03-09-2001, 03:38 PM
I've been told that the Qld Govt has closed Fraser Island - North of Waddy Point to campers/fishing etc.
Does anyone know if this is fact or not?
03-09-2001, 05:49 PM
Copy of press release in July. Think there has been one since then but I don't have a copy of it.
Environment, Dean Wells
Roads and Beaches Closures Protect Fraser Island
FRASER ISLAND, Central Station: Fraser Island and its visitors will be better protected under a Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service (QPWS) plan to close several roads and beaches on the island to vehicles.
Environment Minister Dean Wells said the closures, to take effect from September 3 this year, would help conserve the island's World Heritage-listed natural attractions as well as improving visitor safety and enjoyment.
He said the beach and road closures had been recommended in the island's 15-year management plan, which had been adopted in 1994.
"The management plan has been progressively implemented and the time has come for these actions to be completed," Mr Wells said.
"The management plan was adopted after extensive public consultation and the road closures represent the best balance between conservation of the environment and public access."
Mr Wells said the closures affected several northern roads and beaches.
Platypus Bay Road, South Waddy Beach, and the beaches from Platypus Bay Road to Wathumba Spit, and Sandy Cape Lighthouse to Rooney's Point will be closed permanently to all vehicle access permanently from September 3. The beach from Dilli Village to Hook Point will be closed next year once the old mining road is upgraded.
"The closures mean the northern beaches will be relatively free of vehicles, and visitors will again be able to enjoy these beaches for what they are - remote, wild places where wildlife such as migratory birds are safe from traffic," Mr Wells said.
"Emergency services and other authorised vehicles will still be allowed access to these areas. Closed roads and tracks will be maintained for this emergency access and as firebreaks.
"QPWS will erect signs and run an education program about the changes.
"A public meeting will be held at Orchid Beach at 1.30pm on Sunday, August 19, for anyone wishing to know more about the closures."
04-09-2001, 07:08 AM
Thanks for that - clears things up a bit for us now
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