View Full Version : M & G Trial Mt Mee

17-12-2006, 10:01 PM
Once upon a time, at a service station far far away, there gathered a group of intrepid adventurers. These travellers utilized different forms of travel and they are described as, Nissan Patrol, Nissan Navara, Mitsubishi Padjero, Jeep and Toyota Hi-Lux. Unfortunately , the adventurer from the Gold Coast ( aka Toyota Driver ) had a big night previous and rang in late. So the rest of the travellers set out in search of mis-adventure.

Departure point being a well known refuelling stop on Brisbanes North side and from there the roads to the North West were traversed. Stopping at Dayboro and planning the route via State Forests and dirt roads was a priority. This was due mainly to the ’ experienced ’ leader of said adventurers ( Patrol Driver ) missing not one, but two...yes 2, turns.

The roads of dirt were friendly until the first ascent. This made for some interesting video footage ( seen here-abouts ), in that the Padjero Driver made not 1, not 2 but 3 attempts to complete said ascent. Well done !

The tracks continued to surprize us on occasions with water traps, mud, loose stones and sharp corners.

The Jeep managed to bottom out and needed the Jeep Snatch Strap being carried by Mr Nissan. The Jeep continued up the slope that only said Jeep and Patrol completed. The other adventurers decided on not damaging their modes of transport in favour of the conventional route.

After many slow go areas the group arrived at the watering hole. Archers Camp Ground which all agreed was a great place to pitch a tent, have a coldie and swim with the eels.

Mr Patrol baide his farewell at this point as did the Jeep. Lately Hi-Lux phoned in to say he was still an hour behind us. The 2 remaining adventurers made their way to Woodford and from there located a “ forestry “ track to Beerburrum. This track was full of diversions and those diversions were gladly received and promptly navigated. One could easily get lost in this area, and having said that, we did manage to find a peak that would have given a mountain goat trouble. Turning around and noting our lack of position in relation to the position we wanted to be in ( we were lost OK !!!! ), back tracked and found bitumen.

Another couple of ‘U’ turns and we stopped at the Golden Arches on the road to Bribie for a cuppa, where said Lately Hi-Lux turned up smiling with child in arms.

Enough of this, I ‘ll attempt to post up a very small bit of video. Don’t worry about the quality, it was my first shot at using new camera. The digi zoom is krapola. I have more footage and it is in focus and will post some up later this week.

The first bit is of Poodroo successfully traversing a steep and rough section early on in the trip. Turn volume down, as I am unable to edit sound and there is swearing on the tape. The second bit is of finding_time doing it easy up the same section. Diff locks are a great weapon.

The rest of the troupes will add their story in good time. All stories about me, water, wrong turns, bush, creeks and trees are false, false I say !!!!

Cheers Phill

" Due to a technical problem, the video has been removed until editing can be done. Thanks to the member for pointing that out and offering advice on how to edit the video. I will also be sending you the money for those reading lessons ".

18-12-2006, 04:24 AM
Well it was such a fantastic outing. Meeting more fellow Ausfish people and their crews was a pleasure. I'm sure we all had great fun. I hope Santa is going to bring Brett a new and louder alarm clock for Christmas so that he can come along and actually do the course with us instead of an hour or two after. ;) Thanks to all who came along. Hope you can make it when the real event takes place. Here are some pics. First one is of Finding_Time hitting his second playpen.



18-12-2006, 04:25 AM
Front lockers make all the difference apparently. ;D

18-12-2006, 04:26 AM
Kev's Jeep and having a ball.

18-12-2006, 04:27 AM
A quick stop to remove trailing branches. Better fix that brake light Phill. ::)

18-12-2006, 04:43 AM
Proof that the whole family can enjoy a 4x4 M&G. Here's my son Kyle enjoying being dad for two seconds. 8-)

18-12-2006, 04:45 AM
Here's a shot of the crew enjoying a bite to eat at one of the nicest camping grounds ever.

18-12-2006, 04:51 AM
A rare photo of Phill's Navara not bogged or going sideways. Sorry Phill but I just had to have at least one dig at you as I just know there will be some incriminating footage of my hill climb. :-X :) It was definitely a case of "third time lucky" for me. lol

18-12-2006, 04:54 AM
Was a great day and the real M&G coming up soon will be one to keep an eye out for. It's very likely that it will be a weekender so we can camp and share our stories over the whole weekend. Get ready for some more fun times ahead.



