03-09-2001, 05:44 AM
>:( Took some friends from out west way on a trip from Coomera to Slipping Sands on saturday and instead of seeing nice scenery which I bragged about, however the waterways were littered with large numbers of empty beer bottles and cans. Now, I like a drink my self but what sought of impression do you think this leaves in the minds of those who come to enjoy our so called beautiful waterways. The sad thing is it would only be a few yahoo's doing it but first impressions are lasting ones. We need stricter policing of laws regarding this so those of us who enjoy fishing and boating like most of us do, don't have to give up our own time to clean up after others. Please, how much effort does it take to keep the rubbish and put it in the bins at the boat ramps.
This is only the rubbish that was still floating what about the rubbish that has already sunk.
Sorry if I offend some people by saying this but it would only offend those who are guilty of doing such things.
Fishing should be able to be enjoyed by all.
Mate, one these boards you're probably preaching to the converted when it comes to cleaning up after yourself.
The sad reality of life is, that if someone doesn't care enough to put their cans, bait packets and shopping bags into a bucket or bag and bring them back to a bin (sounds easy, doesn't it?), then you will probably be unable to shame or scare them into mending their ways.
They've already sunk to a lower level on the evolutionary chain, that level afflicted by terminal apathy. Eventually, according to the basics of Darwins theory, this apathy and their own stupidity will lead to the demise of their species, us.
Fortunately, or unfortunately depending on your view, Darwin was talking about lower animals, without taking into account that humans, as a presence on this planet, are extraordinarily adept at keeping eachother alive, and therefore surviving.
The answer to the problem lies with education, legislation and follow up work to ensure that the first two haven't been a complete waste of time and taxpayers, yes taxpayers, money. There needs to be a hardhitting advertising campaign that basically targets people who are creating the problem.
If the problem is largely created by recreational fishos, for example, target them where they buy their bait and tackle.
The penalties for littering need to be an effective deterent. If the fines are $200 for example, the average slob will take the chance rather than lift a finger to do something good. But if fines were $20,000, then slob-boy will be far less likely to take the chance that he might have to sell a boat or car to pay for his own laziness. After all, how much is environmental damage going to cost those that it effects.
Finally, they need to employ enforcement officers, for it is no good having great big fines if no-one enforces them. Hell, city councils do it all over with parking restrictions. Surely a couple of litter police here and there would be able to fund their own activities through catching the perpertrators of this environmental vandalism.
One thing I know is, "dispose of thoughtfully" on the back of bait packets and such may make some corporate general all warm and fuzzy, but it just doesn't cut it in the real world.
Cheers, bent graphite, Mark.
03-09-2001, 05:47 PM
Hi Duckman, I totally agree with both your view and Marks. I brought back a few sugar bags full from Short Island a week ago and that didn't even scratch the surface. Unfortunately I have found you can't shame PIGS they are just too bloody lazy and don't give a dam. :-/
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