View Full Version : hilux seating question

02-08-2006, 09:32 PM
Seeking some advice on something that is a real pain in the neck. I am an othrwise very satisfied owner of an LN111 hilux xtracab. HOwever - being 189cm tall (or 6'3') in the old money I don't quite fit. Took a couple of long trips, particularly after big boating/fishing or surfing days for me to realise that crippling neck and upper back pain was not so much caused by the abuses of youth as by driving half stooped.....

Any advice as to an efficient solution would be much appreicated. I see the following as likely options but am keen to hear suggestions.

Have an upholsterer lower existing seat by removing foam.
Fit an after market seat such as recaro or saas etc
fit a seat from another vehicle with a lower height
lash out on a new cruiser
cut my arse off

Last 2 not really options actually. Have tried all possible combinations of tilt and slide with no satisfaction - any advice on a cost effective solution would be kindly considered and save me truckloads in physio. Existing seat is standard bucket.



02-08-2006, 10:02 PM
First of all you could customise a new seat, or cut in a sunroof ;)

03-08-2006, 10:33 AM
What year model is ln111?

I've got an '03 and some more generously proportioned guys that you and me fit to drive it o.k.

If it's the old shape - perhaps change out the seats from another model?

03-08-2006, 04:18 PM
If the rails are the same you could try and find some recaro seats from an imported surf, they may be a direct bolt in and save you having to spend a lot on getting newer recaro's and a mod plate

They're pretty comfy seats and are a lower seat, a mate of mine got a set and had them reupholstered and put in his car and they work a treat!

Failing that, if you happen to find some recaro rails from a surf (if they are the same) you should be able to buy other recaro's as the rails should be a universal fit

04-08-2006, 09:02 PM
Tks for advice Gents

LN111 is 1996 - 2.8 diesel

In the absence of any other bright ideas will suss out the wrecker for some Surf rails/recaro

Thanks again


07-08-2006, 09:17 PM
Fleagle i had the same problem with the same model hilux
Although i am only a little fella (6'2" ;)) I used a steady supply of anti inflammatory's
Wish i new about the surf seats checked out after market seats but were too expensive with a mod plate.
Really those trucks arent suited for tall people.
My new Navara has very good seating even after driving for 6 hrs no pain.The seat goes far enough back that i can streach my legs fully without touching the firewall. :)

Make sure the surf seats are hieght and tilt adjustable sit in one and test it out before you buy.

07-08-2006, 09:39 PM
Fleagle, where abouts are you located?

09-08-2006, 08:06 PM
Tks for good advice Arwetheryet - agree would have to fit and test before buying anything. Full stretch and legroom must be a nice change.

ShaneJ - am located Cleveland but likely heading to Sunny Coast over weekend - interested as to why you ask?


09-08-2006, 08:21 PM
I know a guy on the northside that does modifications, Seat upgrades etc.
Depending on the setup you have you maybe able to just lower your seat. Or you could buy a secondhand pair of Recaros and have them fitted.
I have just finished fitting Recaros in my Patrol.

09-08-2006, 09:10 PM
Could be worth a phone call - are you able to supply details?

Not sure if I can send or recieve PM's due to low post #'s although I imagine others may also be interested.


09-08-2006, 09:31 PM
54 High Street Kippa Ring 4021 QLD
3284 1546
Contact Keith

He would probably have to see the car in question to be able to say if he can lower the factory seat.