18-12-2006, 07:28 AM
Sorry again for being late guys!! My neighbour had her 40th birthday party & I just couldn't say no to a couple... which turned into a few... which made me sleep through the alarm. I had even turned it up full.

Really wish I had made it in time. Had heaps of fun trying to catch up, gave the lockers some work on a couple of those inclines/declines. Hope to get to the official M&G, was great to meet you guys at the end.


18-12-2006, 04:34 PM
I've been following this 4x4 M & G thing and it looks like fun ;D. I hope to be available when the real deal kicks off some time next year. Looking forward to seeing the videos too.

Cheers Kev

18-12-2006, 05:21 PM
OK #here is a bit of ' bad ' footage. #PLease be aware this was my first attempt at video work, the camera was in Digi zoom mode which is a no no on this camera.

I am unable to edit out Audio using the software that came with the camera, so I can't show Poodroo getting big air uphill in the Padj #!

I will post another video tomorrow or tonight and it will be in non-zoom mode and should look getter.

The video below is finding_time doing it easy up a not-so-easy hillclimb.

YES, he did aim for me, that was no accident !!!!!! # # ::) :o # ;D


18-12-2006, 06:31 PM
Pitty about the audio on Poodroo's hill climb :( some good commentry ;D and footage ;D

Definately looking forward to the official M&G ;D looks like fun !

Got your PM Brett will look into it ;)


18-12-2006, 06:42 PM
OK, this bit is of Archer Camp Ground. Lots of room, toilets and a good size swimming hole. It also has 2wd access, if ya take it easy as did about 6 vehicles that were there on this day.

I reckon soft plastics would be the go !! Which ones for E ::)ELS ??


18-12-2006, 07:50 PM
Phill the videos turned out fine.

Brett it was great to meet you and we are also sorry that you ran late as it would have been nice to have you with us. There will be a next time for sure. Also if ever you want to check the tracks that Phill and I went to originally just let me know and I will be happy to show you where they are and see if anyone else wants to join in.

Just_Chips and Black_Rat you will be more than welcome to come along to the next one.


18-12-2006, 08:29 PM
OK< more !!! video !!

Even played with editing. !!!!

A tad dodgey, but hey !


19-12-2006, 05:41 AM
That even looked steep on video Phill. Was that "A Brake?" Shame about the footage of my hill climb. I would liked to have seen it. :P


19-12-2006, 06:44 AM
A tip for filming whilst inside a moving 4wd...Hold the camera down onto the dashboard. You still get the "out the windscreen footage" that everyone seems to like, but the camera doesnt move around as much! That way you can actually make out what you are looking at.

19-12-2006, 08:50 PM
Didn't realize I had another photo hiding in here so thought I would post it up. Have to admit I loved both of these vehicles. Kev's Jeep ran as sweet as they come and Ian's modified beast was seemingly unstoppable. Good meeting you both also. :D


20-12-2006, 10:48 PM
Just wondering Phill if there was any footage of the "deep" puddle we all drove through? Was there any footage of that? Or was there too much swearing in that bit too? lol :)


21-12-2006, 08:40 AM
Ram Mounts produce camera mounts for vehicles. I'm looking at fabricating my own frame and using a couple of the Ram brackets to secure a camera on the overhead console in the lux. Just a matter of not enough time, and a mate of mine hasn't quite finished his welding course.

Mabey I should change my handle to Lately_Lux!!LOL


21-12-2006, 10:10 PM
Lol Brett. Lately_lux is very becoming. I like it!!!! ;D


22-12-2006, 05:23 AM
I do have limited footage of the ' water hazard '. I will see if I can ' rescue ' it. With the experience under the belt, I am sure the next trips escapades will be captutred more professionally.

:) phill :)

26-12-2006, 02:06 PM
Phill I am sure the video footage is going to improve with practise. The last trip presented itself with some idea opportunities for video captures. I only hope that a few more people think to bring along a camcorder on the next trip. I unfortunately don't own one.


08-01-2007, 04:43 PM
did you guys do the "dirty weekends" tour that had "a break" section in it? how hard is it?can it be done with factory 4wd set up?.......jez

08-01-2007, 04:57 PM
pm sent guys.
