View Full Version : GPS Marks

08-11-2001, 09:06 AM
Hi Guys, My bro is bringing his boat up from bruns in January all going well. Its been nearly 20 yrs since he and I have fished the bay and outside together. These days due to lower back operations I am mostly land based :'( Can anyone supply some inside gps marks for a couple o guys to do a fortnights fishing inside the bay. Would be greatly appreciated. In return I am sure he will swap marks for off bruns n mooloolabah. Thanks in advance.

08-11-2001, 04:00 PM
Hey Jaybee, no probs. I've sent you an email and will follow up with the marks. A couple of your marks off Mooloolaba would be nice to compare with mine. Don't forget WGS or AGD. later !!!!!!!!