View Full Version : Alvey reel recommendation for a yank
12-10-2001, 07:16 PM
Hello from Chicago, Illinois. I'm looking for an Alvey reel recommendation for the type of shore salmon fishing we do here in Chicago on the great Lake Michigan. I've never seen an Alvey reel in person let alone used one, but after perusing their website, decided I've gotta have one. It's autumn right now in Chicago, which means Chinook Salmon season. These fish are caught in and around the harbors and typically go 12 to 26 pounds in weight, though the larger ones are not as common. We generally use a spinning outfit with 8 to 15 pound line, throwing 1/2 ounce, 3/4 ounce, and occasionally 1 ounce spoons. I use the heavier line because of hazards in the water, especially zebra mussels which will slice your line like a razor blade. I'd also like a Snyder rod reccomendation as well. Any and all info will be appreciated. Thanks, Scottie.
It would be good to see an Aussie icon going overseas.Do these fish pick up on a fast lure or slow mostly because it could be a lot of work using an alvey for fast retrieval of lures all day.Don't get me wrong I have a few Alvey's and can't knock them-easy maintenance never fail reels and the best I've used knowing they won't break down on me-best in the world for me used them since kneehigh and although I have used them with lures succesfully I have had far more success with spinning reels and baitcasters.I use the Alveys more for bait fishing.Thats only my opinion .Have a look at Ausfish's home page under $pecials at Alvey reels available.I think they have reels in there with different gear ratios. Hopefully some of the guys on this site can give you some more accurate info than I can.Best of luck Scottie.
Cheers Luke
13-10-2001, 08:45 AM
Luke, these fish hit lures at what I'd call a medium-slow to medium retrieval speed. I'll check their web site again for reels with different ratios. Thanks, Scottie.
13-10-2001, 09:17 AM
The 650GRBC is the geared reel, it will retrieve about 3 feet of line per turn of the handle. Is great for spinning lures in the surf, etc.
The reel I would suggest would be the 6500BCV, this is the new vented reel. 1:1 wind so you will retrieve about 18 inches of line per turn. Is also a lot lighter than the 650GRBC.
My personal preference would be to go with a 6500BCV with a Mag Graphite Surf White tip rod.
if you use braided lines there is a type of leader here called the Knotted Dog. They are heaps more resistant to abrasion and give you that stretch you don't have in the braid main line .I've just started using them and can't speak highly enough of them.
Cheers Luke
13-10-2001, 12:29 PM
Ausfish, thanks for the info. In the interest of saving a little money, I was also looking at a 600BCXL with an Executive CR1265W rod. The 600BCXL spool is a 1/2" less in diameter than the 6500BCV that you recommended. So would that mean it would have a little less retrieval rate than the 6500BCV? And that particular rod (CR1265W) has a cast weight rating of 30gm (1 oz) which is the absolute heaviest thing I ever throw. I should think that would be a sufficient set up for these salmon. Plus, light actions seem to be preferable for Salmon. What do ya think? BTW, I just got back from DuSable Harbor in the heart of Chicago, where I managed my eighth Chinook of the season. A female that tipped the scale at an even 13 pounds. There's something a bit strange yet fantastic about catching such magnificent fish with giant skyscrapers as your background. Ya know what I mean?
Luke, those knotted dog leaders sound like a great idea, but I don't use any of the super braids cuz the zebra mussels slice through 'em the same as cheap monofilament. So I tend to use cheap mono with good results. Though I am interested in what material those knotted dogs are made from. Great name by the way....knotted dog.
Thanks a bunch guys, and I'll keep y'all posted as to my Alvey results. Scottie.
Hi, using monofilament will be a lot kinder on your finger as you use your index finger to lay the line neatly on the spool during retrieve. If you use braid and have a good size fish on, the pressure on your figer could see you with an abreviated digit. Even if using an open runner there is still pressure on your finger.
15-10-2001, 10:01 PM
I know a number of US anglers who are now using Alvey's and while they have other anglers looking sideways at them (to start with), overall they produce the fish when others cannot and have far less problems with maintenance etc.
This applies to the fly reels as well. I agree with Steve (Ausfish) that the BCV is the best choice for several reasons.
It is not worth trying to save a few bucks when the benefits of the BCV outweigh spending a little more IMO.
While the choice is ofcourse yours to make Scottie, I think you'll find the BCV the better option over time.
One other comment. If you use a shock leader (e.g. 15-20 ft of 30 lb leader tied onto the front end) you can cast into the next post code where needed, plus give yourself a better chance on those razor mussels.
15-10-2001, 10:02 PM
Well then, mono it is. Thanks Rod. Scottie.
15-10-2001, 10:14 PM
You're probably right Jig Builder, but I went for the 600BCXL light surf reel instead. Knowing me, I'll probably start a collection of Alvey reels, and eventually end up with the 6500BCV. Cheers, Scottie.
16-10-2001, 07:53 AM
now that would be a first chinook on an alvey
one thing with alveys is they lack a certain shall we say "level of finesse" as they built primarily for distance and rugged reliability. They make only passable luring reels especially the cumbersome larger. Ones you certainly know you have been using one after hours of hard cast and retrieve. great reels but the bigger ones are very much designed for surf bait fishing. so because of the weigth unweildyness and line retreival rates of the larger reels you may want to consider some of the smaller 5 inch models also
16-10-2001, 09:05 PM
Thanks Allen. I've had my eye on one of the 500 series with the easy cast system. I think one of those with a 6 to 8 foot rod would make an excellent drop shot set up for the many small mouth bass we have here in the lake and Chicago river.
Cheers, Scottie.
16-10-2001, 09:50 PM
Hey Jig Builder, thanks for the tip on the shock leader. I can't wait to see the look on some of the guys faces after I figure out how to cast this thing a country mile. HooHoo, it's gonna be fun. Cheers, Scottie.
08-11-2001, 07:31 PM
You will turn heads. I have a 650BC XL that I use for the NJ surf. Make sure you get or make your own custom rod for the Alvey. Your first guide needs to be rather wide and far up the pole for max casting distance. Just ask MJB or Allenglover. I, as you have traveled here from Bigfishtackle. If you want to buy an Alvey domestically, check with Cabela's. They carry a few, and then you don't have to worry about exchange rates and duty fees. Duty fees seem to be vauge in how much they may be and didn't want to find out what they would be the hard way.
09-11-2001, 04:28 AM
Hey ReelSeaSick, I ended up getting everything from the good folks here at They sent me the newest version (apparently) of the 600BCXL, the 6000BCV which is vented and supposedly has a better drag washer set-up. I couldn't be happier. I also ordered one of their Alvey/Snyder purpose built rods. Again, I couldn't be happier. I paid no duty, and the price delivered to my door was cheaper than Cabelas! Go figure. I've been out almost every day with it, and it just keeps gettin' better. It's absolutely amazing how far I can cast a 3/4 ounce spoon. Love my Alvey. Scottie.
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