006, 02:40 PM
fish2eat this DRAFT Threatened Spiecies (pied Oystercatcher) Managment Strategy has been by the Department of lands in conjuncion with
Parks & Wildlife Division
Tweed-Lismore Rural Lands Protection Board
Ballina Shire Councl
Richmond Valley Council
Department of Planning
Department of Defence
Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Jail Local Aboriginal Land Council
University of New England
Southern Cross University
NSW Wader StudiesGroup
Bundjalung Native Title Claimants
]Local Landholders
hope that helped to let you know who is involved tell you what it's run by as i said before half a dozen IDIOTS THAT SHALL HENCE BE KNOWN AS DRUM STICKS
23-02-2006, 05:32 PM
Unfortunately, mate, this is symptomatic of the NPWS push throughout all the Labor States, in order to appease the Green vote, and hence deliver it to their labor Party bosses. Similar happened here (Bongil Bongil NP, just sth Coffs) several years ago. NPWS instituted a Plan of Management that was ratified by all the stakeholders, that Plan has run it's course and hey guess what there are no Beach Vehicle Permits available from local outlets(as per thr POM) for 2006!
IMO, these guys will do anything to get their own way, ie lock-out. But please don"t let that deter you from fighting the bu**ers. If you go hard enough, at least you have a chance!
Sincere best of luck with it!
23-02-2006, 06:06 PM
its a pity that the powers to be dont consider the livelyhood of people over bloody birds. i go to south ballina quiet a few times during the year and stay at south ballina beach caravan park. i do this to drive on the beach. the number of people that use the beach would only be 1% of that that go to double island. if i cant drive on beach i wont be going back. its very sad. i miss out and the owners of park miss out and i bet iam not the only one who thinks this way. amazies me how wild life gets put ahead of people. its a big load of sh.. .
23-02-2006, 08:08 PM
Sounds like a lot of "picnickers and joyriders" are gunna have a couple rods strapped on to me.
23-02-2006, 08:33 PM
that amazies me how wild life gets put ahead of people. its a big load of sh.. .
Are you serious? Without wildlife there will be no people.
23-02-2006, 09:07 PM
Funney how everyone wants to protect the enviorenment untill it impacts on something they want to do.
Too many people and too few places to go.
Too many people and too few fish to go around.
Somethings got to give sometime.
24-02-2006, 08:13 AM
Funney how everyone wants to protect the enviorenment untill it impacts on something they want to do.
Too many people and too few places to go.
Too many people and too few fish to go around.
Somethings got to give sometime.
I sort of agree with your first statement, and sort of with the second, but basically Australia is a BIG country with quite a lot of room - even on the coast. We have sweet FA people really outside of capital cities. Environmental protection is important, but only when it doesn't p*ss me off ;D ;D
Seriously though - this is going to get worse, because of the economic growth we're experiencing - govt has more money to spend and isn't as accountable, so many many academics / graduates, etc are granted "grants" or special committees or special departments and they have to have something to do....
imagine trying to find little projects of scientific importance (to produce a paper is your 'accountability') - you just have to keep targetting fresh subjects and areas. With more of these monkeys running around - more subjects will be in the firing line.
These people need jobs and often unfortunately 'outcomes' is what they're paid to produce. Impacts on humans aren't really considered.
24-02-2006, 09:31 AM
Its an impressive list of opponents you are up against....its David vs Goliath + Goliath + Goliath etc.......lots of luck, but unless you can damage them in the ballot box, they won't care
24-02-2006, 09:50 AM
It is bloody hard but there is over 10.000km lock up already in Australian Coast line all we as fishers in Ballina and Evans Head area, for is 20km thats not much is it just for fisher and 4DW guy's but no silly stuff like killing dunes cowboys not welcome it is going to be a very dirt fight but we hope to win this Pied Oystercatcher crap is just an excuse to get us of the beach pied Oystercatchers have increased in our area with 4WD on beach not decreased as i said a bunch of DRUM STICKS MORE CRAP FOR MACQUARIE STREET
cheers squidgie
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